How it gets better

My Unique Friend Donghae


My unique friend Donghae,

Scares my mom,

She says he is dangerous,

Like a bomb.

"Mommy… I'm scared" Sora cried still in her mother's embrace.

"Yeah… me too" Sunny said looking at her husband for an answer. Sungmin shook his head not really knowing what to say. "S-Sora go back to your room… your father and I have to speak"

"No!"Sora cried in panic.

"It's ok sweetie, I'll be there in a moment" her mother soothed her.

Sora ran back to her room, still crying with fear.

"Sungmin… what are we going to do?" Sunny asked panicked turning to her husband. "We can't have him here, he can hurt Sora!"

"I don't know… where can we send him?" Sungmin said lowly. Though he knew he had to send his son away to protect their daughter, the idea of separating from one of his children break his heart.

"I don't know…" Sunny said desperate. She sat down on a chair trying to calm down so she could think straight.

"Your brother… didn't he had a similar problem?" Sungmin asked looking at his wife, revelation clear in his eyes. She looked up to him with a similar expression.

"Yesung?" Sunny asked shocked. It was true, her brother claimed too that he could see ghosts; her parents did send him to a mental institution until he escaped from it. Though she knew where he lived, and had his phone, she haven't talked to him for years now. And the idea of giving her son to her eccentric brother scared her to be honest.

"I think he would be… the only one who can have Hyukjae now…" Sungmin said really quietly, unsure of his own decision. Sunny nod in agreement, yet she was unsure of how Hyukjae's life would be from now on.

My unique friend Donghae,

Is a little weird,

He can't touch the ground,

Like any human being.

"But I don't know uncle Yesung!" Hyukjae cried out. His parents had come to talk to him next morning about moving with uncle Yesung.

"We know sweetheart, but it's the best we can do…" Sungmin said trying to soothe his kid.

"Why? Why are you sending me away? You don't love me anymore?" Hyukjae asked trying his best to control his sobs and tears.

"Of course we love you sweetheart but… but Donghae might hurt Sora again" his mother said, trying to explain to her son why he had to leave.

At that moment the doorbell went off and both parents look out surprised.

"Oh, that must be your uncle… get ready Hyukjae" Sungmin said, standing up from where he was knelt down next to his son's bed. Both parents left Hyukjae's room to go downstairs.

Still crying Hyukjae got up from his bed and changed clothes, looking at the suitcases his parents had filled for him with disgust. He returned to his bed to sit on it, while Donghae sat next to him.

"I told you, you can't attack people" Hyukjae said to Donghae, though he was looking down, lowly. Donghae just looked down at him, regret written all over his face.

Few minutes later and there was a knock on the door.

"Hyukjae? Can I come in?" Yesung asked, his head peeking inside Hyukjae's room. Hyukjae only nod, not daring to look up. Yesung entered the room and shut the door after him. He stared silently at Hyukjae, the phone call he had received just last night did alarmed him. "You must be Donghae"

Hyukjae looked up from his hands surprised; he turned to his uncle who was right now staring at Donghae. How did he know Donghae was there?

"You… you can see Donghae?" asked Hyukjae in disbelief. Yesung gave him a small smile and nod.

"Short dark hair, skin not as pale as it seems like, wearing all white, small eyes and nose… transparent" Yesung described. "He is sitting next to you, seeming as startled as you are" Yesung said approaching the bed. Kneeling down not in front of Hyukjae but of Donghae.

"How can you… but… I was the only one that could see him" Hyukjae stuttered trying to see if he's uncle was lying.

"I'm not lying Hyukjae" Yesung said, his smile going wider. "There are people… special people… like you and me that can see things normal people can't" Yesung tried to explain, as best as he could to a little child.

"That means… I'm weird?" Hyukjae asked confused. Yesung laugh a little.

"Not weird Hyukjae, special" Yesung said.

"That's just the nice way of saying weird" Hyukjae answered.

My unique friend Donghae,

Has dark hair,

And he's a little mad,

Like the March Hare.

"So… Donghae can stay with us?" Hyukjae asked to break the silence between his uncle and him. They were in his uncle's car driving to his uncle's house.

"Of course, I don't have a problem with him" Yesung replied not losing focus on the road. "In fact, you will have to forgive me for my guests"

"Mom said you lived alone" Hyukjae said surprised.

"Oh, to her I live alone, but I'm guessing not to you" Yesung said a small smile on his lips. Hyukjae just wrinkle his nose.

My unique friend Donghae,

Can travel by car,

And I hold his hand,

So he can't go far.

"This is your house?" Hyukjae asked amazed as he stared at the wide entrance, his mouth wide open as he took in his surroundings.

The front gate was about enough for him to be amazed since it was so big and shiny, but then the car circled a fountain and stopped at the front door. Hyukjae saw the outside of the house in amazement, seeing that it was a second floor mansion.

"Yeah, big isn't it?" Yesung smile proudly.

"Are you rich?" Hyukjae asked him, still in amazement.

"Not really" Yesung give a small laugh "Believe it or not the house was really cheap… people didn't want it because they had to share it" Yesung said.

"Share it?" Hyukjae asked confused.

"I told you, we have guests, but I'm guessing Donghae will protect you well" Yesung said looking up at Donghae, knowingly. "Come on, I'll walk you to your room" Yesung said taking Hyukjae's suitcases in his hands and starting up the flight of stairs.

23 Hyukjae counted 23 steps, down the right corridor, the third room to the left.

"Here it is" Yesung said, opening the door and entering the room. Hyukjae gasped. The room looked like a toy store.

To start off his new room was twice as big as the one he had before. His room was more than 4 meters in height and he couldn't tell how many in wide. In the ceiling there were multiple models of plains and air balloons suspended in mid air –probably by cables but he'll fool himself thinking that they were actually flying. The bed was hidden in a castle made out of wood and painted and it had two floors and a slide. Above the castle was painted a fierce dragon taking the illusion to next level. There was another part of his room, close to the bed, were you had go down two steps to encounter a lake painted on the floor, in that corner there were multiple shelves to store toys; which were filled with stuffed animals and some action figures, the shelves resembled leaves made out to look like they were part of the lake.

But what caught Hyukjae's attention the most was the big ship, in the furthest end of his room. It was half of the ship actually and it was built up in the wall, having to get there through a bridge that started from the floor and to the ship. There was also like a "peace" place –like Hyukjae named right after he spotted it- it was the place where a desk was found, cushions were there too and a small coffee table. The walls were painted with different things but they all made specifically for a child. If Hyukjae could describe perfect, he would describe this place.

"And all this is mine?" Hyukjae asked in disbelieve turning to Yesung. Yesung gave him a small smile.

"Well, only if Henry agrees" he said. Hyukjae furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who is Henry?" he asked.

"He is one of my guests you'll meet him later" Yesung said leaving Hyukjae's suitcases on the floor. "You must be hungry, let's go eat"

Hyukjae just followed in toe.

My unique friend Donghae,

Sits down to eat,

But I've never seen him,

Give a bite to the meat.

Hyukjae found out later that by guests Yesung referred to what everyone else called ghosts.

Henry; being one of these guests, was a small child, about the age of Hyukjae, who was kind of like Donghae. He was transparent too but he had paler skin and not so dark hair. He was also wearing all white but unlike Donghae, Henry spoke. He spoke in a language Hyukjae couldn't understand but he spoke. When Hyukjae asked Henry if he could play with his toys, Henry agreed.

Henry wasn't like Donghae. Henry appeared randomly, not staying with Hyukjae like Donghae did, and it wasn't that Henry was in another place of the house, but he completely disappeared and appeared whenever he felt too. Those times when Henry appeared it was only to play with Hyukjae. They mostly played with Henry's toys, Henry being the perfect playmate. Unlike Donghae, Henry laughed. Every time Henry and Hyukjae played together Henry laughed, he smiled and the he was gone.

Hyukjae liked Henry; Hyukjae too smiled brightly when Henry appeared.

Another of these guests was Jessica. Jessica stayed more than anything in the third bathtub. Yesung said that was the place where she died, and that's why she stays there. Hyukjae talked with Jessica, but Jessica talked really depressing things. Things someone as innocent as Hyukjae didn't know about. Jessica unlike Donghae and Henry, had a scar on her neck. She was about the age of Donghae and had long dark hair and pale skin just like them, but the scar was something that really bothered Hyukjae.

Jessica liked Hyukjae, because Hyukjae tried his best to make Jessica laugh.

Krystal was another of these guests. Krystal was Jessica's younger sister and was about eleven years old. Like Jessica, Krystal had a wound but she had it right in her heart. Hyukjae didn't dare talk about her wound; she tried to cover it as much as she could, so he knew it would be uncomfortable for her to talk about it. Kristal had her hair in a ponytail and she had big eyes. She was the first girl Hyukjae ever called pretty, he thought Jessica was pretty too but wouldn't admit it until he met Krystal. Krystal was really friendly with him and accepted to play with him when Henry wasn't around. She joined them too when they played sometimes. Krystal talked to him, but mostly about girls stuff.

There were also adults, like Yunho. Yunho was the father of the two sisters and he was really kind and funny. Even though he was an adult he behaved like a child sometimes and Hyukjae really liked him. Yunho too played with Hyukjae and talked with him, like father would talk to a son. Hyukjae really looked up to Yunho and he was really fond of him. Yunho also had a wound on his heart like Krystal did. Hyukjae didn't want to ask about his wound either, he didn't want to make Yunho talk about bad or sad things, because Yunho was always smiling and Hyukjae didn't want him to ever lose that smile.

Yunho played a lot with Krystal too, Hyukjae noticed. He liked watching Yunho carrying Krystal on his back while Krystal pointed and laughed at things. Hyukjae did wonder how they could be ghosts…

A ghost; like Yesung had explained to him, are people that died before they had to. People that either: are killed, died from a disease, or died in an accident. There are weird cases where the person took his own life, everyone that had killed himself immediately become a ghost. That was Jessica's case; Yunho and Krystal were killed and according to Yesung Henry died from a disease. Hyukjae didn't really wanted to know how Donghae died, it make him uneasy.

Ghosts are free to go once their unsolved things get solved. It's their choice to stay on earth or rest in peace. Except for the ones who committed suicide, those have to stay on earth even if they don't want to.

Henry, Jessica, Krystal and Yunho are just the one's Hyukjae sees the most, but the house is plagued with ghosts. That's why no sane people wanted it, and even though the sales lady told Yesung over and over again that the house was haunted Yesung still wanted it nonetheless. They called him insane but they still sold the house to Yesung.

Yesung assured Hyukjae that even if the house was plagued with ghosts, those ghosts were friendly, if not, they would have killed him long ago. It was true, every ghost Hyukjae encountered seemed friendly to him and after a quick chat they all became his friends.

Yesung and Hyukjae were both used to see ghosts everywhere. One could say it was almost comical how they would open the fridge and found everything out of place and just sigh and look for whatever they were looking for in the first place. Or how they would enter the bathroom and night and see a ghost there and just ask him/her to get out so they could use the toilet in peace.

Yesung and Hyukjae respected the ghosts and lived a relatively normal life with them.

My unique friend Donghae,

Doesn't sleep at night,

He fights away my nightmares,

Like a really brave knight.

"What are you doing?" Hyukjae asked Yesung one day. He had been living with him for months now, Yesung kind of home schooled Hyukjae so he could go back to a school when the next school year came.

Yesung looked up from his computer to Hyukjae.

"I'm writing" he answered taking a sip to his coffee.

"What are you writing?" Hyukjae asked approaching Yesung.

"A book" Yesung answered simply. "I'm an author, that's how I win my money" he added.

"Oh" Hyukjae said in admiration. "Can I read one of your books?" he asked. Yesung looked at him bewildered but nodded and got up from his chair and walk to the shelf full of books at his back. He took one and handled it to Hyukjae. "Is it a series?" Hyukjae asked.

"Yes… it's a long series… I'm working on the seventh book" Yesung said. Hyukjae nodded excitedly and ran off from the library to his room. He spent the rest of the day reading his uncle book.

Yesung called him for dinner and he run down to the dining room. The table was made for more than two people but they were the only ones that sat at the table so they just used a corner of it.

"Your book is good" Hyukjae said. Yesung smile fondly at this, since no member of his family had read the book he wrote.

"Thanks" he said sincerely. "It's not the no. 1 in the charts but it's still good…" Yesung said biting down on his dinner.

"I know how to make it the best!" Hyukjae said excitedly.

"You do?" Yesung asked amusedly. Hyukjae nodded excessively.

"But I have to read all the books first" Hyukjae said his face becoming serious. Yesung just laughed a little.

My unique friend Donghae,

Plays hide and seek,

He appears after hours,

He is really meek.

"Hyukjae that idea is amazing!" Yesung said excitedly.

As Hyukjae has said after he read all the books his uncle had published he run down to the library where his uncle was still working on the seventh book and told his uncle his idea. It wasn't just a really promising advertising idea but Hyukjae also helped in the making of the series.

Hyukjae smiled the biggest brightest smile Yesung had ever seen. Yesung forgot about the seventh book and started working on the remakes of his previously published books, now with Hyukjae by his side helping him.

It amazed Yesung how close he was with Hyukjae after such a short time. The traumatic experience of moving here after all that happened with his parents didn't reflect on Hyukjae's bright personality. He didn't even mention his parents, sister or anything that happened anymore. It's like if he had moved on at such a short age.

Before long Yesung had become like a father to Hyukjae and Hyukjae had become the son Yesung never though he would have. Sure he had wanted to form a family some time but no one dared to go near him, his eccentric personality, combined with the fact he lived with ghosts scared everyone away.

But Hyukjae was light his life was missing, while Yesung was the support Hyukjae needed. Yesung wasn't afraid of Donghae like everyone else and even did little conversation with him. Yesung never made Hyukjae feel unsafe or unloved and he even made Hyukjae feel useful as he helped him with his books.

Yesung taught Hyukjae how to cook, even though he wasn't the best cooker, and how to do chores, so they both cleaned the house. Yesung played with Hyukjae whenever the little requested it.

Every single night Yesung tucked Hyukjae to bed and deposited a soft kiss on the child forehead whispering a good night. Hyukjae truly loved Yesung.

My unique friend Donghae,

Wears all white,

He's really shiny,

He's my light.

"I read your book to Henry" Hyukjae, now 8 years old, said during dinner.

"Really? Did he like it?" Yesung asked.

"Yes! He's waiting for part 2" Hyukjae said with a bright smile.

"That's good news then" Yesung said happily.

After a year of living together, Yesung had managed to publish the remake; even though the company thought remakes would only cost money without really bring in anything, but they were all wrong.

Like Hyukjae had suggested, Yesung made the story about a pair of twins; brother and sister; that were normal in a magical place and had to make a journey to find what was special of them. Yesung also included drawings not only of the characters but in the story as well, just to make the book more attractive.

In the advertising, Hyukjae played a really big role on it. He dressed up as the male character and went around town giving out flyers of the book and "performing" magic tricks, like making a book float. Everybody was amazed by him, when in reality it was Donghae lifting the book. Or knowing the page people opened the book on; Donghae whispered the numbers to him.

Yes, it was cheating, but who said he couldn't use his ghost when performing magic?

People uploaded videos of Hyukjae doing "magic" to the internet and the book soon gained interest. The book was uploaded to the internet, translated in English and soon worldwide demands of the book were requested.

Yesung and Hyukjae had made it. The book reached no.1.

And though the book had given them good income, they still lived as simply as they could.

By this time Hyukjae had also entered a new school. He was so shy to talk to anyone so he just stayed away from everyone else, but at least here he wasn't bullied. He still talked to Donghae at school but tried his best to make it the least noticeable as possible.

If it hadn't being for Donghae, he wouldn't had survived in school.

My unique friend Donghae,

Has a beautiful smile,

I wish he never loses it,

I want it to stay for a while.

Hyukjae was now sixteen.

He could now understand so many things he couldn't at his seven years, but it didn't bother him. It didn't bother him the fact his parents had given away to someone that they really didn't knew. It didn't bother him the fact his parents had never called to check on him. It didn't bother him the fact that he could see dead people.

He was happy. He had his uncle, he had friends –not necessarily alive but still- and his room still made him feel like a child. If his uncle wasn't rich when he arrived, he was now drowning in money. His books had been so successful he was one of the most claimed authors and a Hollywood studio was now making his books films.

Yet he and Hyukjae lived simply, just paying for the things they need. The only time they wasted money in something they didn't need was on vacation. They had travelled to different parts of the world, including Japan, London and New York. They also spent when Christmas was here, Yesung doing his best to give Hyukjae whatever he had asked for and Hyukjae doing his best to buy something really special for his uncle.

Hyukjae was truthfully thankful for his uncle and Yesung was truthfully thankful for him. And if it hadn't being for Hyukjae's parents sending him away, he would never had been as happy as he was, in fact, he would have been miserable. Living here with his uncle his life was special.

"Dad" Hyukjae said calling out for Yesung. He had long ago stopped using 'uncle' to refer to Yesung. For him Yesung was his dad and his parents and sister became the uncle, aunt and cousin he never saw.

"Yes, son?" Yesung answered curiously. He too started referring to Hyukjae as he felt him… his son.

"Have you seen Donghae?" Hyukjae asked worried. "We were playing hide and seek and I haven't seen him"

"You mean you haven't found him" Yesung laughed.

"No, I mean I haven't seen him. The game started three days ago and I swear I have looked for him in every single corner of the house and I haven't seen him. I've also asked Jessica, Yunho and Krystal and they haven't seen him either. Henry is helping me look for him but he's gone for an hour now and I think he won't find him…" Hyukjae explained, looking for Donghae everywhere.

"Have you asked the others? Leeteuk, Kibum…" Yesung started, looking worriedly at Hyukjae.

"Yes… they haven't seen him either" Hyukjae stated.

"Well… that's weird" Yesung said.

"I miss him" Hyukjae said sitting down next to his dad. "And tomorrow I start High School, how am I supposed to go without Donghae?" Hyukjae asked true concern in his voice.

"I'm sure he'll appear by tomorrow" Yesung tried soothing his kid.

"But what if he doesn't?" Hyukjae asked in fear.

"Then… you'll have to be like any normal kid and go alone" Yesung said trying to sound encouraging.

"I'm not normal, I'm special and I need Donghae tomorrow" Hyukjae said, laying down on the sofa to place his head over his dad lap.

Yesung caressed Hyukjae hair softly.

"There, there I know you'll be alright tomorrow, with or without Donghae"

What his dad didn't know was that he had grown to love Donghae. Of course he will never admit he was in love with a ghost… but it didn't make it less real. Hyukjae knew Donghae better than he knew himself. Those small eyes had Hyukjae captivated, he could really stare at Donghae's face for forever and he wouldn't get bored.

He really, really needed Donghae with him. Not just tomorrow, but for the rest of his days.

My unique friend Donghae,

Has gone missing,

I wish he appears,

I can't stand his teasing.

"Come on, you can do it" Yesung said encouragingly from the driver seat. He had driven Hyukjae to his school and was now turning to look at the frightened teenager.

Hyukjae looked at him with a small smile on his lips, he breathed in deeply and muttered a thanks. He grabbed his bag and looked up front, again taking a deep breath.

"I can do this" he said to himself, earning a laugh from his dad. Hyukjae turned to the back sit to see if Donghae was there even though he knew he wasn't. His face turned sad and Yesung was about to soothe him when he smiled softly. "Thanks for driving me dad" he said before getting out of the car.

Hyukjae walked to his classroom and went straight to the back of the room, sitting down on a corner. The classroom was almost full, just a chair –the one next to Hyukjae- was left and everybody asked themselves to who it belonged too.

The class started and as the teacher was giving a lecture and Hyukjae was drawing instead of paying attention, the classroom door opened.

"You're late, Mr. Lee" the teacher said looking at the new student.

"I'm sorry… I couldn't find the classroom" the teenager apologized. Hyukjae stop mid in his action.

That voice he thought looking up in shock.

"Just come inside and present yourself" the teacher said. The kid nodded and stepped inside.

Hyukjae's eyes almost get out of his head. Short dark hair, skin not as pale as it seemed, those small eyes he had grown to adore, small nose, a little shorter than him.

"Hi, I'm Lee Donghae"

My unique friend Donghae,

Has appeared again,

He was a ghost,

Now he is a man.

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av_versiera #1
Chapter 2: Aw well at least Donghae made it to his first day...what a beautiful story :D
haepants #2
Chapter 2: so i guess Hae became like a ghost because he's comma or something? did i go to the wrong direction?
Chapter 2: You should make a one shot sequel!!!!!!! Noooo!! Cliff hanger ~~~
Chapter 2: You should make a one shot sequel!!!!!!! Noooo!! Cliff hanger ~~~
Chapter 2: I just thought that has actually in comma and his soul seeing hyukjae. But now he's awake, that's why he disappeared. Keke.. this is super nice. Love it!!!
Chapter 2: what....
Donghae is a man....

Sequel please....

P.s. Thanks for sharing this fic...^^
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 2: Hae's real aaaaaaa how come? But I don't mind haha thanks goodness hyukkie can be with hae again :) and yeye so caring aaaaaaa
Thanks authornim!
Chapter 2: This was so good and I Loved It<3 So sad though that Hyuk's parents never called or wanted to see him it's like he never existed but so Happy that he and Yesung had each other and they lived a wonderful life ..the ending was great and hopefully they will be together again ..Thanks for writing such a wonderful and loving story:)