Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth

"I-I don't wanna get them removed. They're not even bothering me!" Taemin stuttered out. Their manager looked over and sighed.

"Taemin, if you don't get them removed, then they will bother you. And you'll be in even more pain. Try not to worry about it, besides, you only have two! Be grateful!" Taemin pouted.

The other four boys looked over and grinned.

"Yah! Taemin! Why are you complaining? Getting mine removed was the worst pain in I've ever been in in my life! You only have to have half the pain!" Key was the one that said this, and the others all started chuckling.

Taemin's eyes went wide and he whimpered. Wasn't it bad enough that he was already freaked out about it? Did they really have to make it worse? He went into the living room and sat down on the couch, rubbing his cheeks absentmindedly. The rest of them were sprawled out throughout the living room, smirking at him. Taemin, however, was oblivious.

"Yeah, I puked the night I got mine removed." Minho agreed with Key, and Taemin pulled his knees up to his chest.

"But you get Vicodin! And guess who gets the left overs~" Jonghyun sang, and they all started laughing at the pout on Taemin's face.

"Yah! Stop trying to scare me!" He pouted at them, and they all continued laughing. He huffed and went into his room, plopping down on his bed.

He came to the conclusion that they all royaly .


SHINee had only a couple schedules they had to do today. First, they had a radio show, which they were recording at this very moment in time. After, they have to go on a variety show, and that was about it. All of them would be there, except their beloved maknae, Taemin.

"So, SHINee, tell us! Where is Taemin?" The radio host asked. All of the boys began to snicker, and Key recovered the fastest.

"He has to get his wisdom teeth removed today. But don't worry~ We told our Manager-hyung to record it!" They all begand to laugh again, and the host chuckled slightly.

"Ahh, and what will you boys do with that tape?" Jonghyun started laughing the hardest, and Onew smiled at the host.

"Ahh, who knows? Maybe we'll show it to the fans~" They all began laughing, including the radio host, and they went on with the show.


"YAH! It only took them fifteen minutes to take his teeth out! MINE TOOK AN HOUR!" Key was glaring at his cellphone as they were riding home. They hadn't had time all day to check the messages from their manager. Taemin's appointment was at 9:30 in the morning, and it was currently three o' clock in the afternoon.

They all went and did their separate things. Minho was playing video games with Jonghyun in the living room, Key went to go make them food, and Onew went to go check on the maknae.

Taemin was laying down on his bed, two icepacks on his cheeks, watching T.V. Onew went over to the bed and knelt down.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Taemin smiled at him.

"I'm a little dizzy, and I can't tell if I'm hungry or nauseous, but other than that, I feel fine." Onew smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Well, that's good, I guess. If you need anything, just text me, okay?" Taemin nodded, and Onew hugged him. Taemin smiled and hugged back.

"You're the best, hyung~" Onew just chuckled, and went to go watch Jonghyun and Minho play video games.


About an hour later, Taemin came walking into the kitchen. Key looked over at him, "Yah! What are you doing out of bed?"

Taemin frowned, "Can I have one of the nausea pills, please?"

Key's face softened and he nodded.

"Here, it says to let it dissolve on your tongue." Taemin nodded.

"Thanks." Taemin took it and went back into his room.


It was at around nine o' clock that night when they heard Taemin sobbing. They all ran into his room and frowned when they saw him sitting up on the edge of his bed, their manager sitting next to him rubbing his back. What made them frown was the big bowl the maknae had in his lap and the damp cloth that was on his head.

"It'll pass, Taemin. Don't get so worked up over it." Their manager grabbed one of the icepacks that the maknae had on his cheeks and put in on the back of his neck.

"I've felt like this for hours!" He let out another sob, tears falling down his cheeks. "I just wanna throw up already!"

"Well, why don't you have another one of those nausea pills, then?" Key knelt down next to him. Taemin nodded, still crying.

Key went into the kitchen and brought back one of the pills as fast as he could. Taemin took it, and it worked for a few minutes, but the nausea came back even stronger.

"Maybe try going to sleep?" Onew had suggested it, but Taemin just shook his head.

"I've tried going to sleep all day." He kept sobbing, "Nothing's working."

He finally started throwing up around ten, and thankfully he didn't have much to eat today. However, while he was throwing up, he kept spitting out blood.

"Great, it's bleeding again!" They could all tell that he was just feeling miserable, but there was nothing any of them could do.

"Here, swish some water around. You don't want anything to get stuck in the wounds." Onew handed him a glass of water, and he swished it around a little before spitting it out into the bowl.

"Are you feeling better, now?" Their manager asked. Taemin nodded, and sniffed a little.

"Here, wipe your mouth off, and change your shirt. Then try to get some sleep, okay?" Their manager handed Taemin a towel, and he nodded.

Minho got him some gauze for the bleeding, and Jonghyun put a new damp towel on his head.

He finally fell asleep after about an hour, and they were all grateful.


"Yah, manager hyung! Where's the video?" Minho had asked him, and their manager just sighed, shaking his head.

"It's on the table. He didn't do much, though." They all grinned and went to watch it.


"Hyyuunnng," The word was muffled, due to the gauze in his mouth, and his seat in the car was reclined.

"Is it over?" He kinda sounded like he was drunk.

"Neh, Taemin. Try not to talk. It's hard to understand you." Taemin pouted.

"I want my milkshake. You said I could have a milkshake. I want vanilla." He wouldn't let up about the milkshake, and just kept talking about a vanilla milkshake.

"We're getting it right now, Taeminnie." They pulled up at a drive-thru, and their manager was ordering.

"Vanilla!" It was muffled, and their manager just chuckled.

"Yes, Taemin, I got you vanilla. But you can't have it right now. You have to wait until we get home, neh?"

"Nehhhh~" Taemin pouted again.

"Did you ask to keep your teeth, Taemin? Because that one nurse handed me this little thing with your teeth in it."

Taemin's eyes lit up, "Neh! I asked if I could see them afterwards~"

"You can see them when we get home, okay?" Taemin nodded.

"I'm tiiired, hyung."

"I know, but we're almost home."

Taemin groaned and let his head roll over a little, closing his eyes.

Then they arrived at home.


"It was supposed to be funny!" Jonghyun groaned and went to his room.

"I didn't get to keep my teeth." Key pouted.

They all went into their rooms, a bit dissapointed that their maknae didn't react as they had hoped.

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Chapter 1: Aww so cute
Chapter 1: Nice story. Congratulations.
Iminthezone #3
Chapter 1: ooof wisdom teeth . but haha his reaction was funny! poor tae tho lol
Chapter 1: Lol his reaction was funny and cute xD
Chapter 1: Oh man poor Tae. When I had the procedure, all four were taken out but they ended up getting infected. Worst pain of my life!!
Having your wisdom teeth out . I had all four of mine out at the same time under general and i was ill for a good week and a half after and i could not eat or stay away for more than a few hours im glad i only have to have them out once lol
aawwww poor Tae, I love how they were all there for him though afterwards when he was in pain and wasn't well; so sweet, lol I'm sure that they were hoping for him to do something really embarrassing so that they could when he was feeling better. ;-P
It's cute how they at first but after they're all talking care of him.
All I remember from my removal was staring at the doctor's light and them waking up with four teeth gone ^^