

OMG, I told someone my story. And I thought that this year would be a fresh new start.

I sat on my bed and stared out the window. What should I do now?

Just then, my phone rang.

"Yongseyo?" I said.

"Su Yeon? It's Soryong, do you wanna go get a drink with me." he said.

"Hmmmm, maybe not. I'm not in the mood." I answered.

"I know something's wrong with you recently. Let's talk, I'm really concerned about you."

"Um, ok." I said. I couldn't reject him when he was this concerned.

"I'll meet you at the Smoothie King in Hongdae, around 5?"


I hung up and went to take a shower.


I reached the shop first and sat cross legged in the corner waiting.

After 5 minutes, Soryong arrived.

"Did you wait long?"

"Not really, just 5 minutes. What did you want to talk about?"

"Just follow me." he replied.

He walked out of the shop and towards a car. He pushed me into the front seat and started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.



Then he stopped the car and suddenly leaned towards me. My face was blushing bright red. Before his lips touched mine, he pulled of my glasses.


I panicked again and struggled to that my glasses back before he could look. I felt like being discovered two times by the same person.

"Give it back!~"

"No! Tonight, you shall be Cinderella!"

I stopped and stared right at him. He wasn't surpised when he saw my face.

"I knew these glasses hid a beautiful princess."

He just smiled at me and drove again.

We went shopping together and bought a lot of clothes and had fun while people looked at us. I heard some people say that we were a cute couple.

"I know you were being bullied at school." said Soryong, pulling the car into a car park.


"It's a typical cinderella story isn't it? With you as cinderella, the bullies as your step family, the professor as your fairy godmother. But who would be your prince?"

"My prince........"

"Is it me, or is it Daeryong?"

There was an awkward silence between us, It was night by now and the car was dark.

My prince? I know I have something for Soryong, but do I have any for Daeryong? I don't know. I'm confused by my own feelings.

Without any thoughts at all, I got out of Soryong's car and ran away. I was scared, I was afraid of my own feelings. I kept on running until my feet were in pain. The next minute I found myself in an alleyway, with only one shoe.



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Please update soon :) .
InspiritBea #2
Chapter 6 New reader ^^ Hope you update soon ^_^
Chapter 6: Aww ! Cinderella ... Okay feel like the mouse in the movie seein everything from the distance ... Lloooooll... I would go for both but thats just me being a _______ ... XD but i would have to choose i would go for .... SORYONG he cute - they are twins they look the same - XD. Okay bye long stupid comment here
Chapter 5: Awww !!! Updte soooooon
Chapter 5: awww thats mean
Chapter 4: aww so cute daeryong saved her and now she is saving him
Chapter 4: aww cute moment ... update soooooon please... i like this story a lot
Chapter 3: looooooooool DELETE !!! dont delete are u crazy my fren .... XD update soon ♥
jdudlbshodjcjdysmgkxgsnbhxjhp .... tasty ..!!!! yessss .... update soon
Aswhjwshwsgwshws daeryong... Nawww I hope next week is coming fast because I cant wait your next chap!! >__<