Hold Me, Prevent Me From Falling

Catch Me If I Fall

"Why are you so clumsy?" Suho scolded as he dabbed on Chanyeol's injuries, wiping away some of the blood remains there. Chanyeol couldn't help but winced a little.

"I didn't feel that there was actually something which blocking my way," Chanyeol mumbled as he pouted, looking at the older disapprovingly. His eyes slightly watered. "It happened suddenly .."

Suho let out a deep sigh as he rolled his eyes, "But at least you could be more careful .."

Chanyeol didn't say anything anymore as a reply. Instead, he pouted his lips even more.

"Kyungsoo," Suho called as he reached out his hand. "Antiseptic."

Kyungsoo quickly looked down towards his lap; where there are so many bottles of medicine laying in there; and took the said bottle. He handed it towards Suho.

Chanyeol reflectly scooted away as a response as soon as his ears heard the words 'antiseptic'. He looked at the said bottle which Suho was holding cringingly. Words couldn't even describe how much he hated that certain bottle.

"I don't want antiseptic," Chanyeol whined as he scooted further. Luckily, Baekhyun in a quick motion, quickly catched him.

"Hyuuung," Chanyeol whined even more as he tried to wriggle out from Baekhyun's tight grip, "I don't waaant,"

Suho clicked his tounge in annoyance as he rolled his eyes. He scooted his body closer towards Chanyeol. "You want to recover or not? Those blood wouldn't surely stop if you weren't using this." Suho brought the new cotton which was already filled with antiseptic closer. Chanyeol cringed lightly, but nodded his head nevertheless.

Suho dabbed on the injuries carefully and Chanyeol couldn't hold his tears back. It felt so awful, it felt so sick. It was really stinging.

"Hyung," Chanyeol called weakly as he sniffled, biting his lower lip. "Slow down .."

Baekhyun knew that there was something wrong. Even though he himself didn't know what was exactly it is.





Chanyeol fell down again. Harder, and this time caused more damages on his body.

He fell down from the stairs as he was about to catch up with his hyungs to go to the movie theatre together. He tripped and stumbled down suddenly on his way and forgot to catch anything which situated near him to hold and prevent himself from falling.

Chanyeol screamed as he landed flatly on a slippery floor with a loud sound of 'thud', making the others who were about to open the front door, stopped abruptly and turned their bodies towards where the sound had came from.

They widened their eyes in shock.

Chanyeol gripped Xiumin's hand tightly for support as another pair of tears escaped his eyes, falling down and sliding smoothly towards his cheeks. He bit his lower lip harder. Suho was wiping out some of the bloods on Chanyeol's knees and elbows.

"Ssh, it's okay." Xiumin said soothingly as he caressed Chanyeol's back softly. "It would go away soon .."

Chanyeol dropped his head on Xiumin's shoulder as he felt another of unbearable pain being shot through his body. He could feel the blood taste clearly in his mouth as he kept biting on his lower lip harder.

"It hurts hyung," Chanyeol whispered painfully as a single tear slipped out from his eyes again, landing on Xiumin's thin clothes.

"I know, I know," Xiumin said in a hushed tone as he looked down towards the injured boy sympathetically, brushing out some of the bangs from his eyes. "Just hold for a sec, kay?"

Chanyeol nodded slowly as he kept sobbing towards the other's shoulders, gripping onto Xiumin's hand and shoulder tighter.

Baekhyun mentally clenched his fists in anger. He did not like the view that much.

It was he, who supposedly holding Chanyeol like that. It was he, who supposedly calming Chanyeol like that. It was he, who supposedly whispered in that way to Chanyeol.

He was the only who legally doing all of those things to Chanyeol.





Chanyeol fell down again. But this time wasn't that hard as before. He just have a slight bruises on his hands and his arms but Suho kept scolding him for being such a careless person, too careless person.




Chanyeol fell down again. This was almost the sixth time in this week that Chanyeol had strangely fallen down without a proper reasons like 'there was something which blocking my way' or anything. He kept answering with the same answer; It happened suddenly.





A sound of a thing; likely it was built of metal; hitting against the floor brought all of people’s attentions which were currently focusing on eating. Chanyeol smiled sheepishly as he lightly scratched the back of his head, a soft blush spreading across his cheeks.


“Sorry hyung,” he chuckled in a guilty manner, feeling really sorry for disrupting their eating moments; which from the view Chanyeol could see, they were really enjoying it. He brought his body lower a little bit.


Suho sighed heavily as he closed his eyes for a brief seconds, putting both of the spoon and the fork at each sides of his plate.


“You tended to drop a things and can not hold something properly lately,” he eyed the younger seriously. “What was actually happened to you?”


All of the people in the dining room instantly turned into silence. Baekhyun slowed his chewing.


“Chanyeol,” Suho piped, trying to make the younger’s nervous gaze focus on him. Chanyeol couldn’t look directly at his face, and to be honest, after several years he lived with the boy, he at least could tell the slight and tiny differences between a thing which was actually a lie, and a thing which was actually a truth, honest ones.


“I’m okay hyung,” Chanyeol smiled, although Baekhyun didn’t miss the weak side of him when he did that. “I’m just a little bit too clumsy lately and not focus, that’s all.”


Chanyeol’s smiled turned brighter; much, much, much brighter that it looked really reassuring. Baekhyun averted his eyes to the side, before bringing them back towards the still smiling boy in front of him. Baekhyun couldn’t, Baekhyun couldn’t believe what Chanyeol said, because Baekhyun knew him best.


Chanyeol gave the others one last sheepish smile before bringing his body lower towards the underneath of the table and bending down his body.


“Let me take it.”


Chanyeol frowned and lifted up his head, only to meet with a single of wide and big hand. It picked up Chanyeol’s spoon from the floor and lightly brushed off some of the dust which probably sticked to the spoon’s surface due to it’s proccess of falling.


Chanyeol lifted up his body and watched the person as he put his spoon beside his plate casually. Chanyeol looked to the side.


“There you are.” Kris gave the younger a small smile as he tilted his chin slightly, pointing to the spoon which already put neatly beside his plate. Chanyeol blushed a little and lowered his head lightly.


“Thanks hyung.” Chanyeol mumbled as he hesitantly took the spoon beside his plate and started to dig on his own food.


Kris smiled back as he dug on his own food as well. “No problem.”


Baekhyun almost stopped himself from pushing the spoon in front of his mouth towards his mouth as his eyes undeliberately caught something in the proccess. And he couldn’t help but noticed it.


Kris’ eyes were sharp, of course, Baekhyun knew. But he just never knew that they were actually giving a certain twinkle or sparkle towars something?


Baekhyun chewed on his food slowly, trying to think and get what was actually it meant. Sure, the way Chanyeol’s eyes were twinkling and sparkling after he got something or saw something which he adored the most was different; far, far different. It kind of reminded him slightly with an early elementary school student; who was about six or seven years old; trying to know so many things that he never saw before.


Chanyeol was really adorable and cute when he did that, or naturally when he did that. But Kris–


Kris showed as if he was meaning for something, other thing.


Baekhyun  to shake off the thought, but it kept strangely coming, and coming. And Baekhyun didn’t know why, why it bothered him so much.



Kris did not like Chanyeol, right?  


A/N: Owww! Okay, so I'm sometimes confused at wether I had to ship this pairing or ship that pairing, haha. But yeah, actually, from the very first time, I planned to make this fic as a Baekyeol fic, but you know what?! I was very, very much tempted with bunch of Krisyeol out there -___- and I was currently in state of shipping those two along with Baekyeol as well, haha XD

Hope you could enjoy read this as well! Thank you for reading, subscribing, and don't forget to leave a comment! :D

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Please continue this story authornim..!!
Chapter 1: I think, Kris did like Chanyeol... But, don't worry too much, Baekhyun...this story is yours.. ;-)
Chapter 1: Aaaaaa.... poor Chanyeollie~~
Make it loads of Baekyeol pleaseeee..... ><
Really can't wait for what will happen next?
Chapter 1: waiting for the next chapter! and please make it lots of krisyeol >~<
Chapter 1: odg;; it's really interesting~
ok, im waiting for the next chap
Chapter 1: awwww, that kind of unfortunate for chanyeol to fell down too often...
baekhyun's jealousy toward everyone, because baekyeol is prior than anything.. kekeke
i saw the beginning of krisyeol there~ *wink wink*
Chapter 1: good begining
are chanyeol have a sick like in the film one litre of tears???
can't wait for this fict ^^
Wow.. this is really cool. And I love the plot very much. Everyone x ChanYeol.. interesting!!! Wait for your updates. thank u
angst <333333333333333
i love angst. update soon c:
nycbean #10
Waaa, this sounds really good. I've never read baekyeol before, but this sounds really really cool. O(∩_∩)O