P A R T 3

Omma's Day Off

xx     [ partthree ]     xx



The flickering of the lights from the television were the only movement in the living room. Apparently, after a chaotic breakfast, the EXO boys decided to settle in front of their forty-two inch TV to watch some Tom and Jerry. The usual chatters died down to an eerie silence after a few minutes into the show. Seated on the sofa was Kris who had fallen asleep with his hand resting on the length of Joonmyun's side as the latter had fallen asleep with his head in Kris' lap. On the floor were the two sleeping form, namely, Sehun and Luhan, had both their heads leaning against one another. Right beside them, was Jongin, sleeping on his back with Baekhyun's head on his chest while the latter's fingers entwined with Chanyeol's. A light snore came from Minseok who was fast asleep in the love seat with Jongdae on the floor, head resting on the top of his thigh. The Kungfu Panda, Tao had his head on the coffee table with drool painting the black glass-topped table. Lastly. Yixing was curled on his side, right in front of the TV with his hands tucked under his cheek.
A shrill ring from one of their mobile phones woke Kris up from his slumber. Remind me not to put Mama as his ringtone, Kris thought.
"Hello?" Kris groaned when he heard the voice from the other line.
"It's me. How was breakfast?" Kyungsoo asked as he strolled through the streets, browsing the displays on the stretch of shops lined along the roads.
Kris combed through Joonmyun's hair. "Please. Don't. Ask."
Kyungsoo chuckled. "What's for lunch then? I'm having Italian I think."
"I'll just dig up one of your recipe books and cook up something. I know you think we're hopeless without you, but think again."
"I didn't say that. Good luck on that." Kyungsoo made a kissy sound before he ended the call.
Kris sighed aloud. After a rather, fruitful, morning, he wasn't sure if he'd even let anyone of them into the kitchen. Not now, not ever. The disastrous breakfast had left a deep mark in his heart. At least it was him not Kyungsoo. He'd bet a thousand dollars that if it was his lover, his nagging and anger would probably blow the rooftop off. 
He shook Joonmyun lightly. The latter groaned before rolling off his lap whilst rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Joonmyun looked groggily at Kris.
"What time is it?" 
Kris pecked his cheek. "It's already eleven. I just spoke to Kyungsoo."
"Really?" Joonmyun let out a soft laugh. He knew their boyfriend would throw a fit if he'd seen the massacre this morning. "So, how did that go?"
"I bet he's laughing his off at our... incompetencies." Kris pulled his boyfriend off the sofa, dragging them both into the confines of the kitchen.
Joonmyun leaned against the counter top and pulled Kris by the waistband so that they were pressed against one another. Kris smirked at his intention. There wasn't any need for words. He knew exactly what Joonmyun was asking.
Cupping the back of Joonmyun's head, Kris leaned down, taking the parted lips in a hungry kiss. Joonmyun hooked his arms around the taller guy's neck, as Kris slipped his hand lower, cupping his rear. A soft moan escaped Joonmyun's lips.
"Ok, babe. Enough. Don't want them walking in on us." Kris winked.
"Well, they're asleep." Joonmyun smirked as he trailed a finger down slowly from the other's collarbone to his navel. Kris in a breath. "We have this time to ourselves."
"Hmm." Kris his lower lip. "Good idea but," his stomach growled. "We need to feed the kids first. I'm barring them from the kitchen."
Joonmyun pouted. "Fine."
Kris chuckled. He pecked the tip of his lover's nose. "We have time tonight with Kyungsoo."
Joonmyun grinned. Kris pulled open one of the drawers and retrieved one of Kyungsoo's treasured cookbooks. He browsed the contents of the handwritten ringed book with his index finger with Joonmyun giving him a back hug. Who knew that the leader of EXO-K was actually a pretty touchy-feely kind of guy? Not that he was complaining. He rather liked being at the receiving end of it. A shortlisted list of recipes were drawn up but they somehow ended up with Kimchi Spaghetti, admittedly, it looks the simplest and the most delicious. If Kyungsoo can do it, so could he. What's so hard anyway? He just had to follow the recipe.
✂ ✂ 
Minseok jerked awake from a dream where was stuck in a land of baozi and he had to fight with Kungfu Panda who looked exactly like Tao. Gosh, what kind of dream is that? Hmm, he looked around and noticed his fellow members were still asleep but, where's Kris and Joonmyun? He heard someone talking in the kitchen. Maybe they're in there, he thought. 
He ambled into the kitchen and found them alright. But he was thrown out immediately the moment they saw him. He was ordered to stay out while they cooked lunch. Minseok had even offered to help prepare but was turned down rather harshly.
"Just go and play. I don't want to have to explain to manager-hyung about a blackened kitchen." Kris had said while pushing him out of the kitchen. Now, what am I supposed to do? Hmm, play, eh? Oh, he'll show them that he was going to play alright.
Minseok got a small water gun and filled it up. Now, this is playtime! He crept towards Jongdae who was sleeping with his mouth wide open. This is excellent. Minseok shot the water into Jongdae's opened mouth.
The guy woke with a start, cursing and spitting out the water whilst Minseok shook with laughter, mindful that he wasn't being too loud as to not wake the rest yet.
"What the hell?!" Jongdae threw a punch and it hit Minseok's calf.
"Too bad. I should've recorded it!" Minseok grinned. "Come on, we need to wake the rest. Kris and Joonmyun's cooking lunch and they told us to play."
"Damn, that's good. Do you have any extra water gun? I don't remember where I placed mine." 
Minseok ran into their room and rummaged through the cupboard and found one in green. He passed it over to Jongdae whom quicly got it filled. 
"Let's do this." Jongdae smiled slyly.
✂ ✂ 
Baekhyun rubbed his cheek against the warm pillow while squeezing his boyfriend's hand. Hmm, so warm... the pillow... wait... warm?! He fluttered his eyes opened. Then he saw him. Jongin. When the heck did he sleep on his chest? If he recalled correctly, they were watching TV and somehow he was lulled to sleep but, he was lying on Chanyeol's chest not...
"Hey, where are you going?" Jongin grasped his wrist, stopping Baekhyun from going to Chanyeol.
"Jongin, sorry, I used you as my pillow. I thought I was... Chanyeol... you know." Baekhyun shrugged.
Jongin sat up and whispered into Baekhyun's ear. "You didn't. I did."
Baekhyun's jaw dropped. "Wha-" But he was cut off by Jongin's lips pressed against his. Those lips moved against his, on his bottom lip. A hand cupped the the back of his head, pulling him into a heated kiss. Baekhyun felt himself being seduced. He was too shocked that he couldn't muster enough energy to push the other guy away.
When they parted, Jongin his lips as he watched Baekhyun's dilated eyes. Damn. How much hotter could he be? A smirk formed on his lips as Baekhyun registered what just happened.
"Why the hell... did... did you-" Baekhyun question was cut off by Chanyeol's groan. He turned away from Jongin to his boyfriend.
"What's all this noise?" Chanyeol asked with his eyes half-closed.
"Nothing really just ki-" Jongin was about to say but Baekhyun covered his mouth before he could spill the truth. He would love to see Chanyeol's shocked face.
"What?" Chanyeol glared at Jongin, knowing that something must have happened for Baekhyun to actually stop him. He wasn't that stupid but he trust Baekhyun know how to take care of himself. He's a big boy. That rascal Jongin always have something up his sleeves.
Just then water rained on them. The three of them glanced up to see the nozzle of the water gun shoved in their faces.
"Yah! What the bloody hell? I will kill you!" Baekhyun screamed as he chased after both Minseok.
Chanyeol watched his boyfriend go before turning to Jongin. "Don't try anything funny."
"Or else?" Jongin grinned before he pulled the gun out of Jongdae's hands and sprayed the blonde rapper.
Chanyeol's eyes narrowed. "This is war!"
✂ ✂ 
Some banging brought him awake. Sehun shook his boyfriend's shoulder until he too was awake. What he saw was a... something out of this world. The framed poster of them hung only on one side, threatening to fall anytime. Puddles of water all over the floor. The sofa was pushed back violently at an angle which made him assumed that someone might have tried to jump over it quickly. Droplets of water could be seen onthe TV screen. Newspapers wrinkled against the coffee table. What a mess. What just happened? He looked over at Luhan who seemed just as surprised as he was at the scene playing out in the living room. Chanyeol was holding a water balloon while Jongin had Baekhyun as hostage on the other side. Minseok and Jongdae were soaking wet as they ran into the bathroom with their water guns.
"Dorm war three?" Luhan raised an eyebrow up to his hairline as he watched the water balloon fly towards Jongin, whom ducked and it hit the blue vase.
"The blue vase!" Luhan gasped. "Chanyeol! Kyungsoo is gonna have your head!" He made a sign with his index finger, sliding it across his neck. Dead. He was so dead.
Sehun nodded. "Yeah, you'll be our dorm's throphy."
Chanyeol stood frozen, his eyes grew wide. "! What do we do?"
"We? No, you!" Tao added.
A voice from the kitchen got their attention. "What the heck is that noise?"
Luhan said the first thing that came to mind. "Just a stray dog that banged against the wall."
"Really? It sounded like something broke." Joonmyun shouted from the kitchen.
"Really! Nothing to worry about." 
The rest of the members stared at Luhan with their jaws sweeping the floor. They couldn't believe what Luhan had just said. That must have been the most absurd thing ever.
"Oh, my god. A dog? Seriously?" Jongdae groaned. "I really wonder what's in your head."
"My brain?" Luhan said innocently.
"Alright, Bambi." Baekhyun shook his head. "Someone has to fix that."
Everyone looked at Chanyeol.
"What?!" Chanyeol asked defensively. "It's not my fault alone. It's accumulated from all your actions!"
Yixing who had been sleeping on the floor by the TV, yawned as he stretched his back. "What's going on?"
They turned to Yixing. "He will do." Tao suggested.
"What?" Yixing scratched the top of his head as he looked at them. Luhan tilted his head to show the broken bits on the floor. "."
"Yeah." Sehun tsked. "Can you help us buy another vase like this one? Blue please. Chanyeol, the money."
"Why me?!" 
"Just because you broke it." Baehkyun sighed. When Chanyeol made no indication to get the money, he rushed into their bedroom and gave a few bills to Yixing. "There you go. Make it fast. Duizhang and Joonmyun can't know about this."
Yixing nodded. "Ok, if I buy just at the supermarket a few blocks down?" They nodded. Yixing made a quick trip to the bedroom to get his trusty cap and rushed out. 
Once he was out of sight, Chanyeol turned towards his boyfriend. "Whose money was that?"
Baekhyun smiled. "Yours."
Chanyeol slapped his forehead.
✂ ✂ 
They worked together in the kitchen. After the spaghettis were boiled, and drained. Kris took a couple of kimchi and started to chop them up while Joonmyun peeled the skins off the onions. A pungent smell filled his nostrils as he chopped the onions. Before he knew it, his eyes began to water. Soon he was tearing so bad he had to stop. Noticing his boyfriend tearing up, Kris lay down his knife and quickly washed his hands before going over to Joonmyun.
"Aw, look who's crying." Kris teased as he dab the tissue over both of Joonmyun's eyes.
"Shut up." Joonmyun wiped his eyes with his sleeves but was stopped by Kris whom dabbed his eyes again. "It's the onions, ok? I don't like it."
"But you still volunteered to chop it up."
"Do I have a choice?" Joonmyun gnawed his lower lip. "I'm trying to help here."
"I know." Kris chuckled. He picked up a small piece of cut kimchi and told Joonmyun to open his mouth which the latter did. "Eat up."
"Thanks." Joonmyun s out a tongue on the finger that fed him.
"Joonmyun." Kris warned him huskily.
"Damn, you know how y that is?"
"I know." Kris smirked as he lifted his index finger off the tempting lips. "I show both you and Kyungsoo first hand, no?" That earned him a slap on the upper arm. He knew he was right though. All the time, he thought smugly.

✂ ✂ 


An update!! Hehe sp glad there's quite a respone~! It keeps me motivated to keep writing!! Comments please <3

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Last chp will be up today :))


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Chapter 2: Lol that was so funny
Chapter 8: I had a good time reading this, though I would like to know how sulay can develope and what happened with Jongin and If Channie was able to see the light of another day xD
Love Krisoo, btw
noomico #3
Chapter 8: What happened to lay and suho and what d.o and kris will react if suho left is there more ,??
Pika_Chuu_Pika #4
Chapter 2: Ddaebak.!! I can't say anymore.. XD

May i translete your fanfiction.? Many indonesian people like to.read fanfiction, but the can't read english because they're not ubderstand. Uhm, don't worry for the credit, i promise to insert it. I can sent the review of indonesia people to you. So.?
CandyToo #5
Chapter 8: HAHAHAHA, SO CUTE, OMGOSH!! Daebak!! ^^
But what happened to Yixing and Joomyeon? :O
Haha, I also realized there was in here: Kris, D.O and Suho...
lgkaupk #6
Chapter 8: Lovely and funny! Thank you!
I really like this and it's so cute XD
Chapter 8: Hahaha... Really this is so hilarious. I'm rolling on my bed while reading this.