sweet matrix

sweet apocalypse


i am still in my junior years and i still have to suffer with my chemistry class, my professor ma'am SO( she always use the word SO in everything she says), is blabbing about how my trigonometry class is infused with my programming class to this chemistry class.. GOD WILL YOU JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!..

anyway i am just here to pass this subject so that i can continue with my life, i never really thought of using my brain on these useless stuff they teach that they call important for my future, anyways, since rami is busy actually taking notes i sneak on to her bag to get some candies, and i found my favorite lollipop, while i was it i hear ma'am SO that we're gonna have our exams tomorrow, then i heared some of my classmates whisper, "i hope we could cheat safely this time", "yeah, ugh, i have to skip my movie marathon night just for these stupid exam", i wanted to tell them yeah right this is really stupid, then i heared another asked

"what are you watching anyway?", "matrix, i heared it's so cool"

then an idea popped in, as soon as we got home i researched about the matrix movie and actually thought about it alot

"hey, what are you thinking about?seems you're lost in your train of thought" oramee interupted me, "oh yeah, we have some new project to start with"

that time i was just told to get ready since i'm gonna be an agent trainee as soon as this semester ends, so we never really got to start it until i was doing task reports already and there were no more works to do they gave me enough time to do my stuff and that's how we got here


"well we could try them out in the next exams" i told her jokingly, we never tried to cheat on exams cause we never really have to, not boasting but we have pretty much all the mental capability that we needed, we're just like every normal student in school, not the queenkas, not the noobs either, "could we sell them?" rami asked me, "we'll have to think about it first, it's pretty dangerous if it gets leaked out", "yeah, and your other business would be leaked out as well"

she was talking about my career as a secret agent,that explains all of my gadgets

well i'm still a rookie, i was hired to become a secret agent for SKSAF which means i worked for south korea's government, but no one knows about that just yet, or atleast it's just me, rami and my boss, since i have to be a secret like forever

, but my codename is J.A.E. which stands for Jubilicious Agent of the Era, so okak the adjective is really creepy but so true, it's really weird now though because i have a new classmate named jaejoong,  i can boast that my skills are not trained, i was born with them

i have a good sense of logic, but i don't use them most of the time, i have sort of a wild imagination for inventing stuff, i have a very sensitive senses but i use them only when i needed to, but most of all i work unimaginably good, well that's what i've been told to

that's why i decided to be a secret agent, but my agency knows nothing about my inventions, i never tried to tell anybody except rami

tonight we'll be finishing it

the greatest invention of all, or so as i've thought

"hey, are you finished with that yet?, i'm gonna mold it now", i called to her, "yeah, it's all most finished, gosh why do you have to put so many codes in there, i'm gonna die, remind me never to touch that stupid netbook ever again", she was refering to this one


"it's not stupid, it's smarter than you" i snickered at her

she walked carefully over to the kitchen counter with the tray with edible microchip dusts, i started spreading the chocolate in to a circle mold then sprinkled the first batch of the microchips then spread the chocolate again, repeated the process until the chocolate has been fully formed,

we left it on the fridge to solidify

the next morning...

"if i freaking failed the test i'm gonna kill you!" she shouted at me waking me up

"i told you, you will never fail that stupid test, it would work promise" i swore to her covering myself with my blanket,

"what if it didn't", "it would", "what if....", "okay let's say it wouldn't work, but you're a  genius", i tried to flatter her so she would let me sleep, "i know i am, you don't need to remind me that but still you didn't even let me touch my book!"

when we got to school, our first subject was economics so we don't have to worry about melting the chocolate

"remind me to made a candy instead of chocolate next time" i told her, before the exams start, rami shuffled through her bag and ate the chocolate..

when we got our test papers i continue to look at rami she's not yet answering her paper, i thought, gosh, what if she fails her exam, i'm a dead meat!

then after some seconds she started answering her papers non stop

i felt myself smirk


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