Stuck For The Night.

Unexpected Chance


Huh... I guess I just have to use the folding bed , I still have to get some rest since it was a tiring day after all and I think there’s nothing I would do…. Then I suddenly froze, “Omo! I’m dead meat I totally forgot about our thesis… I ‘m suppose to send my part tonight and I wasn’t able to finish it yet.”  I immediately went to find my laptop then I remembered that I left it in the room which both Kris and Luhan where.


I slowly walk towards the door of the room and slowly knock then Kris said “Wait a moment” then I heard a click as the door swayed open and Kris gesture you to go in. “Umm… I’ll just get my laptop I forgot I placed it here-“  I said looking at Kris when I suddenly look in front  it made me stop talking.


In front of me was a half-, wet look Luhan who was busy drying his hair when he saw me he automatically smiled at me.


Oh no! Don’t smile like that I’m hypnotized and geez his bare chest….


Before I blush in front of him I  lowered my head immediately look around to find my laptop, good thing I found it fast then I said “Good night” to them without looking up. Then I hurriedly went out  of the room but before I heard the door shut “Did you like it?” Kris whispered to me in a teasing tone which stunned me and I felt my face got warmed.


It’s been a long afternoon and would be a long night…


As I was doing my thesis I can’t completely concentrate to it, because Luhan’s position earlier keeps flashing on my mind and what Kris told me keep on replaying. I was able to finished it by almost three in the morning and I’m really really tired  and I just have to send it and I’ll be  able to sleep. As I was waiting it to be send I didn’t noticed my eyes shut and I dose off…





I suddenly woke up, so I opened my eyes and reach for my watch to check the time. It’s only three in the morning, huh then I suddenly remembered that I’m in other place to be exact in Chloe’s place. I suddenly look at the door and I saw that the lights outside was still on.


I wonder what Chloe is still doing in dawn time?


I decided to check her as I get up on my bed and opened the door I saw her silhouette in the dining table.  I approached her only to find that she was asleep and I saw her laptop that she was still sending something. I went back to the room to get a blanket, then I slowly and quietly went to her and cover it to her.  I take a seat next to her and look at her, wow she sleeps so peaceful and she’s kind to help us… and to let us stay in her house…


I was so deeply in thoughts on how this long night had been, that I didn’t noticed that my eyes shut and I dose off…


Author’s note:

[ Imagine Chloe and Luhan side by side in the dining table asleep facing each other <3]

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Chapter 14: I love it so much and it has a very touching end that im crying!!! *Wipe fake tear*
Chloelovesbaekyeolll #2
Chapter 14: Hhuhuhu <3 I LOVED IT SO MUCH T-T thank god it's made with my name !!! I love it even more cuz u author r so AWSOME. Thank you
luyoon90 #3
Chapter 14: So cute ending :) Congratulations for finishing this :)
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 14: Daebakk ^^ finally they meet each other :)
luyoon90 #5
Chapter 11: what will happen next?????? please please please update very very very soon!!!!
luyoon90 #6
Chapter 8: OMG! the last part made me cry
Chloelovesbaekyeol #7
Oh mt gawd I should have searched this up along time ago! Finally a Fanfic with My Name!!!! Oh thank youuuu soooo mucchhh you wonderful writer<3
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Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS FIC :"""> Luhan and KRIS!!! BOTH ARE MY BIASES ^^ it seems like i'm the first one to leave a comment here in your fic hehe don't worry unnie, i'm here! KAJA ~ *winks* update soon ^^