
A Big Book of Exo ☺


Title: flowers on my step
Genre: romance
Plot : everyday you'd admire him from a far. You're nothing to him but it never stopped you to catch his attention.
Pairing: Jinli (you) + Luhan
               There he was sitting in his seat with his chin rested on his palm while gazing out the window, not paying attention to what the teacher was saying. He is a handsome boy with deep brown eyes and long eyelashes. The one feauture that captivated Jinli the most. The way it disappear into happy crescents when he smiled or laugh or the way it suddenly becomes bigger when he pouted. His hair was dark brown so dark that it never seemed so brown amymore. It was always messy but left a fluffy appearance. His fringe was pushes to the side messily suiting his tired expression. He had a cold aura surrounding him like those bad boys in those cliche dramas. He was the character that never smiled but never failed to attract the girls like Jinli around him.
Jinli, on the other hand had a different appearance. Her eyes were lighter than Luhan's. It was a medium  shade of brown. It gave out a warm expression every time she smiled (which was rare) but remained cold most of the time. Her hair was jet black and cascaded past her shoulders ending above her waist. Two strands from the side of her hair tied together in the middle giving more space for her fringe to cover a side of her forehead, loosely tucked behind her ear. Jinli had a button nose that accompanied her big brown eyes and full punk lips.  She was a natural beauty that was hardly taken any notice of because of her thick, black glasses disguising the beauty of her face.
Both were quiet people. Luhan would never react when girls would literally throw themselves at him compared to when his group of friends also as known as EXO. Jinli never interacted with anybody unless there was something to talk about. She kept herself low and avoided the school hierarchy, EXO and F(x), even if Luhan was apart of that group. She isolated herself from others and devoted all of her highschool life to her studies. Jinli also worked at a flower shop. She was an expert when it came to choosing that perfect bouquet combination, the meaning each flower has towards a person, the color scheme. Jinli was a quiet person that was obvious, but like every human does, she keeps a secret.
Recently, Luhan had been receiving single stems of small yellow flowers by his locker everyday for the past few weeks. At first he thought it was an accident and the gardener had dropped one his stems for a flower arrangement and always brought it to the garden to see if someone would come and claim it. Once he was finally fed up with the childish act, he decided to stoke around his locker to find who has been leaving the single stems in front of his locker but all those times, he never found the culprit. Little did he know that it was you. That one girl that always sat in the corner of the class room scribbling who-knows-what on paper.
 It was May 5, 2012. The time of year where flowers came into bloom and engulfed the world with color. Also the time of year when it became very warm and when everybody wore loose clothing. You were on your way to work without your glasses, skipping around happily with a smile plastered on your face. Unknowingly, Luhan and his friends were walking around the same facility as you were and suddenly bumped into them.
"Ow~" Jinli said holding her forehead as she stumbled backwards.
"Are you okay pretty lady?" Her eyes widened when she saw Kai smirking at her. When she stood up, Luhan's attention fell upon her. He admired her big, bright brown eyes and how her black hair tied into a fishtail braid and how her pink, plump lips pouted while she was rubbing the back of her head.
"Yeah, sorry. I'll be on my way now." She said sliding her bag to the top of her shoulder. "Wait! Can we go with you?" Baekhyun asked. Just as her eyes turned to its normal size, it widened once again at the weird question.
"Why?" One of her eyebrows lowered while the other moved upward, making a suspicious expression towards the boys.
"We're bored and we don't have anything to do."
"Don't you think going with a stranger is awkward? I hardly know you guys." She lied.
"You'll get more bored if you come with me. I'm going to work."
"Well we find something to do and not be bored."
"What's your real intention in this? Were you sent to stalk a random person?"
"Caught! No actually we wanted to see pretty noona."
"I'm not a noona. I'm only sixteen." Their eyes widened and heat rose to their cheeks.
"I'm- We're sorry!" Jinli sighed and chuckled lightly.
"It's okay. You guys cause to much trouble." Baekhyun rubbed the back of his neck.
          So at th end of the conversation, the Exo boys followed Jinli to work. As she stopped in front of the shop, a line of people were lined up from the door ending to what seemed, the other side of the block. "Today's gonna be busy again. You guys are gonna regret coming with me." Luhan eyed her as she took out the keys from her bag. He blushed at the sight standing up straight with her eyes strongly focused on the finding the right key. "Found it!" She exclaimed. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" She opened the door and led the line inside to view the arrangements made the day before.
She took a seat the front seat, taking out the multi-colored tissue paper and clear plastic from the drawer under the table. Jinli looked around saw the boys running around with stems in their hands waving it to the faces of the other clients. 'They sure aren't like that at school.' She chuckled and looked around again. Her eyes met Luhan's and she looked to the side remembering her position in school. Noticing this, Luhan stood up from where he was sitting and stood beside her table.
"Do you need any help?" He asked.
"It's fine. I know what to do." She replied looking down while playing with her fingers.
"If you don't need help, can you at least tell me your name?" It shocked her knowing that her crush wants to know her name. She had to make it up due to her identity out of the education field.
"You can call me Ri."
"Heh...and you can call me Luhan." She nodded and stood up walking towards the first client.
"May I help you with something?" She asked.
"Umm, yes. You see I'm proposing to my girlfriend and I don't what kind of flowers she likes. I know that flowers have different meanings and I wan a bouquet confessing all the feelings I had for her all these years." Jinli smiled at his shyness and led him to the buckets filled with flowers according to type. Luhan looked curiously and followed her.
"Does he work here?" The man asked.
"No. He's just observing. Anyways..." She started explaining which flower means what while Luhan looked at the buckets flowers. There was a familiar on that caught his eye.
"Ri? What's the meaning of this flower?" He asked.
"Oh! Please come here sir. I think this flower may catch your attention." She paused waiting for the client to come over. "These are Chrysanthemums. Every color of it's kind has a meaning like the others. These bronze ones mean excitement, the white one means truth, red chrysanthemums mean sharing,-" she stopped at the yellow ones and looked at Luhan at the corner of her eye." The yellow chrysanthemum means secret admirer."
"That's perfect! Please make a bouquet with Lilies and Yellow Chrysanthemums. Thank you!" He bowed and handed her the money.
While making the bouquet, Luhan sat next to Jinli. "Can I help?" He asked.
"Huh? Oh sure. Can you grab ten lilies and eight chrysanthemums, please? Thank you." She gave a warm smile to Luhan making him blush. As he went to the rack of flowers, thoughts ran through his head. 'She looks familiar. I swear I've seen her somewhere!' He said grabbing the bunches of flowers.
"Here you go." He said laying the flowers on the table.
"Is he your boyfriend?" The client asked.
"N-no! He's a good helper though."
"Is that so? You guys look like a very cute couple."
"Heh...than-" *Crash!* There was a broken vase on the floor. Standing next to it was a flustered Chanyeol.
"I'm sorry. I'll clean this up." He said bashfully
"What a klutz. Adorable!" One of the female customers looking around chuckled.
"-You. Hahahaha!!! Wow, I like it here." The man finished her sentence.
          The day ended and Jinli and Exo bid each other goodbye. "Ri! Can I have your number?" Luhan said running back. Jinli looked down covering her red cheeks. "Huh? Oh sure. Can I borrow your phone?" Luhan reached into his pocket and handed her the phone. A few minutes later, they traded phones and went back home.
The next morning was the start of another school day. You buttoned up you shirt, slid your skirt on and topped it off with your blazer. You looked in the mirror and brushed your hair while your mouth was biting on the rubber band. As you tied your hair, you picked up you glasses from your desk and slid them on. You took your back pack and slung it over your shoulder, put your shoes on and left the house. As you walked to school, you bumped into something once again.
"Watch it nerd!" You saw Luhan in front of you with a cold expression plastered on his face.
"S-sorry!" You said and walked off thinking, 'Maybe yesterday was another dream.'
          The day went by fast and once you know it, the last bell finally rang. You took a glance at Luhan and packed your stuff before heading to the garden. You didn't bother leaving a chrysanthemum in front of Luhan's locker today due to the fact that he stayed near it for thirty minutes each day after school. As for Jinli, you stopped by the garden. You took your glasses off and let down your hair, picked up one Luhan's chrysanthemums and sat on the planter. She heard Luhan step into the facility and looked at your back.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked. Your eyes widened and you put your glasses on. You laid the flower to your side and stood up.
"I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll leave now."
"Wait." He grabbed your wrist and spun you around. "Why did you touch my stuff?" He asked once again. You had to make up another lie.
"I didn't know that it was yours I'm sorry!" You were scared. This wasn't the Luhan you met yesterday.
"Open your eyes and look at me." Slowly you opened your eyes and looked into his. His eyes widened and he grabbed your chin making you look up to him.
"Tell me. Do you know a girl named Ri?" He asked.
"N-no." He pulled out his phone and dialed 'her' number. In less than a minute, your phone rang. You took it and hung up. "Eh? She didn't answer." He dialed again and you knew that one day you'd be discovered. That day was today. When your phone rang again, you slid the green button across the screen and answered back, "Hello?" Luhan turned back, his eyes widened at his discovery. He quickly looked at his phone and hung up then put it back in his pocket. He walked towards you and slowly, he pulled off your glasses.
"Y-yes?" You made eye contact again but this time, his eyes wasn't filled with coldness but instead was filled with confusion.
"Was it you who left all of those chrysanthemums?" You nodded being afraid to speak.
"I'm sorry." He grabbed your wrist and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a long embrace.
"It's fine." He then looked into your eyes and leaned in. His lips pressed against yours making your heart explode like a billion fireworks.
"Would you be my girlfriend?" Your eyes started tearing up at the thought of this day finally coming.
"Y-yah! Why are you crying? You don't have to cry to reject-" You jumped into his arms and whispered, "Pabo. I'm crying tears of happiness. Finally this day has come." He returned the hug and said, "I like you no matter how much disguise yourself."
"Tch...you're cheesy Luhan!" He chuckled and pecked your lips. You touched them and looked up.
"Let's go home jagiya."
[A/N: Very cheesy indeed. Well this is the first chapter. I hope you liked it! Please subscribe and comment!!!! Thankyou! Oh and I accept requests if you want one!]


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Chapter 1: i really love it ! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: PLease make one for LUHAN~~!! <3
It's really good *thumbs up* sorry if I bother you but can I request one with Baekhyun please? *grins*

It's so cuteeee :D
and can you write one with Kai please? :D
sounds good,Subscribed :D