Only One

Only One


Kaori put her books back into her bag as the rest of her friends left the premise. Crap! These extra projects and homework are killing me! She heaved a sigh but complaining to their teacher would only entice her to add more stuff to work on, something that was obviously extremely undesirable to Kaori.

She liked being with Ljoe, but what Myungsoo had said earlier was true too. He was kind of a jerk. Ugh. She had been so sure about saying yes to Ljoe before, especially since her friends had wholeheartedly agreed with her decision, but after Myungsoo's little intervention or whatever that had been earlier, she was seriously starting to doubt herself.
Crap. Even broken up, his opinion still mattered so damn much to her. On second thought, she supposed not moving in with Ljoe wasn’t such a good idea, although he might break up with her and granted that Ljoe will get mad and slushie her, she could take it.
With that last convincing thought in mind, she swung her bag over her shoulder, fully intending on marching over to Ljoe and informing her of her decision of not being with him. And who knows, Myungsoo and I might have a future anyways?
Oh dear God.
Speak of the devil…
"Myung?" she clarified, even though he was standing right there in front of her. "What are you still doing here? Have you been waiting here this whole time?"
"Uh.. yea?," he answered her, taking a step towards her. "In fact, I got a lot of thinking done while I was waiting Kaye."
She took a step back instinctively only to find her back up against the cool metal doors.
"Break up with Ljoe," he continued when she said nothing in return. "Please break up with him." He whispered but still too loud for her to hear.
fell wide open at his words, but she quickly regained her poise and confronted him.
"What the hell are you talking about Myungsoo? Are you trying to say that you want me back?" she spat with a bit of sarcasm in her sentence.
It seems like she was too brave and a bit y when she said that actually, she wanted to run. Runaway as fast as she can since running away had always been one of her best defenses alongside being a complete and total squirt. He stretched out his right hand abruptly to stop her, effectively holding her back.
"I still love you Kaori, I really do" he confessed quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.
The blonde shook her head with vigor as her eyes began to brim with tears. No, he did not get to do this.
"No, you don't," she corrected him, successfully running past him now as he stood still in shock over her answer.
"I do," he reiterated, whirling around to face her, although she made no move to do the same, her back turned toward him. "You still love me too Kaori. I know you do."
She took a shaky breath as she blinked back the tiny droplets that threatened to fall. Ironically, once her emotions had reached equilibrium again, she threw them back into chaos. Tossing her bag on the floor in frustration, she marched back over to where he still stood her hands on her hips and a fire in her eyes.
"Stop pretending like you still knows me Kim Myungsoo," she hissed at him, jabbing her finger into his chest as she went. "We haven't had a real conversation in months. You don't know squat about me, not anymore! And now you’re saying that you still love me?! You want me back?! For s sake Myungsoo, no! You left me for her, for that Hyangsoo!" She was shaking, mad, and furious. You name it. She just can’t face the fact that the hotty of their school that broke her heart a couple of months ago is saying that he still wants her. She’s too mad because she felt like she was being played but she didn’t know that the guy standing in front of her is telling the truth. She wasn’t able to see his sincerity since she was too occupied on her on negative conclusions. “Im not naïve myung, am not!” She continued. Only the sound of their heavy breathing could be heard until Myungsoo finally decided to speak up.

"That hurts," he informed her, bitterly chuckling a bit. Grabbing her hand forcefully and holding her gaze. "Both emotionally and physically for the record, but getting back to my main point now. No one will ever know you better than I do Kaye, no matter the circumstance." He continued.

The anger that had been bubbling inside her sure as hell rose to the surface then. Who the hell did he think he was? He had broken her heart by choosing Hayngsoo over her. Now that he had confessed that he still loved her, was she just supposed to throw herself at him?
She wrenched her hand out of his grasp and made sure he knew, "Well, you're wrong Mr. Kim on two accounts. One, Ljoe understands me in ways you never will and two, I'm in love with him, so how can I possibly still be in love with you?"

She knew her lies would undoubtedly hurt him, but that had sort of been her intention. Much to her surprise though, he didn't even blink.
"Kaye," he murmured, reaching out for her again, an earnest look in his eyes. She stumbled slightly as she stepped away from him quickly in response, turning on her heels to leave again. One more word and she knew she'd give in to him. She desperately needed to get away from him, from everything that he was promising her.
"Goodbye Myungsoo," she stressed, picking up her bag from up off the floor in one swift motion as she continued down the hall.

"You have six smiles," he whispered from behind her, causing her to pause in her steps.
She did not, however, turn around to address him. She stayed precisely where she was. She knew looking at him would mean losing control of her emotions again and Kaori had had enough of not being in control for one day.

"You have seven smiles Kaye," he repeated, louder this time, taking a deep breath before he elaborated, "One when something really makes you laugh. Two when you've done something to make your parents proud. Three when you're uncomfortable or just trying to be polite. Four when you're with your friends. Five when you're plotting against someone. Six when you think someone's acting like a total idiot. That last one? That last one's practically reserved for me. I get that one a lot."

She instantly clasped her hand over when she realized that that last one he had mentioned was on her face right now.
Damn, the boy was good.
"Does Ljoe know about your smiles Kaye?" he challenged her, although he made no move to stop her from leaving. "Well, does he?"
Time seemed to stand still for a moment, but eventually, she broke the unbearable silence.
"I have to go," she merely mumbled before finally disappearing off into the distance, leaving both him and his heart behind.


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I love it author-nim!Specially the seven smiles and five smiles :)
Please update~