Just Like Movies? No, Absolutely Not.

21Bang One Shots

A/N: This one is about TOPBOM.

I, Choi Seunghyun, am 24 years old and I have a perfect life. I am rich, successful in my career. I'm so damn handsome -am not being narcist. I'm just honest. I've never dated anyone nor did I like anyone until I met Park Bom. She's the owner of Café Spring. When I first saw her, she was laughing with her friend and I was mesmerized by the sight before my eyes. Yes, as you can see, I liked her at first sight.

Then I always went to her café and watched her. Watching her became my part time job but she wasn't aware of it. And one day, I had the courage to introduce myself to her. I still remember that day.


Watching the childish red-head take customers' orders, I decided to talk to her. I slowly walked towards the cash and waited for her to finish her conversation with a customer. When she saw me standing there, she gave me a questioning look. 

"I am Choi Seunghyun," I exclaimed suddenly. Damn you Choi Seunghyun, people don't start coversations this way.

"Oh, I see... Can I help you, sir?" she asked trying to smile.

"Why don't you sell ice-cream?" I asked trying to calm myself down. But this was the most stupid question ever.

"People don't eat ice-cream in winter, sir."

"But ice-cream is the best!"

"Ice-cream is great but corn is the best," she said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Corn is nothing special, Bom."

"The heck! Corn is the best!"


That's how I met her. I made a fool of myself. I made a fool of myself but I continued visiting her. The more we got to know each other, the more we fought each other. And I always thought our relationship was progressing smoothly. Boy meets girl. He falls for her at first sight even though he has never dated anyone before. They always fight like a cat and a dog. Just like movies, right? I was expecting us to end up together but it doesn't seem possible. This is nothing like movies. But I won't give up on her. I know somewhere deep in her heart she likes me.

I took my coat and left my office to meet her. I bought corn for us on my way but if we compare ice-cream to corn, I'll still pick ice-cream. When I arrived the café, I motioned her to come out.


"Hi Seunghyun!" she exclaimed smiling widely. What's wrong with her? I expected her to scold me for interrupting her at work but she was happy to see me.

"I'm happy to see you, too," I said putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Man, you really are cheesy."

"Woman, you really are blunt."

"Yep. So why are you here?"

"I thought we could eat corn together," I said showing the corn in my hands.

"If it weren't winter, we could eat ice-cream as well."

"Yeah, but I don't want you to be sick," I said and dragged her to the outskirts of town.


Here isn't the best place for a date but I know she doesn't like fancy places. Gosh, only I think this is a date. I'm too delusional. 

We sat on the edge of a low wall and started eating corn. I planned to confess her when eating together but I feel like a coward right now.


"This isn't the best place for a date, you know," she teased me.

"I-uh... H-how do you know this is a date?"

"Because your acts are obvious unlike your words," she said kissing my cheek. "Though this isn't the best place, this is the best date," she went on saying. I'm not dreaming, right? This is all real.

"Girl, I love you," I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"I love you, too."


And that's it. Boy meets girl. He falls for her at first sight. They always fight. They end up together. My life is just like movies, right? No, absolutely not. This is far greater than movies thanks to my baby girl.


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A/N: Okay, I know this is cliché and cheesy but I hope you liked it (:



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Chapter 8: make aother ririn one shot please author :)
Panda90 #2
Chapter 1: Love your oneshots... Topbom is the best! Can't wait for more update from u.kekeke
FYExoticBlackjack #3
Chapter 2: Tabi! Bommie! Chubby wabbie tabii! Corn monster! ALIEN COUPLE! XD
Hotpinknails #4
Chapter 7: So sweet~! Alien couple as usual being random and... Alien. ^.^ They really look good.. ne?! Can't wait for more! :)
icedlollipop #5
Chapter 7: topbom <3 :)
Hotpinknails #6
Waahhh!!! Omo that gif! Spazzzzzzzzzzz. hehe~ I knew it! There's something special about this two! :) I.LOVE.YOU~ Is that song for deuk? kekeke~
aaaahhh ririn♥ ^~^
too short,, i need more >,<
Hotpinknails #8
Kyaa~ super duper like!!! And don't worry it is stll rated as PG! Because there are few ririn fics out there that's why i'm so happy reading this! And yes please write both for minzy! Hehe i think she's really good friends with yongdeuk. I saw a clip of them together ^.^ and we all know that jay is one loyal fanboy! :) can't wait for more!
ohayou87 #9
I thought of something more dirty at first and I was scared to read but I did. The ririn story was great and I think maybe a pg13 or just a pg is a good rating.