
The Ship That Starts To Sail When The Other's Already Sank

a/n just want to warn everyone due to extreme drama. I myself tear up but I don't know men may be it's just me. Anyway, when you came to the performance part tried to play 'To Where You Are' by Josh Groban for the added effects. Lol Enjoy



Kyungsoo got out of his trance by a sudden tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the familiar smiling face of Baekhyun.


“Kyunggie-ah now is the time.” Baekhyun said sweetly. He wiped the tears that keep on falling from Kyungsoo’s face. “I hope that after this you’ll feel better. Fighting Kyungsoo!” he hugged his hyung for a moment and smiled before he turned his back, throws his fist in the air and walk out of Kyungsoo’s room.


It’s been a year since Joonmyeon’s death but his thoughts and memories he shared with him are still fresh and clear in mind and heart. He looked down at the umbrella resting on his lap. He’s kept it since the day Joonmyeon made an effort to get close with him. He opened it and recognized the patch that he made to cover the holes. As he saw those patches a sweet bitter smile form on his lips. “Well I guess I won’t be able to use you again since I promised that once I’m done with you, we’ll walk together with Joonmyeon under the rain or sun. And that thing will never happen.”


He smiles to himself and places the umbrella inside the box and pushed it under his bed. He checks himself on the mirror before he decided to go out and face what ever may lies ahead.




Luhan kneeled in front of the crying Kris. He slowly approaches him and gives him his most warm and assuring hug. Kris tries to break free but Luhan is much more stronger than him, much more now he has a frail body. He got tired from shaking off Luhan so he just hugged him back and bawls like a child. Luhan felt hot liquids falling down his face. He can’t contain the looks that Kris is giving him right now, so even how strong he wants to portray in front of their leader he just failed.


After a minute of speaking comforting words and hugging, Luhan decided to let go and look at Kris' face with a smile and brightest aura he could give. “Kris I know that it’s hard for you but now is the time. And I hope that after this everything will be okay. Keep fighting leader Kris!” he said as he got up on his knees and leaves the room.


Kris reaches the stuffed toys beside him, and clung into it like it was his life. He put it near his nose, close his eyes, and sniffed it trying to catch Chen Chen’s remaining scent. It was Chen Chen’s favorite angry bird plushy. Once he opens his eye he kissed it before he says, “I am letting you go now, so fly to where you want. Hope you soar up in the sky and find a perfect place where you belong.”


He got up and put the toy inside the box and pushed it under his bed. He decided to donate all Chen’s toys after the event tonight. It is not to get rid of his memories but to let Chen’s favorite stuff to relive again just like the way they are when Chen Chen was still alive.


He got up and dusts off his pants. He fixed him self in front of the mirror before he turns off his room’s light and leave closing the door behind him. He’s now ready to move on and give his life a chance to live.




The place is roaring with cheers and melodic claps. The room is filled with lights and excited fans, which are waiting for their idols to show up. The cheers booms much more as the curtain pulled out and shows the ten proud men standing right in front of them.


Today, they are celebrating the anniversary of Joonmyeon and Jongdae’s death. They offer this show for the two souls who are now at peace. The stage may not be as occupied as before but the love and support that their fans are giving them are enough to boosts their energy and channel their emotions to create an unforgettable performance in return.


After hours of energetic and lively performance that keep the audience at edge of their seats, now it’s the time for their individual or duet shows. Lay’s got first offering a great guitar piece and a soothing voice. Then Kai and Sehun showed their feeling by dancing a beautiful and heartfelt contemporary and interpretative style. Tao and Chanyeol rap their lungs out with meaningful lyrics.  Luhan, Xiumin, and Baekhyun sang a magnificent and beautiful friendship song that touches every audience heart.


Finally, it is now Kyungsoo and Kris turn to deliver their message. The audience who once roaring with cheers and noise are now quite. Feeling the heaviness and sorrow in the atmosphere everybody seems to forget how to talk. Everybody gasped as they heard a familiar tune of the instrument as the music starts to play.


Kris walks forward holding his microphone with all his might, he closed his eyes  and started.


Who can say for certain

Maybe you're still here

I feel you all around me

Your memories so clear


Kyungsoo inhales and exhales some air before he looked at the audience with eyes full of emotions, as he started his verse.


Deep in the stillness

I can hear you speak

You're still an inspiration

Can it be

That you are mine

Forever love

And you are watching over me from up above


Kyungsoo and Kris hit the chorus with power and full of sorrow.


Fly me up to where you are

Beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight

To see you smile

If only for awhile to know you're there

A breath away's not far

To where you are


The audience as well as the other members starts to tear up while listening and watching their two brothers singing. The emotions are now starting to fill up the entire place.


Kyungsoo saw the tears from the audience eyes and can’t help but to felt the sensation of being with Joonmyeon crept up again on him. He tried to brushed off the feeling as he continued to do his part.


Are you gently sleeping

Here inside my dream

And isn't faith believing

All power can't be seen



Kris continued to close his eyes as he continued to sing, He’s afraid that once he opened it a huge waves of tears will never stop flowing down his face and just sit there and sob.


As my heart holds you

Just one beat away

I cherish all you gave me everyday

'Cause you are mine

Forever love

Watching me from up above


As if they have power to communicate to each other’s mind. Both performers beautifully sang the remaining verse with all their hearts out. They continued and never stop even how hard it is to sing while tears keep on falling off their eyes.


And I believe

That angels breathe

And that love will live on and never leave


Fly me up

To where you are

Beyond the distant star

I wish upon tonight

To see you smile

If only for awhile

To know you're there

A breath away's not far

To where you are


I know you're there

A breath away's not far

To where you are


The duo finished their song perfectly, holds each other hands and bowed to their audience. The people who are watching stands up and clap their hands while tears are still falling down their face. They never felt so proud with their idols until now. They are more confident and drive to continue supporting this group of people until the end. They chant the EXO cheers as showing them their love and undying support.


Kyungsoo and Kris hugged each other, crying like a little child. The members got off their seats and run towards the two and they all hugged so tight as if nothing can ever break them apart.


Xiumin and Chanyeol looked up in the sky from their open field stage. They saw two shining star blinking together. They looked at each other then to both Kyungsoo and Kris who are now both smiling and holding each other’s hand.


“I guess Suho and Chen are happy now!” Xiumin said while smiling and leaning his head to Chanyeol’s shoulder.


“And that’s for sure. But I think it’s not only for them.” Chanyeol says as he shift his gazed to the guy next to him.


“Huh? Who else?” Xiumin asked looking clueless and cute.


“US!” he said as he leaned down and kissed the baozi on his soft plump lips. Xiumin blushed so hard by the sudden action but quickly replaced with a smile and the sweetest kissed back Chanyeol had ever had.


Seeing the extremely cute and ultimate fan service a fan could wish for, the field once again boom with now a happy and playful cheers and whistles.


Kris and Kyungsoo looked up the sky and bid goodbyes and thanks to the two shiniest stars that are proudly blinking next to each other.


“So which will you prefer? Krisdo or Kyungris?” Kyungsoo asked. He smilingly looks at the guy next to him who is way too taller than him.


“As much as I want it to become Krisdo. You’ll still going to impose the Kyungris so let it be!” Kris smiled back and hug the now satisfied Kyungsoo.


A/N : Do you see what I did there? Hehehe. Thank you so much to all of you!!! SUBBIES!! COMMENTS!!! AND SILENT READERS!!! You want a sequel or spin off? Ummm. nah forget it! Lol *trolling so much*

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markpop #1
Chapter 4: it made me teary i actually just did skimming i can't read it now because i'm busy with my finals but i like it... may i know what song did you use in the end or was it self composed??? keep writing please :)
Chapter 5: I am crying now. Like seriously. The story was sad but so beautiful. EXO is our OT12. May nothing seperate them. Ever!
Chapter 4: author-nim ... by any chance, are you a Filipino??
'cause i am, and xiupao is siopao... food .. meat buns ...
hexagon #4
Chapter 4: nuuu~
my krischen~~
I hate you :( you made my tears go up into my nose because I was laying on the bed while reading this! Poor ChenChen but his love will live on forever~
oh! thank you so much SUBBIES even though the story is already over they still keep coming! <3<3<3

*throws confetti*


thank you all guys so much!
what is this? xiupao? xiumin x chanyeol? where did u got those idea? cant even imagine it.. hmm
omg i've teared up ;~;
i can imagine the heartfelt singing and everything <3333
/sob/ i'm sad this fic is over, i really liked it :)
mikazuki_angel #9
Ohmygoodness!!! TToTT like making us cry that's for sure... The song is just perfect... I can't even... /ugly sobs/
Gosh... Well now we're even... I made you teary with my SuChen... Now I'm teary with your SuChen uhhh hhhuuuuhhh!!! TTATT

I loved this though...I'm loving the SuChen... The Kyungris doesn't sound so
But gosh...!! TT-TT the ChenRis was almost there...almost there... Just that SuChen ended up to conclude everything...

Now I am going to write a happier SuChen...I realize that SuChen are together's only something spiritually... What's wrong with us authors?! LOL

Should I put some more SuChen in L&F? (my Exo Chaptered Fic)

Or should I make a new story? Oh what the heck!! I'll just make a new my feels wont be so sad...

I love you for writing least Kris and D.O. are happy... The ChanMin was so cute at the end!!!

More SuChen and ChenRis!!! LOL
Looking forward to more!! :D
T_T Im so sorry readers! It's just that I love seeing all of you crying!

Nah! Kidding aside. I am really happy that you supported me all the way up until the ending. your love makes me feel energized to write. You inspires the ____ out of me!


@aosoira- I love the song too. I just accidentally heard the song and got an idea to put it there. and then viola! instant bucket of tears.

@yuuna92 - I feel the sadness too but I'm also happy *were both crazy*

@cottonbubble - please stop crying. you're already flooding the entire city! :)