Guardian Angel

My Guardian Angel

I was staring down at the whirling depths beneath me. It was churning, dark, and deep; inviting me closer. I was so close now; just one more step. One more step before it’s all over. I don’t have to deal with all of the stress, failure, cruelty: life.

I gripped onto the cord beside me. I was standing on an old bridge high up in the city sky. The massive river whirled angily and endlessly beneath me. Countless times I found myself slipping into its hypnosis; almost letting go… but then I caught myself. I don’t know why I didn’t just let myself drift and fall. That was my point for being here wasn’t it? I blinked again and looked down. I gulped. Now-No. I can’t. I sighed and sat down roughly on the edge, my legs hanging over. Maybe it’s just me being scared, but there seems to be something holding me back…

Something keeping me alive a little longer.


That’s when I started to cry. I can’t even successfully commit suicide. I hid my face in my hands and sobbed. Why am I so miserable?! What did I ever do?! Tears flowed down my face and I just sat there and cried. I cried and cried; more than I think I ever had.

Minutes passed like this. All was still and silent except for the sound of the whirling water far below me. Suddenly I heard a small thump and the bridge shook gently. I was startled and looked up. Standing to my left was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. He was strikingly tall with blonde hair and angular features. He watched me with a strange knowing look in his eye. But then I came to my senses. How did he get here?!?! It takes ages to climb up here. I would have heard him or seen him before he got up this far! How…?

“What are you doing?” I was brought back from my thoughts by his deep voice. It rang through the air, cutting through my thoughts easily. I just blinked back up at him. How do I tell him…? “No. I know what you were doing.” He stated; his tone no-nonsense. My eyes widened as he took a step forward. “Stand up.” Now I was beginning to get scared. He sighed and shook his head. He crouched down beside me. “I don’t know why you wanted to do it, but there’s only one reason why anyone ever comes up here.”


“What about you?” I finally managed to let out.

“Me?” I nodded. He stood; towering over me, a bitter smile gracing his lips, “I give them something to believe in: something to hope for.” I stared up at him in confusion.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Here. Stand up and I’ll show you.” I did as he asked. It was as though I was hypnotized. “Good.” He reached out, “Now take my hands.” I looked down at his hands and blushed. He streached them; hinting for me to take them. I did so shyly. What is he up to? Who is he? I watched as he closed his eyes. “Close your eyes.” He told me a moment later. I remained like I was, simply staring at him. “What? Don’t you trust me? Why does it matter? You were ready to die a moment ago. What does it matter now?” I was startled by his brutal honesty and did as he asked. I closed my eyes and waited for whatever was coming next. It was silent for a moment and I was beginning to become overwhelmed by the sound of the water. “Why did you want to do it?” I heard his voice suddenly; breaking through everything else. I gulped,

“I’d had enough.”

“Of what?” Was he serious? Why should I tell him?! Who is he to ask me these things?!?! I remained silent. “Tell me.” His voice was demanding, yet held a touch of caring and sincerity: warmth. The warmth I’ve been so desperatly trying to recieve.

“I-I’m so tired…” I took a deep breath, “Nothing ever seems to go my way. I have no one that loves me. My friends are all fake. School is terrible. No one likes me. I just-I just don’t know what else to do. I want it all to end.” By this point I felt a tear slip down my cheek. He was silent and I began to panic.

“So, you decided to kill yourself?” he asked.


“Okay. Just clarifying.” It was silent once again. I was beginning to feel strange. I felt like the world was rushing past my ears a million miles a second. There was a rush and all of the sounds around me seemed to change continuously. I no longer heard the river as loudly, but I heard some birds nearby. I wanted to open my eyes, “You can if you want to.” I was startled; it’s as though he read my mind.


I tentatively opened my eyes. I stared straight ahead and the first thing I saw was his deep eyes straing back at me. They were entrancing, just like the depths of the river below. I felt like I could get lost in them: I could drown.

What a lovely way to go that would be: staring into the beautiful eyes of this stranger.

But then I looked down: worst descision ever. My eyes widened and I started to panic.

“W-We… We’re not on the bridge anymore!”

“Indeed.” He seemed bored out of his mind; like I was extremly slow for just noticing this now.

“Wh-why!? How?! Please…” I was on the verge of crying again as he pulled me closer.

“I’m not going to drop you.” I was cradled into his arms. My heart began to beat even faster. What was going on?! Are we flying?! How can we fly!? Who is he?! I decided to finally ask him this.

“Wh-Who are you?” I stuttered out as he continued to hold me against him. He rubbed my back softly and sighed,

“I was called Wu Fan once.” Was? Once? He pulled back to and stared at me once again. “I came to that bridge. I came to do what everyone else does. I came for the same reason you did. I was done. I wanted to die. I stood on the edge just as you did and cried, except I wasn’t as lucky as you were. I succeeded. The only thing I ever succeeded in while alive. Since then I’ve realized my mistake: I wasn’t ready to die. I was forced to observe the lives of everyone around me, but I no longer played a part. I could only watch. I watched as people mourned: people I never appriated: people who really loved me. I watched as they all suffered for my selfishness. Never in all my being did I want to die more; but I was already dead. Even then I couldn’t escape. But then it was too late: it was worse. I could do nothing. At least not there,” He paused and took a deep breath, “I decided to stay on the bridge where I jumped from. I wanted to prevent people from making the same mistake I did all those years ago. I wanted to tell them that they were wrong. People love you. You have something to live for: something to look forward too.” I stared at him as he gave me his speech: told me his story.

“You… Are you an Angel then?” I asked. He sighed and looked away from me,

“I suppose you could call me that.” I blinked at him. He… he felt so real. He was right here and felt so real. How could those eyes belong to that of an Angel? I stared into his eyes and he stared back, unblinkingly. Finally I had to blink and look away.


“Please…” I looked up. He had closed his eyes again as he spoke, “Don’t do it. Everything is going to get better. I know what happens. You’re so close to getting what you want. So close. He’s just waiting around the corner…” His voice drifted away and I stumbled forward; his grip gone from around me. Wait… I stumbled… I opened my eyes and stared down at the ground before me. I was back up on the old bridge. Wu Fan was nowhere to be seen.


“Don’t give up…” I heard the ghost of a whisper run past my ear and I whirled around, trying to catch who said it. I saw no one there. I blinked and swallowed. I peered over at the edge to see the angry waters below, calling me to them. I stepped back and shook my head, closing my eyes. No. I-I can get through it. I can go on. Things will get better. I nodded my head and opened my eyes. I had to leave this place…



I made my way back down to earth and away from the bridge. I sighed as I sat on a bench beside the river. I watched as the waters churned from a different angle. From here they didn’t look quite so imposing. I smiled slightly. No, they’re not quite so scary from here. A path ran along behind me and I heard someone running. They stopped off to the left of the bench to catch their breath. I turned to look. What I saw almost made me fall over.

“W-Wu Fan?!?!” He looked over at me with an amused look on his face. He quickly covered it with an innocent, confused look,

“N-No. I’m sorry. I’m afraid you’re mistaken. My name is Kris.” He said. I just gaped at him. He had the same voice: the same mesmerizingly deep voice. He walked over and took a seat next to me on the bench. I looked at his eyes. He even has the same eyes. How can this be? I could have sworn that I saw him wink at me.

“Lovely day today, isn’t it?” he asked me. I just nodded as I continued to stare at him. He suddenly turned to me, “Do you believe in Angels?” He asked. My eyes widened and I nodded,

“Definatly.” He smiled slightly,

“Me too. I don’t think I’d be here today if it wasn’t for one. You know… You remind me of her quite a bit.” I stared at him,

“You remind me of him…” He turned to me and smiled,

“I never said I wasn’t.” He winked and chuckled. His laughter echoed all around. I was entranced by his laugh: just like the water and his eyes.

“What do you mean?” I asked. He turned to me and smiled,

“I think everyone has a guardian Angel.” He paused to think about it for a moment, “I met mine years ago. I was up on that bridge.” He pointed to the old bridge in the distance and I gulped. “She told me not to give up: to keep on living. She said that there was something worth living for close.” He tilted his head as he looked at me, “I think that that something is you. You’re why I was supposed to stick around.” I blinked back at him, trying to take it all in. I looked up at the bridge,

“I was just there…” His smiled faltered,

“Really?” I nodded and he looked over the waters solemnly. I cleared my throat and kept on,

“He told me that someone was waiting around the corner. What I was looking for was so close.” I turned to scrutinize him, “Are you what I’m looking for?” He continued to stare out across the water. I shivered suddenly as a cold wind blew past. He turned to look at me, the same look on his face that Wu Fan held. He held my gaze and I watched as his eyes changed, drawing me in. I found myself wrapped up in his arms, “Wu fan?” I asked.

“I was once called that.”



This was waaay more my style. I like writing things like this better than the usual more happy stuff I tend to post... But usually I don't write stuff like this about kpop... I just feel weird. So, this is a first. Although,  think I'm gonna make a non-kpop version and change the names and stuff...

Thanks for reading!~

Tell me what you think!~



Please read the note at the top of the next chapter!!!


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Please write more one-shots or stories like this. I really enjoyed reading this.
maxine1513 #2
Chapter 2: Ahh, I loved this story the first like four times I read it and I still do! XD And I suddenly feel bad that I never showed you what I edited... O.o Forgive me! But it wasn't much, anyway, soo.. :3
But yeah, I really like this one! It's way different from a lot of your other stuff. Definitely one of my favorites. :)
Aww~~ :3 this is so sweet xD
I love both version. After reading this, i want Kris to be my guardian angel. :)
I read both and I liked both. Owh Ren means reborn? Owhh I Learned a new word.
Hehehe love this story<3
OMG. I loved this.
I also read the non-Kpop version. I liked both. ^^
Wouldn't mind if this had a sequel. :P
I'll be super duper happy if you write sequels for it.
kpoplover4 #8
Wow, amazing first chapter! I can't wait for the next one.:) And I can totally see Wufan being an Angel.<3
I love the first chapter so much~~
Plz update soon author ssi.