How it all starts

My Unique Friend Donghae


My unique friend Donghae,

Has this little thing,

Where he is transparent,

So you can see through him.

"But mom" Little 6 years old Hyukjae whined from behind his mother.

"I said no Hyukjae, ghosts do not exists, you're making this up and I will not tolerate this… this… this nonsense again!" his mother exclaimed furiously.

"But…" Hyukjae said lowly.

"No buts Hyukjae, now go to sleep" his mom said closing the door of Hyukjae's room after her; she locked it from outside, effectively trapping Hyukjae inside.

"…he's here" Hyukjae said after the door was closed. He turned to his side to look at the transparent form he knew as 'Donghae'.

'Donghae' as Hyukjae called him was a 16 year old boy that no matter what followed Hyukjae everywhere. It was pretty normal for Hyukjae, he saw Donghae as well as he could see anyone else; he could stare at Donghae's small eyes, he could distinguish Donghae's short dark hair –or at least he thought it was dark since it made contrast with his pale skin-, he witnessed whenever Donghae went through the walls, for him it was normal.

The only weird thing about Donghae according to Hyukjae was that no one else could see him and that he could look through him.

"Why can't she see you?" Hyukjae asked Donghae as they both sat on Hyukjae's bed. Donghae only smiled at him. Hyukjae pouted but didn't push it; he could never make him talk, and when he did talk it was only few words –that's how he knew Donghae was his name.

Even though Donghae didn't talk as much as Hyukjae would like him too, he was a good company to him. Hyukjae did enjoy having Donghae following him, because Donghae made sure nothing happened to him. Every time Hyukjae tripped Donghae would catch him before he hit the ground, every time something was going to hit Hyukjae Donghae catch it or push it before it could harm him. And Donghae was a good listener too, so Hyukjae was really happy he had Donghae; even though his parents and everyone else thought he was crazy.

People called Donghae a 'ghost' or an 'imaginary friend' something that didn't exist. People tried convincing Hyukjae that he was making all up and that in reality he wasn't seeing any 'Donghae' but he wouldn't believe that. He saw Donghae, he talked to Donghae, he lived with Donghae, so Donghae was as real to him as his own parents; even though he could see his parents in color while he saw a transparent Donghae.

"What is he doing this time?" Hyukjae's mom asked his dad as they both looked through the kitchen window to the garden were Hyukjae was playing with Donghae.

Hyukjae was currently playing mimics with Donghae. Hyukjae imitated something and Donghae had to guess what was he imitating but it could only be thing Donghae could point because he couldn't; or rather wouldn't, talk. Hyukjae was laughing seeing Donghae struggling to guess what was he imitating. After sometime Hyukjae walked up to Donghae and gave him a hug. Even if he couldn't feel Donghae, he still liked to pretend he was hugging him.

What was a sweet action to him, it was completely strange to his parents.

My unique friend Donghae,

Is invisible to the world,

But as days pass by,

I can only see him more.

"I understand, but a mental institution?" Hyukjae's dad asked his mom as they were both talking in the living room.

"I know dear, but what can we do?" Hyukjae's mom asked him, desperate.

"Sunny calm down… I think you're over reacting" Hyukjae's dad said calmly, motioning with his hands to his wife to calm down.

"It has gone too far Sungmin! You saw your kid! He was hugging air! He insists and insists and insists there's someone called Donghae with him. Every time we go to a restaurant he moves the chair so Donghae can sit… he does that too here, don't you see? He is crazy!" Sunny said in exasperation. "The kid has problems that we can't fix…"

Hyukjae heard his parents from above the stairs. His eyes filled with tears as he heard how his mom talked like he was a liar. It wasn't his fault they couldn't see Donghae, but he couldn't deny his presence; he could see him clearly.

"What if we tried bringing a doctor here?" Sungmin tried reasoning with his wife "A children psychologist? Would it calm you down?" Sungmin asked Sunny.

"Yes… yes it would" she answered, a small smile on her lips. Sungmin smiled too and he hugged his wife close to him.

Hyukjae left his spot on the stairs and went to his room. He closed the door after him and jumped on his bed. A doctor? He didn't need a doctor, he wasn't feeling sick.

"Donghae… am I sick?" Hyukjae asked confused looking up at Donghae. Donghae took one of his hands to Hyukjae's forehead and placed it lightly on it. Hyukjae could feel a soft breeze in his forehead. Then Donghae took it away and shook his head lightly. "Then, why my parents want a doctor?" Hyukjae asked still confused with that innocence only a child could posses. Donghae smiled sympathetically to him and Hyukjae could only pout.

My unique friend Donghae,

Doesn't talk that much,

But if he whispers in your ear,

You can feel a soft air touch.

"Hello, I'm Cho Kyuhyun, this is my assistant Zhoumi, I am a child psychologist" a man with brown wavy hair greeted Sungmin and Sunny "I'm here for a… Lee Hyukjae?" he said checking quickly with his assistant to see if he was correct.

"Ah, yes, please come inside" Sungmin said politely moving out of the way so Kyuhyun and his assistant could enter. "I am Lee Sungmin and this is my wife Sunny" Sungmin greeted in return.

"So… you said your kid is convinced he sees a ghost?" Kyuhyun asked, walking towards the living room to sit in the sofa, even if he hadn't been invited to do so. Zhoumi loyally sat down next to him, Sungmin and Sunny sat across from them.

"Well… he doesn't call him a ghost, but he describes him as one" Sunny began trying to explain. "He claims he sees this transparent being that can pass through walls and that it talks to him sometimes but just says few words, he says his name is Donghae and that he helps him when he's in trouble, if he is going to fell down or something Donghae would always stop him" Sunny said letting out an exhausted sigh. I don't know what has gotten to him but he had been like this since forever".

"Ok… I understand… and this ghost follows him everywhere?" Kyuhyun asked while Zhoumi took notes.

"He says so… but we've never seen anything weird or paranormal, we just see our kid talking with air so it might as well be an imaginary friend" Sungmin explained sounding; too, exhausted.

"Well… I have to talk with the kid to see what's wrong with him" Kyuhyun said standing up. Sunny stood up too, she nodded in his direction and then she lead Kyuhyun and Zhoumi to her son's room.

"Hyukjae, these people are going to talk to you, please be honest with them" Sunny informed her son. Hyukjae was currently holding up a car for Donghae to see, he turned around at his mother's voice and nodded, lowering the car.

Kyuhyun and Zhoumi entered the room and closed the door after them.

"Hello Hyukjae, I'm Kyuhyun" Kyuhyun greeted the kid "and this is Zhoumi" he said motioning towards Zhoumi "but you can call him big nose if you want" Kyuhyun said mockingly, earning Zhoumi to stick his tongue out at him and a laugh from Hyukjae. "We're going to ask you some questions, ok?" Kyuhyun smiled warmly and Hyukjae nodded.

"How old are you?" Kyuhyun asked, grabbing a chair to sit in front of Hyukjae –who was sitting on the bed- Zhoumi followed in toe.

"Six years old" Hyukjae answered showing up six fingers to show his age.

"And your full name is?" Kyuhyun asked, trying to make Hyukjae comfortable.

"Lee Hyukjae" Hyukjae answered smiling.

"Ok, and what kind of games do you play?" Kyuhyun asked, crossing one leg over the other.

"I like playing mimics with Donghae" Hyukjae answered still happy.

"And Donghae is you friend, right?" Kyuhyun asked trying to get to the point while he could.

"Yep, but my parent don't like him" Hyukjae said frowning.

"Why?" Kyuhyun asked, studying Hyukjae's reactions.

"They say Donghae don't exist because they can't see him" Hyukjae answered suddenly feeling really uncomfortable.

"But he exists…" Kyuhyun trailed off.

"He's there" Hyukjae pointed to behind Kyuhyun and Zhoumi to a blank spot; but to Hyukjae's vision there was a person standing there. Kyuhyun and Zhoumi both turned to the blank spot, and then they stared at each other.

"And… how is him?" Kyuhyun asked returning his gaze to Hyukjae.

"You can't see him… no one can" Hyukjae said, his gaze falling to the bed.

"No, I can't, but I believe you" Kyuhyun answered smiling; which made Hyukjae smile too.

"You do? He's tall for me but not that much, he has short dark hair and small eyes and nose, he wears all white and his skin is white too" Hyukjae explained enthusiastically. "He plays with me, and he picks me up before I fall and, and, and he listens to me. I like him" Hyukjae answered still brightly. Kyuhyun eyes widened for a second at this.

"You like him?" Kyuhyun asked to be sure he didn't misunderstand.

"Yes! I like Donghae" Hyukjae repeated still happy "He's really cute too"

"You think he is cute?" Kyuhyun asked narrowing his eyes a little. "Is any of your classmates cute too?"

"No. Girls are EW and boys aren't cute" Hyukjae answered simply.

"But Donghae is cute" Kyuhyun said not really asking Hyukjae.

"Yes, he is cute, his face is cute" Hyukjae answered smiling.

"Are you… fond of Donghae, Hyukjae?" Kyuhyun asked quizzically.

"Yes, I like Donghae even if my parents don't" Hyukjae answered nodding.

"I see… tell me more about Donghae, please Hyukjae" Kyuhyun said lowering his leg and moving forward to show Hyukjae he was paying attention.

Hyukjae passed the next hour talking to Kyuhyun and Zhoumi of his numerous adventures with Donghae. He told them how Donghae had been with him since forever; saying that Donghae had visited him while he was still in his crib on his parent's room even though he didn't remembered that. He told them about the time he was about to fell down from a fence and how Donghae had pulled him back to steady him. He told them about the time he had played hide and seek with Donghae and spent half a day looking for him until he found him outside on the ceiling.

Hyukjae talked animatedly about all his experiences with Donghae and how people thought he was crazy or making that up. People said he had a vivid imagination but he had never imagined anymore 'Donghae's' than the original.

"Do I have a vivid imagination?" Hyukjae stopped and asked Kyuhyun, eyes big and mouth open in expectation.

"No, of course not" Kyuhyun answered reassuringly. "Ok Hyukjae, I've heard enough, we have to leave now, alright?" Kyuhyun said and stood up, Zhoumi following.

"Will you come back?" Hyukjae answered expectantly. Kyuhyun only nodded waving good bye to the kid.

Both men left Hyukjae's room and Zhoumi closed the door after him.

"So, the kid doesn't have vivid imagination?" Zhoumi asked Kyuhyun.

"If he had vivid imagination he'll see more things, he describes what everyone would call a ghost. When kids create imaginary friends they tend to be somehow like them or something they would like to be. I don't think this kid wants to be a ghost, and the way he describes it… that's not how a kid describes and imaginary friend. Besides, you heard him he can't control what this ghost does… while kids can control imaginary friends." Kyuhyun said sternly, totally focused.

"So… you believe this kid is seeing ghosts?" Zhoumi asked surprised.

"Of course not Zhoumi, science hasn't proved ghosts exists… however I don't know what's wrong with the kid. He seems perfectly normal to have schizophrenia or any other mental disease… aside from seeing this 'ghost' the kid is completely normal." Kyuhyun said, grabbing his chin in thought.

"Do you want to try and convince the kid what he is seeing is not real?" Zhoumi asked.

"That won't work… I'll work on this back in the office, let's go." Kyuhyun said walking down the hall and down the stairs to meet Hyukjae's parents.

My unique friend Donghae,

Stays with me all the time,

Even when I'm asleep,

He always appears in my mind.

"Where are you going?" Hyukjae asked Donghae confused. Donghae took one finger to his mouth to silence him while he disappeared through the floor.

Donghae then appeared in the study hall but walk –more like float- to the living room, where Hyukjae's parents, Kyuhyun and Zhoumi were. This was the third session Hyukjae had with doctor Kyuhyun and his parents were growing anxious.

"Your kid is perfectly normal, the only weird thing he has is that he sees this ghost, I can't label that as schizophrenia and therefore can't treat it… honestly I can see a really healthy kid here, I don't think internalizing him will help him; in fact, that would traumatize him and that can lead to serious problems in the future…" Kyuhyun explained.

"So what we can do is just… endure this? Leave with this… ghost?" Sunny asked desperate.

"I know it sounds hard to do… but if you internalized the kid it will make things worse." Kyuhyun said trying to reason with Hyukjae's mother.

Sunny collapsed crying on the sofa. Sungmin sat down next to her and hugged her in an attempt of calming her. Kyuhyun and Zhoumi both vowed down before heading to the door. After three sessions Kyuhyun decided to cut things off seeing that this was an endless case.

Donghae smiled from the position he was standing watching the whole scene. Then he rise up and entered Hyukjae's room through the floor.

"Why are you smiling? What happened?" Hyukjae asked confused but Donghae's smile just went wider.

My unique friend Donghae,

Has small eyes,

You can see through them,

See he never lies.

A year later and Hyukjae still lived with Donghae by his side. His family had adapted to their uninvited new member and tried their best to ignore whenever Hyukjae mentioned him.

Donghae kept going with Hyukjae everywhere, even to school, where this particular happening took place.

Every boy and girl avoided Hyukjae; since he kept talking to air, and his classmates made fun of him. Hyukjae couldn't understand why everyone made fun of him, being as innocent and naïve as he was he couldn't really do much about it. He just accepted that everyone didn't like him but he couldn't understand why.

It was raining today so during recess the kids had to stay indoors.

Hyukjae sat in a corner of the classroom; away from everyone else, and he ate from the bento his mother had made for him. As he ate, he made little conversation with Donghae, Donghae only nodding and smiling while Hyukjae talked.

Suddenly three boys stood up in front of Hyukjae, where Donghae was sitting. Donghae moved from his place, anger boiling up in him.

"Donghae was sitting there…" Hyukjae said quietly.

"What did you say, freak?" the taller kid; the one in the middle, asked mockingly.

"What do you want Taecyeon?" Hyukjae asked, knowing not to push about Donghae.

"I saw you talking to air again, you are scarring the girls" Taecyeon said mockingly.

"Why don't you talk to people, freak?" the boy to the left of Taecyeon said defiantly.

"I-" Hyukjae started, looking up at the boy terrified.

"Nobody likes you, freak" the boy at the right of Taecyeon said.

"But-" Hyukjae looked at the boy still with terror.

"You should leave the school, freak" Taecyeon said, bending down to grab Hyukjae's strawberry milk.

"Give it back!" Hyukjae said desperate, standing up and reaching for his precious milk.

Taecyeon kept it away from him and he drinks it all. Once he was done he threw the empty carton at Hyukjae's forehead. Hyukjae winced in pain and took both his hands to his head.

"Don't be a crybaby, freak" Taecyeon said mockingly. He then pushed Hyukjae against the wall harshly, and Hyukjae cried out in pain as his back hit the wall and he slumped down. Hyukjae started crying loudly, the bullying he was receiving a little too much for his sensible being.

Taecyeon and the other kids didn't stop. The entire classroom started laughing at Hyukjae, calling him names, making fun of him and what not. Hyukjae just hug his form, curling up in a little ball and crying to himself.

The teacher had left the classroom before all this happened, having to go to the office for some papers, she returned while everyone was bullying Hyukjae and though she tried to stop it, the kids wouldn't listen to her. Hyukjae was in his corner, both his hands on his ears trying to muffle all the sounds, he was crying desperately and that made Donghae angry.

You shall never make a ghost angry.

Donghae left Hyukjae's side to fly across the room to grab Taecyeon and he held him in the air. Gasps of shock filled the room as they saw Taecyeon floating while the kid was just completely terrified; since he was filling a grasp from someone he couldn't see.

Like Taecyeon had done to Hyukjae, Donghae pushed the kid against the wall and let him fall to the ground. Taecyeon was crying from his injuries and the teacher quickly run t his side. But he wasn't the only one attacked.

The two other kids that had bullied Hyukjae suffered the same consequences. The girls that were laughing at him got their hair pulled up. All the kids were terrified and start screaming and running trying to save themselves from whatever was attacking them. Except for Hyukjae who was still crying in his corner.

He did look up when he heard the screaming and a chill run down his spine as he saw Donghae attacking his classmates.

"Donghae STOP!" Hyukjae yelled standing up. Donghae did stop at Hyukjae's voice and turned to look at him, while he was still holding a kid. "Put him down, NOW!" Hyukjae demanded and Donghae complied.

All the kids run to hide behind their teacher while her only stared in fear at Hyukjae. The disaster left in the classroom due to everyone running was minimum as they all stared at Hyukjae, who was yelling at Donghae.

"You can't hurt people like that Donghae!" Hyukjae said, his tears had stopped and he was trying to sound authoritative. Donghae looked down in what seemed shamed, he never meant to cause Hyukjae a problem, he was just trying to protect him.

"Lee Hyukjae?" the teacher asked nervously trying to maintain her posture.

"Yes Miss?" Hyukjae asked nervously too.

"You will… have to come with me…to the principal's office" she said trying to sound authoritative.

"But Miss I didn't do anything!" Hyukjae said, tears coming back to his eyes.

"Hyukjae" she said sternly, making him know she wouldn't change her mind. Donghae glared at her and was about to attack her but Hyukjae stopped him.

"Ok Miss" he said sighing, his head looking down.

The school's nurse visited their classroom while they were gone, seeing that they were too many injured to bring them to her office. Hyukjae sat down on a bench outside the principal's office while he waited for his parents to arrive. He knew he was in trouble, even though he hadn't done anything wrong.

Donghae sat faithfully at his side, waiting to hear too about Hyukjae's future. Hyukjae's parents arrived and they both entered the principal's office.

"What do you mean he's expelled?" Hyukjae heard his father yell after a while.

"He attacked all his classmates!" the principle said.

"You said so yourself, he was sitting down on a corner he didn't do anything!" his mother yelled, angered.

"Well he stopped the thing that was attacking them, partially is his fault" the principle reasoned.

"My son was being bullied! If all he defended himself! But no, he didn't attack any single kid" his father yelled, he had never heard his father being this angry.

"I'm really sorry, but I can't lose an entire class just for your son" the principle stated. "I'll advise you treat the disease he has"

"My son is not sick" his mother stated frustrated.

"Ma'am he talks to air! He claims there's someone when there's no one there! And that 'thing' attacked more than twenty children!" his teacher exclaimed.

His mother stomped out of the office and went directly to him, kneeling to his height.

"Do you talk with Donghae here?" his mother asked him angered. He could see tears in her eyes.

"Mommy… don't cry" little Hyukjae said terrified.

"ANSWER ME!" His mother yelled grabbing his shoulders with both hands, nailing her long nails in a rather painful way.

"Mommy you're hurting me" Hyukjae said as tears came to his eyes.

"Did you talk with Donghae here?" his mother asked him again desperate. Hyukjae only nod. "How many times have I told you NOT to speak to Donghae in public?" his mother yelled, getting madder if possible.

"But Donghae is my friend! He didn't mean to hurt anyone, he was just protecting me" Hyukjae said as soft sobs escaped his lips.

"Snap out of it Hyukjae! Donghae is not real!" his mother yelled straight at his face. "This has to stop! You cannot go around telling people you see ghosts! Ghosts don't exist, Donghae doesn't exist either!" she yelled as close as her son's face as she could get.

"But he is here! He is next to me! He is real!" Hyukjae yelled back, now completely crying. "Mommy believe me!"


Hyukjae took one of his little hands to his red cheek. His mother had slapped him and hard. Hyukjae looked up at her with terror in his eyes.

"You shall never again speak of Donghae, you need to stop lying, stop this charade now." Sunny said coldly, crying in frustration. Everybody at the office was staring at them with mouths wide open, Donghae included.

"I'm not a liar! Yu don't love me, but Donghae does! I hate you! I. HATE. YOU!" Hyukjae screamed running away from the office, Donghae following him in toe.

"Hyukjae!" Sungmin yelled before chasing after his son.

Sunny just stood where she was, crying, thinking just what has she done.

Hyukjae ran off not really looking where he was going, he just knew he had to get away from his school and fast. He stopped once it was hard to breathe due to his crying and from the exercise. Donghae looked down at him with worry.

"Go away!" Hyukjae yelled at him. "I'm a good kid, but they don't love me because of you!" he said crying at Donghae's direction. "Go away! Leave me alone!" Hyukjae screamed with all his might as he tried to push Donghae away, but couldn't do so, his frame just passing through Donghae.

Donghae turned to him worried. Hyukjae collapsed on the floor crying. Donghae knelt down next to him and tried to touch Hyukjae's face, but Hyukjae made a motion of pushing Donghae's hand away. Needless to say Hyukjae's hand didn't feel the touch between his' and Donghae's hand, but Donghae retreated it nonetheless.

"Hyukjae!" his father screamed from the distance and Hyukjae looked up to him. "Are you ok, son?" Sungmin asked kneeling down next to his son, a worried look on his face.

"Are you going to hit me too, daddy?" Hyukjae asked crying harder. Sungmin collected Hyukjae in his arms and hugged him close.

"Of course not" he said trying to calm his sobbing son.

"Mom doesn't love me" Hyukjae cried to his father neck.

"Don't say that, she loves you… she's just… stressed" Sungmin said trying his best to comfort his son while not lying to him. "Everything is going to work out, eventually, let's just go back home, ok?" Sungmin asked separating enough from Hyukjae just to see his son nod in approval.

Sungmin carried his son back home, Donghae only following them.

My unique friend Donghae,

Always protects me,

Even from the smallest things,

Like a buzzing bee.

That night at dinner Hyukjae was really careful with his words. He tried his best not to mention Donghae, or the accident, or the school, to say the truth he didn't speak about anything, only nodded or shook his head when he was asked something. Donghae was right there next to him but Hyukjae did his best to ignore him.

"Mom, why do I have to leave school because of him?" Sora, Hyukjae's older sister, asked.

"Sora is not up to discussion, they expelled your brother and I don't want you there" her mother answered as she continued to eat her dinner.

"But mom, all my friends are there! It's not fair I have to leave because of that freak!" Sora answered pointing to Hyukjae with a disgusted expression.

"Don't call your brother that" Sungmin said sternly not looking up from his plate.

"Well that's what he is! Why can't you be normal?" Sora asked Hyukjae directly. Hyukjae looked up at her, his heart feeling heavy from all the hate he was receiving from his own family.

"I…I…" Hyukjae tried to defend himself, but he didn't really know how.

"You see? You're pathetic, and you little ghost too" Sora said; mad at Hyukjae since her parents sign her out from school for his incident.

Hyukjae looked down at the floor, tears wanting to run free from his eyes but he tried his best to keep them in. Donghae saw this, he sensed the pain Hyukjae was feeling, and he glared deathly at Sora.

The girl kept eating like if nothing was happening. Like she didn't just hurt her brother deeply. Donghae despised her. Therefore he launch against her, grabbing a fist full of her hair, Donghae pulled her up from her seat and of the ground.

Sora left out pained-scared screams and both her parents gasped in shock. Sora tried fighting against whatever was holding her, kicking rapidly with her legs and taking her hands to her hair. She started crying since the moment she felt the tug.

"Help me!" she cried out to her parents that honestly didn't know what to do.

Hyukjae immediately looked up and he too gasped in horror. He stood up and went to where her sister was being suspended in air.

"Donghae put her down!" he said sternly. Donghae looked down at him as if he was unsure whether to obey or not; but the look on Hyukjae's eyes told him he should obey. Slowly, carefully, Donghae put Sora down and let go of her hair. Sora immediately run to her mother and buried herself in her mother's embrace.

Sunny held her daughter close while she looked stunned at Hyukjae. Sungmin having the same expression of fear and shock on his face, he just could move next to his wife to grab a hold of her. They both stared at Hyukjae not really believing what they had just witnessed.

"I told you I wasn't lying! I told you Donghae was real!" Hyukjae said, stomping his left foot on the floor for emphasis.

Hyukjae then ran to his room; crying, he shut the door after him and threw himself on the bed, hugging his pillow to his face and crying on it.

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av_versiera #1
Chapter 2: Aw well at least Donghae made it to his first day...what a beautiful story :D
haepants #2
Chapter 2: so i guess Hae became like a ghost because he's comma or something? did i go to the wrong direction?
Chapter 2: You should make a one shot sequel!!!!!!! Noooo!! Cliff hanger ~~~
Chapter 2: You should make a one shot sequel!!!!!!! Noooo!! Cliff hanger ~~~
Chapter 2: I just thought that has actually in comma and his soul seeing hyukjae. But now he's awake, that's why he disappeared. Keke.. this is super nice. Love it!!!
Chapter 2: what....
Donghae is a man....

Sequel please....

P.s. Thanks for sharing this fic...^^
wildrose88 #8
Chapter 2: Hae's real aaaaaaa how come? But I don't mind haha thanks goodness hyukkie can be with hae again :) and yeye so caring aaaaaaa
Thanks authornim!
Chapter 2: This was so good and I Loved It<3 So sad though that Hyuk's parents never called or wanted to see him it's like he never existed but so Happy that he and Yesung had each other and they lived a wonderful life ..the ending was great and hopefully they will be together again ..Thanks for writing such a wonderful and loving story:)