N○.2 (requested)

A Big Book of Exo ☺


Title: Falling
Genre: Romance, Competition, School life
Pairing: Mei (you) ♥ Kai
Plot: Kai and Mei were friends yet they were enemies. He annoys her while she admires him from a far. Is one competition is enough to make him fall in love with her just as she has with him?
requested by: SHINee929
          There were two sides of school. The first-class then the middle. Each had representatives, each stood up for what they believed was right. Kai, an arrogant, cocky, and freakishly handsome dancer was not the first-class rep. but he still loved pissing off the rep. of middle. Mei was her name. She was a dancer as well. She had black glittery eyes and full plump lips, Dark brown hair that ended beside her fingertips. She was way to beautiful to be a middle-class student the richer boys kept thinking. Every student thought so even the rep. of the first-class division. Miyoung, the class rep for first-class had a grudge against Mei. Her beauty seemed to get the best of everybody but she didn't know that. She always walked like any other student in school. It didn't matter which part she was located because the pyramid of society never reached her. Her dancing skills were at a higher degree than other students. All including Kai but nobody knew. She never danced in front of anybody. Mei always said this, if you want to see me dance, catch me doing so. 
          A rumored dancer. A beauty of the school grounds and a modest person. She was nice to those she was defending for but was on her toes for those who weren't. She hated the cockiness of the rich. It was always about money and looks. Everyday words like, Oh! where'd you get that purse? or Hey, should we go to my club tonight? and sometimes, Hey babe! I'll give you money just let me bang you! The days she stepped on the first-class grounds, those phrases would be the first words she'd hear.
          On the other hand, there was the handsome playboy dancer, Kai. anything he asked for would be brought to him. If he wanted a certain girl, the lower first-class would play servant and take what was needed. In other words, he's a spoiled brat. At first look, girls would think Is this reality? or He's a prince. His movements of a dancer were compared to know other. It was swift, simple, and y. Nothing more, nothing less. He loved walking around the school with girls on both sides and his group of eleven more stood behind him each with a girl. All were playboys. Cocky ones at the most. It pissed you off at just the sight of them.
          The rep Miyoung was a creamy beauty as well. She had the looks but not the personality. Unlike Mei, she didn't defend for her part of society at the school. Instead she'd be found with sitting on the lap of random boy every single day. She'd bring all the attention of the male students with just a walk down the hallway. While the other girls scoffed at her actions, she would just smirk and walk like the she is. There was one boy she was dying to catch the attention of. That was Kai but he was to confined with the number of hotties populated in first-class. When Mei stepped into this division, it his eyes would be focused on her only. All the other girls walked away at the sight of entering the building knowing that their beauty would never compare to hers. While watching this, Miyoung clenches her jaw and clenches her fists. For one thing, she hates being ignored.
          School always went like this. In the morning, Mei would stop by her locker to  get her books and by the time she left, boys would rush to shove their confession letters through the small openings. When she got to her first class, she'd take out her homework and and notebooks for the certain subject. During break, she was to switch to the first-class division for a meeting with the leadership. Before the last period begins she is always caught up in an argument started by no other, Kai. It's been like that for two years it'll be like that for life. She was a sophomore with intelligent grades and talent.
"Lee Raeyoung!" The teacher spat on her attendance sheet.
"Here!" And so on...She felt the stare behind the back of her head as she focused on her gaze on the view given by the window. She ignored the teachers announcements of school events because they were discussed by the leadership but today was different. "A dance competition hosted by Kim Miyoung of the first-class. Mei, as division rep, you and some other students will be joining so after this first period, please walk over to the first-class division of the school. The other students that will be accompanying Mei are─" Mei hated dancing in front of people but if it was for her division, she didn't say a word about it. This left the class in excitement for they were going to see their rep finally dance for the first time. As the class ended, she waited for the group of people who were going to represent, along with her, at the dance comp.
"Uh guys, I'm going to head in first. I need to speak to the leadership about this. Please stay close to me." She explained to the first-steppers. They all nodded in understanding and followed her into the entrance of the first class division. Boys were leaning against their lockers while the girls looked at the mirrors installed. Their lockers were plated with gold with each name of every first-class student burned into the opening. The halls were crowded by girls flaunting over than no other, Kai.
"Get out of the way! We have to go somewhere!" Mei shouted gaining attention of the crowded hallways. As they made way for her and the group following her, Miyoung stepped in front of her trying to gain Kai's attention."What are you doing stepping on our turf?" She asked with her eyes roaming head to toe.
"You! You're coming with me !" Quickly, Mei took grasp of Miyoung's wrist and dragged her to the school office. "Yah! Let go of me! Your filthy hands are dirtying my uniform!"
"Tsk! As if you really care about that! Mr.Kim! May I talk to you please!?" Mei yelled once again gaining the attention of the people around her. Mei let go of Miyoung's wrist and looked at the vice-principal right in the eye.
"What is the meaning of this!? We made a deal that middle-class and first-class students would never interact in any activity what so ever!"
"Calm down Mei. There's a prize I think you'd be interested if you join. Ms. Park, please hand me the intercom." He paused as a plump, middle-aged woman came with a mic. "Is this on? Test. Test. Ah! Okay, students. You all know that a dance competition is coming up. Every competition comes with a prize. This prize may benefit that way we interact with one another as students of the school and not society. From this day on until the end of the dance competition, the doors to first-class and middle-class will be open for others to leisurely walk in. If the middle-class dancers win, they'll be studying in the first-class division while the first-class students will study in middle-class facility for three weeks. If first-class wins, tickets to France will be distributed to the division." The other students were in shock as this announcement was made.
"Mei, this is okay?" The vice asked.
Mei smirked, "Ha! Don't regret your decision vice! I'll make sure that these scum bags stay put in our facility. Especially you! Kim. Mi. Young!" She shouted and pointed at her forehead. "Middle-class. Since this announcement has been made-" She grabbed the mic from the vice. "Students, this is the middle-class rep. Since this announcement has been made, I give you a free day to walk around school grounds. The doors to first-class will be opened everyday until the announcement of the winner." Mei looked at Kai and smirked. "Have a good day." She turned off the mic and looked at the skinny man, "There will always be a price to pay, vice." He nodded and dismissed the crowd.
"As for you guys. During lunch, I want all of you to meet me in the garden here in this division. You're dismissed." the group separated and Miyoung stood in front of her once again.
Just as she was about to slap the girl, Mei grabbed her wrist which was an inch away from her face and smirked, "You brought this upon your students and for you attention. Now that you got it, it's only fair for me to play with this opportunity. I'm not the one you should be slapping because I"m just merely returning the favor." Mei looked at Miyoung head to toe. She saw her legs positioned towards each other, shaking then scoffed. "Don't underestimate the middle-class."
               Mei sat under the cherry tree planted in the first-class garden with her head phones plopped in her ear and the song, When I Miss You by Beast was on repeat. She smacked on her sandwich happily while unknowingly, Kai came over her and took her head phones away from her ears. "Having fun there?" He asked. She opened her eyes and noticed how close he was. She saw his soft, jet-black hair blowing in the wind leading to his deep brown eyes then trailing to his pink, plump lips. He was really handsome but of course, she didn't admit that.
"Checking me out?" He asked smirking. Mei rolled her eyes in annoyance and scoffed, "Hell no. Your big face is right smack in front of my face that it gives me the opportunity to notice how ugly you are." She lied. Kai grasped his chest as if it were hurting and dropped his head to her lap. "That hurt baby."
"Don't call me that dimwit and get off me!" She tried to push him off but even his head was too heavy to move."Did you put cement into your head? It's frickin heavy!" She said  trying to lift his head a bit. He got up and kissed her cheek. "Ewww!!!" Mei rubbed her cheek and made a disgusted face.
"Hah! It's funny because girls would just die from that and you don't." He said putting her head on his shoulder.
"Well I'm not one of them."
"You should be!" He said kissing her cheek again. She shuddered.
"Why aren't you with your friends or playing with other girls? Shouldn't you be the playboy?" Mei's heart dropped as she forced the word playboy out of .
"I don't know. Right now I just want to be with you. It's not all the time I get to see my frenemy here in the first-class because of your stupid meetings." Mei blushed with her head planted on Kai's shoulder. "I guess you can say that I miss you." She had her eyes closed and was smiling because her crush was saying those kind of things to her.
"Psh. I bet you say that to all the girls you toy with." She said sighing.
"No. You're the only one I said that to." Silence engulfed time and awkwardness was in the air.
"Are you going to dance?" You asked him.
"Hell yeah I am! I'm gonna show your class that we've been the best and always will be." He said fist pumping the air.
"Is that a challenge?" Mei asked lifting her head from his shoulder and facing him.
"Do you want it to be?"
"You're on!"
"You're not even a dancer. What makes you so confident? Tell me your secret so I can have you fall for me."
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me Kai. Don't underestimate me."
"Yeah. SUUUURE!~But other than a class prize, if one of us wins, what will we get?" He asked
"Hmmm.... If I win you buy three big boxes of hargow! If you win, you can take what ever you want from me. Deal?"
"That's it? Wow, I should have done this a long time ago!"
"But you didn't. That's the difference." Mei smirked
"Let's see about that!" Before the bell rang, he gave her a quick peck on her cheek and left. This time, she didn't wipe it off. Instead, brought her sleeve  to her cheek and smiled.
Time Skip: Day of Competition:
               The stage was set with lights and velvet banners hung from the corners of the room. There was a thick layer of lacquer coating the floor. Score boards were installed in the facility to keep track of the points. Red carpets spread from one side of the room to the other end. The multiple rows of chairs were replaced with newer and more expensive brands. The curtains hiding back stage were switched to royal blue velvet. The lights shined against the brim of the wood. Everything was prepared and all of the students started filling the seats as the main stars of the show waited back stage.
"Are you ready, you guys?" You asked already in costume. Your hair was up in a messy bun while your shirt was sagging off your shoulder.
"Yeah! Let's blow them off the stage!" Hyoyeon, one of the dancers said.
" Okay let's do this!"
Kai's group also as known as Exo finished their dancing. It was expected, coming from Kai that his cheers would be from the whole female population of school no matter what class they were in. Mei looked at him smirking at her and all she did was turn around and ignored him making him pout in rejection. Mei's group was up next. Their song was an upbeat tune that sent the a standing ovation. Hyoyeon and you were busy with the moves in front of the stage while Taemin and Kyuhyun were in the back doing what ever they had to do. As you came into your final pose, you stood in front, faced to the side and pointed to the audience with a seductive expression. Everybody stood up cheering, whistling, hollering names and as soon as Kai and his group came on stage, you intertwined hands and took a bow. Miyoung took the closest piece of paper she could find and crumpled it up into a ball. The votes were in. 
"So this year's winner of our very first competition is........."
     Mei gave Kai a hug and the others of Exo as well. Everybody shook hands and fist pumps. At the end of it all, both groups took a picture together and went backstage to change. "You know, that was really fun even if it was a competition!" Taemin chirped. "Yeah! I don't even mind if we lost. I mean rep could just steal us those tickets with her looks right?" The group laughed and agreed. They changed back into their normal clothes and took their separate ways. Mei passed by some members of Exo and waved at them. They waved back and smiled while continuing their way. "Hey, you're Mei, right?" The baby face named Luhan asked. The girl nodded. "Kai wants to see you at the balcony." I followed the instructions and saw a figure leaning towards the railing.
"Yah~ You wanted something right?" Mei asked.
"Oh, you're here. Good job today. I didn't know you can dance so well." He said giving a genuine smile.
"Well, I told you not to underestimate me didn't I?" They exchanged laughs and gazes.
"So about that prize. Come here." Mei got nervous and slowly made her way towards the taller boy. What happened next was something she never could've expected. Kai's lip pressed gently against hers, catching Mei by surprise. He nibbled on her bottom lip gaining entrance to while snaking his arms around her waist. Mei responded to the kiss pressing against him closely and entangling her fingers in his hair. Once they were out of breath, he looked at her with a serious face.
"Mei. What I did a while ago...take it seriously."
"What do you mean?" She asks in confusion.
"Girls see me as a playboy. You do too...but today, right now, I want you to take me seriously. I want you to see me as person you'll love for a long time." Mei's eyes widened at Kai's confession. The guy of her dreams was finally confessing to her. "I don't mind when other people call me a playboy...but when it comes from your mouth, it leaves a big impression. I'll change. I promise but in the mean time, would you be me girlfriend?" The girl had her tears streaming from her eyes. She walked to Kai and pulled him into a warm embrace.


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Chapter 1: i really love it ! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: PLease make one for LUHAN~~!! <3
It's really good *thumbs up* sorry if I bother you but can I request one with Baekhyun please? *grins*

It's so cuteeee :D
and can you write one with Kai please? :D
sounds good,Subscribed :D