Let's Play Soccer

Chungdam Learning Center



The kids were divided into two teams for the game of soccer. You picked Luhan and Kai as the leaders of each team, since they’re both good at games.


“Who’d you like to be on your team, Luhan?” you asked him. He tilted his head to view his classmates.


“Luhan-hyung! PICK ME!” Sehun cried out but Luhan didn’t seem to notice him. “I pick Xiumin and Lay!” he pointed them out. Sehun frowned upon hearing these.


“And you, Kai?”


“I pick D.O.-hyung and Chen-hyung.” He replied, pointing the two.


“Okay, Luhan pick 3 more members to be on your team.”


“I pick Baekhyun, Tao, and Suho!” Luhan finalized but Sehun disagreed to his statement. “I want to be on Lulu-hyung’s team!” Sehun whined and threw tantrums on the grassy field. You picked him up and told Luhan, “Let him be on your team, okay? Exchange him with Tao.” At first, Luhan wanted to say ‘no’, but he replied, “Okay.”


Sehun suddenly ran to Luhan and embraced him tight. Kai, on the other hand, was already getting ready.


The teams:

Blue - Luhan, Xiumin, Lay, Suho, Baekhyun, and Sehun

Yellow – Kai, D.O., Chen, Chanyeol, Kris, and Tao


You whistled and they started to run after the ball. Kai kicked the ball towards D.O., which he passed to Kris. But Kris was just standing there, not wanting to play.


“Wait, kids. I’ll just talk with Kris.”


They looked at you in an upset face. You approached Kris and said, “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to play?” He nodded and replied, “I don’t want my skin to be damaged by the sun.”


You smiled at him and told, “You know, your friends are waiting for you. They want to play with you. Do you want to let them down?”


He shook his head and ran back to the field. These kids are so indescribable… you thought as you went back to the field, too. Soon the play started again. Kai’s team was winning with a score of 2-1.


Baekhyun was passed with the ball, so he kicked it to the goal but it ended up on D.O.’s face. You hurriedly went to him and saw him smiling even if he had gotten hurt. “Aren’t you hurt, D.O.?”


“I’m fine, Teacher Bae.” He answered, rubbing his head. He ran back to field and kicked the ball to the goal but Suho had blocked it. In the end, it was a tie with a score of 2-2. You gave them candies as a prize of being just. You all went back to the classroom, their faces plastered with smiles. You were glad they enjoyed it.


“Teacher Bae, look at the Xiumin’s face! Doesn’t it look like the soccer ball earlier?” Luhan asked you innocently, pointing the frowning Xiumin. “Don’t say things like that again, okay? Xiumin doesn’t like it.” You patted his head. He went back to his seat with confusion all over his face. “But it really does look like one.” He mumbled as he began to examine Xiumin’s face.


“There he goes again,” Sehun rolled his eyes, “he’s always paying attention to Xiumin-hyung. He doesn’t even notice me anymore.”


You chuckled at their cuteness. “Okay kids, nap time!” you announced. You set up small tents for each of them to sleep in. They went to the tents and began to drift off to dreamland.



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I really like this ahah ^^
Kyahahaha so cute!! >.< looking forward to ur updates