What did I do to deserve this?

Our story

I sat on his bed - well the bed that we shared - and hugged my knees, deep in thought. How had it gotten to this point where I, Ema Moore, who never believed in love or happiness, was living with someone that made me feel happy and warm inside? I smiled when I thought of him, and my mind wandered back to the first time we met.


I walked down the sidewalk, pulling my worn out and faded denim jacket tighter around me to keep as warm as I could against the cold breeze. The rain poured down on me, wetting my hair and pasting it against my face. Another breeze blew and I shivered then looked up at the sky. It had gotten dark quickly and the rain didn't look like it would cease anytime soon. I heard laughter and turned my head to the left toward a couple entering a cafe, their fingers intertwined. As I observed them, I saw the man's eyes wander to some girl sitting at a table and she winked at him. He stared too long and the lady he was with caught him. Her face twisted into a scowl and she slapped him. They seemed to argue before she stormed out of the cafe, leaving the man stunned. I scoffed when I saw him recover quickly and walk towards the girl who winked at him. This was why I didn't believe in love. One person always ended up cheating on the other, or in the case of my parents, both people cheat on each other at the same time. Sure at some point in time you feel something for the other person, but it's lust. It's all bloody lust. You eventually get tired of your partner and go somewhere else to find satisfaction, which doesn't last too long either. I looked away from the cafe and kept walking aimlessly down the street. When I got tired of walking, I sat on the steps of a bakery that seemed to have been shut down for a long time. There was no cover and the rain soaked my clothes more if that was at all possible, but I didn't care. I had stopped caring about things some years ago after I'd left home. Yes, I had run away from home. I was only 13, but if you had lived the way I had you would feel the pressure I felt, all the bitterness that coursed through my blood.

"Hey." I voiced snapped me back to reality. I saw a pair of muddied green converse then I my eyes trailed up to the face of the owner. I couldn't see his face clearly because he was wearing a black cap pulled down to cover his eyes,

"What do you want?"

"Why are you sitting here in the rain?" he asked me, completely avoiding my question.

"I'm sitting here cuz i like sitting in the rain. Now what do you want?" Again, completely ignoring me question, he stuck his hand out.

"Get up. You'll catch a cold." I just stared at his hand. What did this guy expect, that I will just easily take his hand and follow him?

"If you're looking for someone to entertain you, there are a couple of bored tramps down the street." I spat on the ground and looked away. He didn't seem fazed and instead sat down next to me. What was wrong with this guy? Normally people didn't even approach me; when they did they were either drunk erts looking for a good time or sober erts, and they usually left when I spat on the ground next to their shoes. They'd look at me in disgust and walk away saying I would die alone and without anybody. I was fine with that. 

"My name is Taecyeon. What's your name?" I just stared at him. Was he mental? Did he not get the message that I was not interested? 

"Why do you care? Why are you talking to me? Oh I get it. You just want to get in my pants and you're telling me your name so you could get the satisfaction of hearing me moan it right? Well, I'm not interested Taecyeon." I was surprised at how easily his name rolled off my tongue. A small smile formed on his lips.

"Why are you smiling?"

"You said my name. Normally people have a hard time saying it or don't say it at all when we first meet, but you said it and pronounced it perfectly."

"What do you want from me? You still haven't answered."

"I don't want anything from you. I just don't want to see you sick." I squinted and looked at Taecyeon again. Why did he care if I was sick? Who knew if after this I would ever see him, or want to see him again. He held out his hand again.

"Come with me. Even if you don't like me, even if you don't want to see my face again, at least let me take care of you tonight." 

'Good luck with that bub,' I thought. 'Even if you wait until I agree, you'll end up sitting here probably for the rest of your life so you better leave now.' 

As if he was reading my thoughts, he said, "I'm not leaving until you agree to go with me."

I scoffed and smirked. "Let's see if you keep to your word." 

Hours passed and I was pretty sure it was much past midnight now. He was still sitting next to me, looking calm and relaxed. 'Such a wierd kid.'

"Don't you have to go home soon? Won't mommy and daddy worry about you?"

"My parents passed away when I was 16 and I've lived on my own since then," he replied and looked square into my eyes. For some reason, at that moment my heart stopped beating, then resumed only much faster than before. Something about his eyes shook me. Was it how honest they looked, how brown and  deep they were? I mentally slapped myself. What's wrong with me? I hugged my knees and placed my chin on my kneecaps. 

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Taecyeon asked again. I didn't answer him. He sighed and looked away. I started feeling drowsy.

'I can't fall asleep. Who knows what he'll do when I'm sleeping?' I tried fighting it, but it was no use. I woke up to the sound of rushing cars some hours later. I slowly opened my eyes and, not lifting my head, i looked around. I didn't see his green sneakers or any sign of him anywhere. 

'Bub couldn't keep his word could he?' I smirked and was about to get up when i heard movement behind me. I noticed arms around my waist that I hadn't noticed before and someone's head on my back. I quickly peeled the arms away from me and slowly turned around. I was speechless. He was still here. He'd stayed with me the whole night. I couldn't think. What was wrong with this guy? Why did he stay with me? I looked at his face a bit longer. He seemed to be frowning, but why? Unconciously, I reached up and gently his right eyebrow, and a smile formed on his lips. I found myself smiling, something I don't remember ever doing in my life. What was happening to me? What was this Taecyeon guy doing to me? As if he heard his name, he stirred and woke up.

"Good morning," he said with a smile. My heart sped up again.

"G-g-good morning." I swallowed. Why was I stuttering? I never stuttered.

"I told you I wouldn't leave until you agreed to go with me," he said stretching. Then he looked at me again with that innocent smile on his face.

"So would you go with me? Please?" I have no idea what got over me at that moment, but i took his outstretch hand followed him. He smiled wider and pulled me to his car that was parked not to far from where we were. The drive was not too long, maybe five minutes, but so many questions rushed through my mind. How did this happen? Why did he stay with me? Why did he offer to take care of me? Why was he so persistent? How did I end up in his car? We got to his apartment and he opened the door and let me in first. I tried but at to hide me amazement. For a one room apartment it was pretty darn luxurious. 

"Sit anywhere. Make yourself comfortable. I'm going to take a shower and i'll be right back." I nodded and sat down as i watched him jog towards what I assumed was his bedroom. I looked around in awe. He had lived alone for a long time, and I guess he picked up some skills. The was was spotless, everything was arranged perfectly. I didn't notice he had comeout until he spoke.

"You should go shower, freshen up. I set out some clothes for you, if you don't mind." He had that shy smile on his face again. I nodded and walked towards his room.

"Hey." I turned around. "You still haven't told me your name." He was right. I hesistated. Why did he want to know my name so badly?

"E-ema. Ema Moore." I said quickly and turned back around.

"Ema. What a beautiful name." I quickly walked into the bathroom and the water. The water quickly got warm, and I stepped inside. The hot water sliding down my body made me shiver. I hadn't showered in so long. I forgot how nice it felt. I took my time, then remembered Taecyeon might be waiting for me. This thought made me feel butterflies. What was going on with me? I quickly got out of the shower, dried off and dressed up. I walked out of his room and the smell of food hit me. Hard. My stomach grumbled loudly and Taecyeon turned around smiling.

"You must be hungry. Come and eat." He took my hand and led me to the table. Why didn't I notice how soft his hands were before? He sat me down and filled my plate with pasta that made me mouth water. 

"Eat up." I slowly picked up the fork, stabbed some of the pasta and raised it to my mouth. The flavor filled my taste buds and I couldn't help but close my eyes and fully savor the taste. 

"Is it good?" he asked eagerly. I opened my eyes and nodded. He beamed at me.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?" I asked  him before I could stop myself.

"Practice, practice, practice. And a few burns now and then, but hey no pain no gain." He smiled at me. I stared at this guy. How could he be so happy. My parents were still alive and I was walking around sulking and hating everybody, but here was this guy who pratically had to raise himself but he was always smiling.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?" 

"Be so happy all the time. How is it possible?"

"Why shouldn't I be happy? I'm still alive and I've got a place to stay and a job that pays me well. Why aren't you happy?" Just like that, I let it flow. I felt like a faucet that wanted to flow freely but was being blocked, and all of a sudden I was released. I told him my whole sob story and when I was done it happened. For the first time since I got fed up with my parents' constant fights, for the first time sinc I left home, I cried. I just sat there and cried and cried my eyes out like a baby. I felt a pair or strong arms wrap around me and felt warm breathe down my neck. Taecyeon rubbed my back in consolation.

"It's okay to let it out. Cry as much as you need to. I'll be here for you."

End of flashback

It took a while but after that we seemed to have formed a strong, trusting friendship. One day though, I saw him talking to a girl outside the apartment. I felt a pain in my chest. Why was I feeling this was? We were just friends..right? Then she leaned up and kissed him, then I got my answer. I looked away from the window and felt hot tears sting my eyes. The apartment door opened and I quickly wiped my eyes and sniffled. 

"Hey Em," Taecyeon said happily as he sat on the couch next to me.

"Hey," I replied stiffly and sniffed.

"Em, you okay? What's wrong?" He looked at me with concern filling his eyes. I wanted to be mad at him, but instead I felt sad and jealous.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"No you're not Em. What's wrong? You can tell me can't you? We're friends here." I broke down and cried. He succeeded in bringing out my weak side once more. I couldn't see him, but I could tell he had moved closer. I tried to move away, tried to avoid the warmth radiating from his body. 


He got closer and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tighter when I tried to break loose of his grip. Tears rolled down my face. I didn't want to let my guard down. I didn't believe in happiness, didn't believe in love. As much as I tried, i just couldn't. Then this guy comes along and I feel things I never thought I would ever feel. Things I didn't ever want to feel. Or so I thought.
"Ema." He said my name with that voice that made we feel warm inside - a feeling which was very unfamiliar to me. 
"I care about you Ema. I want you to be happy." He pulled back and looked at me. I avoided those eyes that made my heart flutter. The same eyes that had captured me. As much as I wanted to deny it, as much as I fought it I knew I had fallen in love with this man. Something I had sworn I would never do...
I looked up at him. "Do you really want to know Taec?" He wasted no time in nodding. I sighed deeply. I was going to tell him. I didn't care if he rejected me, but I had to let it out. 
"I like you Taec. I really really do. I mean I may even love you. I've never ever felt this was before about anybody. I never believed in love or happiness until I met you T." I started crying harder and my body started to shake. "I feel happy when I'm with you. You have made me feel things I've never thought I would feel--" I was stopped when Taecyeon gently grabbed my chin and slowly pulled my face closer to his.
"I love you too Ema." There was no time for me to be surprised. He closed the space between our lips and I felt his soft lips on mine. I saw fireworks and my insides were feeling all mushy. Was this really happening? All too soon the kiss ended. I opened my eyes slowly and saw him smiling softly. I was enjoying the moment, then I remembered something. 
"What about that girl?"
"Which girl?" 
"The one you were..you know...kissing earlier on." I felt embarrassed saying this, but I needed to know.
"Oh. You saw that?" I nodded and he blushed looking somewhat embarrassed. "She's a neighbor that I've known for a while. Yesterday she told me she liked me." I felt my heart sink at that. Taec had told me he loved me, but I still felt a bit sad. 
"But I rejected her. I told her I liked someone else." He looked me straight in the eyes. I blushed and looked down. He held my chin and lifted my face.

"I like you Em. I love you." He kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt his hands on my waist. We broke the kiss and I put my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that for a while then we went and ate dinner and went to bed.

That was over 2 years ago, and we were still together and our relationship seemed to grow stronger with every second we were together. Sure, girls still flirted with him and surrounded him, but he never failed to show them that he wasn't interested. The occasional guy showed interest in me, but I always rejected firmly. Tgere were times when I would doubt him and we would yell at each other, but he always held me in his strong arms and reminded me that he loved me and would never leave me.

I looked at my hand and smiled at the ring that glinted on my middle finger. My heart swelled with joy when I thought of spending the rest of my life with the man I loved. I heard the door open and I looked up.

"Hey baby," Taecyeon said, and he crawled into bed.

"Hey love," I replied and we kissed. I still felt sparks whenever our lips touched. How did I become so lucky? What had I done to deserve this wonderful man?

"Em, you okay?" Taec asked me, his voice full of concern. It just made me love him even more, knowing that he was genuinely concerned about me and he honestly cared for me. I nodded quickly and looked at him.

"I love you Taec." He smiled that innocent smile that had captured me.

"I love you too Ema." He kissed me and I laid my head on his chest and hugged his torso. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Goodnight my love," he whispered into my hair, then kissed the top of my head.

"Good night baby." I smiled and closed my eyes. I sincerely loved this man, the only man in my heart, Taecyeon Ok.


I finished! How did you like it? I'm sorry I couldn't properly portray her feelings because I've never experienced what she has, but I tried my best and I enjoyed writing it. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading ^^

This man will give me a heart attack

Thanks for reading ^^ Saranghae 



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sevixx #1
Chapter 2: I freakin loved it! The feels man the FEELS lol
Chapter 1: sweet story ^^
AbriMathos #3
I loved it~ It reminded me of one of the things I love about Taecyeon. It's that damned adorable smile. I can't take it! He just looks so sweet >.<
Still cant balieve this is only a one-shot! /:

I wanted more!!!!!!! >___<
Awww that was so cute!! ^_______^
This was so sweet! Oh my goodness. I loved it so much! Thank you for sharing it with us! <3
broadcastwoman #7
I think this may be the best Taec story I've read on here.
ooh! This sounds so sweet! I want more! Please update soon! ^_~
JackieH #9
Love already
Please continue!! I love Taecyeon. This sounds like it's going to be awesome. Update soon!!!!