Time of Our Lives

Time of Our Lives


And Kyuhyun knew it too. 

A month ago, Kyuhyun and Changmin had been robbing banks together. It was a personal pleasure. Being armed was a precaution, but did they ever use their guns? Hardly. However, it was the last time the two would ever rob banks as a team. The police had finally caught up to them. 

Kyuhyun and Changmin were dressed perfectly for the role, black suits and polished shoes. They disguised themselves as bank workers. It took two weeks to gather the necessary materials for the break in--keycards, cases, and pass codes. The geniuses could do it. 

One would run through the bank with duffle bags while the other screwed with the security cameras and alarms. Both were cautious and tried their hardest not to get caught. To them, it was like a 3-D RPG video game with better graphics. 

At eight o'clock at night with Changmin ready at the bank doorways and Kyuhyun at home with his laptop ready to direct Changmin through the bank security systems, the friends began their last robbery. 

"Ready, Changmin?" asked Kyuhyun through the ear piece. 

"More ready than the time you took to set up the system last time," he snickered. 

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. "It was Sungmin's damned fault, okay? Remember, no fingerprints and bag as much as you can in thirty seconds," he answered.

"No fair! You got forty the last time--"

"You've eight minutes--go!"

It only took six minutes and forty-three seconds with two bags stuffed full of money before the police came.

"Changmin! The police are here!!" Kyuhyun screamed through the ear piece. 

"Kyuhyun, get out of town, now!" Changmin yelled. 

Kyuhyun and Changmin never really took this robbery business seriously, but they didn't want to get caught. 

"How'd it start?" asked the investigator. 

Kyuhyun shrugged, resisting the urge to scratch his cuffed wrists. "Nothing special," he answered. "Min and I got into programming and took apart the school security system, rewired it, and drove the principal crazy." 

"How'd it get to banks?" he asked. 

"Well, Siwon, we were keeping our skills sharp. After school systems got too easy, we moved onto small shops and shopping centers. After we got through the bigger cooperations, we decided that banks were one of the most secured and practiced on that. Stealing the money... That was a bonus! We figured we could transfer without leaving digital or actual fingerprints and thought it'd be fun. And it was! The time of our lives, actually."

"You'd have been useful to our electronic team if you weren't like this." Siwon the investigator put a hand to his forehead. "But you're crazy."

"Eh. So says Changmin. Sue me; I'm living large." Kyuhyun chuckled to himself. 

"You're living in jail," Siwon snarled, standing up.

Kyuhyun was taken down the corridors of the prison area. He recognized some people. Donghae and Kibum, caught for vandalism and theft, shared a cell. One over was Hyukjae, Ryeowook, and Sungmin, caught for grand theft auto. On the right there was Heechul and Jaejoong, jailed for selling illegal drugs. And there was Junsu and Yoochun, jailed for robbery and identity theft in other countries as well as their home country. They were all respected criminals. 

Kyuhyun was shoved into the cell next to Changmin's. 

"Took you a month?" Changmin snickered, hanging his arms through the bars. 

Kyuhyun sighed. "Yeah," he answered. "Was at a gas station, all of a sudden, I heard sirens and the feds had cuffed me. Trial was a couple days ago. Lawyer didn't even try."

Changmin scoffed. "You held up well."

"Hey, you remember those days when we were just taking apart random security systems and rewiring them to screw up computer data?" Kyuhyun said.

"That was, like, all of high school," Changmin replied. "You might as well have asked, 'Hey, Min, you remember all those times we had ?'"

"To be exact, it was twenty-seven and a half."

"What the hell? Half?"

"You never finished me off when we were in that hotel after the third robbery because someone alerted the police."

Changmin paused. "Oh yeah... But you deserved it! You went over the time limit!"

"I got out four seconds after twelve minutes! Four ing seconds, Min!!"

"Four seconds was just enough before those damn alarms turned back on. You're lucky, Kyu. ing lucky."

"I'd be ing luckier if we were out of the slammer."

A loud scoff came from across the hall. "Wouldn't we all?" Heechul snapped, a pipe of in his fingers. 

"Hey," Sungmin said to Heechul. "How'd you get that in here?" He pointed to the pipe.

"Fairy piss," Jaejoong answered sarcastically, stealing the pipe from Heechul and taking an inhale. 

"I bet it tastes like rainbows and insanity," Ryeowook muttered. 

Everyone turned to him, and he looked up, blushing, realizing they'd misunderstood him. "I-I meant the smoke, not-not the fairy piss thing," he stammered cutely. 

Donghae stuck his hand through the bars. "Hyung, let me have some," he said.

Heechul shook his head. "Hell no! Let the newcomer have some. Besides, he lasted longer than all of us." He turned to Kyuhyun and tossed him the pipe. 

Kyuhyun took a quick inhale and tossed it back. "Needed that." 

Heechul shrugged and tossed it to Donghae. "Anyways, we've got the rest of our lives to be stuck in here," he sighed. 

Almost on instinct, Kyuhyun and Changmin side glanced at each other. 

"Jailbreak?" Changmin asked.

"Hell yeah," Kyuhyun answered.

"We want in!" Heechul and Jaejoong yelled. 

"Us too!" Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Hyukjae chirped.

"Wherever Hyukkie goes, I go," Donghae said, throwing the pipe back to Heechul. 

Kibum nodded. 

Jaejoong turned to Yoochun and Junsu. "You in?" he asked.

"Give me a smoke and I'll say yes," Yoochun said, hand outstretched. 

Jaejoong ripped the pipe away from Heechul and handed it to Yoochun. 

Kyuhyun and Changmin smirked. "Let's talk strategies," they said. 

It only took a month to devise and perfect their plan. Their approach was how it always was--learning about and then tricking the system. Sungmin and Ryeowook surveyed each nook and cranny of the jailhouse during their free time while Heechul and Jaejoong seduced the guards into giving keycards and pass codes. Donghae, Kibum, and Yoochun spent their nights creating transmitting wires that extended wirelessly to the laptop Jaejoong and Heechul had stolen that was shared between Changmin's and Kyuhyun's cells. 

Junsu and Hyukjae were two of the most valuable. With reception deceivers attached to their uniforms, courtesy of Yoochun's and Kibum's brilliance, they stunned the security cameras for two to five hours every night, long enough for Yoochun, Kibum, and Donghae to continue rewiring without any suspicion. Hyukjae also found out how to pick the locks on their cells, but he also realized that there were alarms attached. It took four nights, Kyuhyun's laptop, and Ryeowook's input for them to finally break through the electronic codes and locks for them to disable. 

They had only one night to escape. As they lay in their bunks, jittery and excited, Kyuhyun turned toward Changmin's cell. "Think we'll make it?" he asked. 

He heard Changmin scoff. "Who cares? It'll be the time of our lives," he answered. 

Kyuhyun smirked and sighed, counting down the seconds to their freedom in his head. 

To say that all hell broke loose was an understatement. 

"I thought you said that everything was disabled!!!" Hyukjae screamed at Kyuhyun.

"I did!! Changmin even checked it!!" he screamed back as they ran through the corridors. 

"Left!" Sungmin yelled, veering down an exiting corridor. 

"Heechul hyung, you promised!!" Jaejoong hissed. "You said we'd have time!"

"Jaejoong, don't worry! We do have time!" Heechul shouted, pulling Jaejoong down the other corridor. "Keep going!" Heechul shouted to Kyuhyun. "We'll take care of ourselves!"

"Where are you going?" asked Donghae. 

"To break Yunho and Han Geng out!"

Yoochun suddenly turned around. "No! Jaejoong hyung! You can't!!" he screamed, but Changmin's strong arms held him back and made him keep running. 

"They can take care of themselves," he hissed. 

"Wait wait wait!" Ryeowook yelled. He paused and glanced around quickly. 

"Right!" Sungmin shouted, pulling Ryeowook by the hand and directing the group toward the right corridor. 

The floor had turned glassy, no longer cement. It was all metal. The echoing thud of their feet pounded in Kyuhyun's ears. 

Suddenly, Ryeowook and Sungmin paused again. "Okay, there are four ways out of here--windows, an underground tunnel, and two doors. Hyukjae and Donghae, take the door. Changmin and Kyuhyun, take the windows. Yoochun and Junsu, take the tunnel. Kibum, Ryeowook, and I will take the other door. Go!"

Everyone scattered down different hallways. Maps and passageways had been memorized the third day Ryeowook and Sungmin had brought back a map of the jailhouse. Changmin suddenly pulled Kyuhyun down the wrong hallway.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Kyuhyun screamed. 

"Having the time of our lives," Changmin snickered with a grin. 

"This hallway leads to the control center," Kyuhyun mused to himself. 

Changmin nodded and kicked open the door. Two police officers were there, both already dead with bloodied cords around their throats. 

"Seems like someone's already been here," Changmin said. 

Kyuhyun glanced at the carving on the back of the police officers' hands. A little swirl with a straight line and a curved line was etched in their skin. Kyuhyun scoffed, "Heechul." 

Changmin ignored Kyuhyun and barked, "Get your over here and help me with this."

"What are we doing?" asked Kyuhyun. 

"Unlock the two doors and take the alarms down."

With deft fingers, Kyuhyun disabled the system in four minutes. In another five minutes, Kyuhyun unlocked the doors. 

"There," Changmin said. "They'll get out easier."

"Let's go," Kyuhyun said. "We can take the nearest door."

They scrambled out of the room and back down the corridor. Kyuhyun suddenly realized how crazy his life was. He was breaking out of jail, and helping his friends to do so as well.

Grey metal walls flashed by Kyuhyun's vision, eyes focused only on the end of the hallway where they would turn right and dash past a door of bars. Only one question throbbed in his mind, and before he could stop himself, Kyuhyun voiced his question: "Should we be doing this?"

Changmin slowed his steps as Kyuhyun quit running altogether. 

"Kyuhyun!" Changmin shrieked, shaking his friend by the shoulders. "What the hell are you talking about?! We have to--"

"Should we be doing this, Min? Breaking out of prison?" Kyuhyun said softly, eyes downcast.

Changmin blinked. "Aw, hell, Kyuhyun! You can't turn all soft on me now dammit!" he screamed, shaking him by the shoulders again. 

"We robbed banks, people of their money," Kyuhyun rambled softly. "And now, we're helping other people who sold drugs and stole other people's things to go back into the world and do it again."

"Kyuhyun, we have to go."

"We deserve to be in prison."


"We shouldn't have let them back into society."

"Kyuhyun! Listen to me, you bastard!" Kyuhyun glanced into Changmin's eyes. "We didn't mean it, okay? Remember, if they ever wanted their money back, those people could have it. We never spent it. The judge gave them all their things back! I don't care about the others right now, okay? I care about you, and we need to get our of here. We're having the time of our lives, remember?"

Kyuhyun blinked a couple times before a big grin spread across his face. "Right," he replied. "Let's go."

The dou continued to dash down the halls, almost the corner to turn out of the door, but Kyuhyun's eyes widened and Changmin muttered a quick, "," before they dashed left to avoid the guards quickly flooding into the jailhouse through the open door where Sungmin, Ryeowook, and Kibum had escaped.

"Both doors are probably flooded by now," Kyuhyun said softly, panting harshly. His calves would be screaming pain after all this running.

"Windows are two halls away," Changmin muttered, trying to regulate his breathing. "Underground is closest."

Kyuhyun just heaved a heavy breath and followed Changmin past the last meeting point with the others and dashed down the hallway straight ahead. Obviously, it led to a dead end. Luckily, Yoochun and Junsu hadn't barred the entrance to the passage and the two slipped through the small opening in the floor. Again, they didn't bother sealing the entrance. They'd be long gone before the police realized that that had been their escape route. 

"It's dark," was all Kyuhyun said plainly. 

Changmin rolled his eyes, not that Kyuhyun could see. "Would've never noticed," he drawled sarcastically, reaching his hand out in the dark until he touch the stone walls.

"It's smells," Kyuhyun stated.

"Thanks, Sherlock," Changmin muttered. "Your observation skills are spot on." He grabbed Kyuhyun by the sleeve and said, "Come on. We have to keep moving so they don't find us. Stay close to the wall."

Kyuhyun intertwined his fingers with Changmin and allowed him to drag him through the dark tunnel. There was only one way down the tunnel, and at the end, there was a light from above.

Changmin hauled Kyuhyun over to the exit, which Junsu and Yoochun hadn't barred either, and the pair quickly scrambled up the ladder. 

As Kyuhyun stretched his back, he said, "I can't believe we made it out!"

"Watch what you say."

Changmin and Kyuhyun slowly turned around. That voice belong to no other than investigator Choi Siwon. With seven other officers, all armed, Siwon gestured for the criminals to stand still and put their hands up. Sighing, Changmin did so, noticing that behind them was only a cliff that led to jagged rocks and crashing waves.

"Kyuhyun, do you know what today is?" Changmin asked as the officers advanced slowly.

"What?" he said.

"It's your birthday."

Kyuhyun froze. "It is?"

Changmin faced Kyuhyun and cupped his face into his hands, which, in Kyuhyun's opinion, were way too soft for a criminal. A hard, bruising kiss left Kyuhyun dazed, and as his mind spun to regain function, he heard a soft, "Happy birthday," whispered in his ears before Changmin's strong arms dragged him off the cliff into waters that he may or may not save him from prison. But either way, Kyuhyun had the time of his life, and he was glad to spend every moment of that life with Shim Changmin.


A/N: Kill me now, Chingu~ >< I regret posting this~ >< It's so bad~~~

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lavi018 #1
Chapter 1: O they'll be fine.. awesome fic.. ^_^
larrenlove #2
Chapter 1: ouch damn that ending broke my heart
Chapter 1: I had the time of my life reading this xD because Changkyu<3 is perfect xD
Chapter 1: Love it!! ah the life of two evil maknaes must be exciting.
Kyu_Love #5