
A Little Magic


The show was starting and you stood backstage, nervous. Sehun your hair with his hand in attempt to calm you down. His action made you even more nervous. "Can you not touch me like that?"


"Are you afraid of me? I'm just trying to make you become more comfortable with me so that you'll perfect the performance. We're supposed to be lovers in the skit, you know. At least try to act like one." 


You pouted and walked away to grab yourself a bottle of water. Sheesh, I shouldn't have came here today. Who knew I'd get myself into this mess? 


"Sehun's performance is coming up! All side performers please get prepared!" a staff announced. You hurried back to Sehun's side and took a deep breath. Other women and men filed themselves at the side, getting ready to head onto stage when it was their que. I will do my best anyways. 


Without further ado, the performance started. You went through the skit with ease at the bar. It's not so frightening on stage. You reminded yourself to not look at the audience since they might throw you into a sudden nerve-breakdown. Fancy music started playing and that was the que for the next scene. The props for the bar were quickly removed by stage assistants and you positioned yourself on the right side of the stage. Sehun proceeded with his little magic tricks and you acted as though you were surprised.


Then came the finale. He pulled out a bouquet of roses from his top hat and gracefully danced towards you. The audience cheered and roared, excited from his magic tricks and dance of excellence. Swiftly, still holding the bouquet, he swung his arm around you and pulled you in towards him. However, this time, it was different from the rehearsal. Sehun tilted his head as he crashed his lips onto yours. He dug his tongue against your lips and forced its entrance into your mouth. He embraced you into a french kiss and you were indeed shocked. You reacted perfectly the way you were supposed to according to the director. Shocked at first, then slowly relaxing. The kiss was lustful and romantic, and you've fallen for it. 


You closed your eyes and your arms automatically wrapped around Sehun's slim waist, eager to deepen the kiss. The audience cheered even louder and many girls let out high-pitched screams. It seemed like forever until Sehun broke off from the kiss and swept you off the ground with his arms, carrying you to the white bed at the corner of the stage. You both gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, just like how the director wanted. But you didn't feel like you were acting at all. It felt so real, and your reactions were all natural. He gently placed you down on the bed and dove in for a second french kiss. You breathed in from your nose, desperate to fill your lungs with air, and smelled the sweet scent coming from his clothes. Even his kiss provided you with a sweet sensation. Then breaking apart from the kiss a second time, he your cheek with affection, looking into your eyes admiringly. Finally, the lights turned off and the performance was over. 



"Sehun, Jinx! That was a beautiful performance. The acting was great. Everything was great. Jinx, you did a wonderful job!" the director shook your hands vigorously, making no attempt to hide his satisfaction. "Jinx, if you ever want to again, you can always drop in as a side performer."


You giggled and smiled at his offer. "Thank you so much. I would have never thought that I would be able to perform that well. I'll think about it." 


It was quite late and you were really tired. Walking around in those high heels on stage was terrible. Your feet was pounding in pain when you took them off and all the make-up on your face just made you feel opposite from feeling refreshed. You didn't get enough sleep last night either and spent the whole day trying to track down Enchantement De Magie. You stood up from your chair and felt your body sway. Your sight was swallowed up in darkness and a headache was starting to kick in. Surrendering, you collapsed onto the ground.



You opened your eyes and woke up to a dim-lighted room. The lights were off and only a small lamp on the side was on. You noticed that you were lying down on a bed and that you were covered by a soft blanket. Looking over to your side, you saw Sehun siting on the edge of the bed, leaning on the headboard with his head dropped down. He was asleep. 


You shifted your position carefully on the bed, but the movement was sensitive to Sehun and he woke up. "Jinx, you're awake?" 


"Mhmm. Sorry I woke you up just now."


"It's alright. Not like I would want to stay in this position for the rest of the night anyways." He chuckled and help you get up into a sitting position.


"Where am I?"


"My house. You collapsed in the tent after the show was over. I volunteered to bring you home. Because you're not signed under the company yet, they have no right to be in charge of you. I said I knew who you were and where you lived."


"You lied."


"Yeah, so I brought you back to my house. Hope that's okay?"


"I should be asking you if that's okay. Thank you for taking care of me. I was beyond exhaustion after the show."


He smiled and his eyes formed crescents. His smile never looked so warm. He'd always have his expressionless face, so seeing him smile caused your heart to race. "It's alright having you here. Not much of a big deal." 


You both sat in silence for a few minutes. You remembered the show. How Sehun gave you a french kiss instead of just a kiss on the lips like how it was supposed to be. How you actually enjoyed it and gave in. "Sehun, why did you pull me into a french kiss on stage? In our rehearsal, the director said that just placing your lips on mine was enough." 


You looked over at him and saw him blush a little. He cleared his throat and looked at you. "Well, if I didn't do that, you wouldn't be able to react so perfectly."


"Oh? But during our rehearsal, after countless times, the director said my reactions were okay and that I should just perform in the exact same way on stage."


"Why are you asking?"


"Because I want to know. It was embarrassing you know. I wasn't prepared at all."


"You weren't supposed to be prepared. It's a trick I have up my sleeves. In the end, your performance was spectacular. You should be satisfied."


"You and your dirty tricks. Because of your so-called tricks, I lost my first kiss to you, did you know? And heck, I barely know who you are!"


Sehun calmly grabbed your chin in his hand and stared into your eyes with intensity. His face: expressionless. "For a person who's lost her left arm, she has quite a lot to say, don't you think?" 


His poker-face was hard to read. "Uhh, no...?"


"So I was your first kiss, hmm? In fact, the stage kiss doesn't even count, so there's nothing to worry about."


"But still…" 


"Do you want me to teach you how to kiss?"


You stared at him, wide-eyed and unable to speak. His face leaned in closer and closer, and you felt the warmth of his body close to yours. 


"You only have one arm, so I guess I have the advantage here."


"What?" Your thoughts crossed your mind in chaos. I shouldn't have trusted this guy. What is he going to do to me? But then again, why am I not doing anything? Your heart beat faster and faster and you closed your eyes, remembering the kiss on stage. You liked it. You loved it. How could it be?


Sehun pushed onto your right arm, jamming it into the headboard of the bed. He was strong and you couldn't escape. "If that was your first kiss, then obviously this will be your first time. Am I right?" He flashed you a sly smirk. 


You finally understood what he meant and let out a small gasp, only to be silenced when Sehun casted his mouth around yours. He slid his arm under the blanket and wrapped it around your waist. Still keeping you in his kiss, he laid you down from the seated position into a lying position on the bed. He wiggled under the blanket and you almost had a heart-attack when he rested his body on top of yours. You felt his cold hand come in contact with the warm skin of your waist and you shivered. You wanted to push him off. You wanted to pull away from the kiss. You wanted to resist, but every part of you wasn't responding. Every part of you wanted it to go on and made no attempt to stop it. You surrendered, letting him take control over you.



Four months with the young magician, and everything in your life seemed possible even without your left arm. Everything seemed miraculous and magical, and it was all Sehun's doing. He had the ability to manipulate your mind and reassure you of many things. He provided you with hope and determination. He was able to bring a smile to your face and help you see the light. He made you feel as if there was always something to look forward to.


But who knew that this night would be the last night together.


You woke up to a ray of sunshine shying through the sky blue curtains of Sehun's room. You smelled breakfast prepared just outside in the dining room. You looked over to your side and saw that the half of the bed was empty. You slipped out of bed and peeked around the house. He wasn't in the washroom, nor was he in the kitchen. "Sehun?" Did he go to work already?


You saw a plate of breakfast hidden under a translucent cover, and beside it was a small slip of paper. You slowly approached the dining table, your eyes focused on the piece of paper the whole time. Picking up the paper, your heart skipped a beat and tears streamed down your face.


Jinx, my love,


Fascination. Amusement. Real or fake. Seeing is believing. 

You're right, I'm just wasting my time fooling everyone with my so-called magic. They are nothing but tricks. After meeting you, you made me realize that sometimes, even tricks won't work. It's always about the truth, isn't it? 

Tricks. Like how I can make you feel as though your left arm is still there. But even though it feels as if it's still there, it never really is. You know that you'll never get your arm back.

I wish for you to be a girl filled with hope and determination, always. I'm glad to know that I'm the one who placed that smile back on your face. 

I can't stay here any longer, and don't try to find me. It's dangerous for you. You can't always rely on my magic to help you through life. You can't depend on me for happiness, hope, faith, and everything else.

But one thing is for sure, no one will ever replace you in my heart and in my mind. You are the sweetest and best thing that has happened to me. Please be safe.

I love you. 


xx Sehun, Wind. 


Your hand clasped over your heart and you sobbed heavily as you flopped onto the ground.



After getting yourself together, you decided to return back to your own home. You finished packing all the things you've brought over to Sehun's house into a suitcase and wrote a quick note, leaving it on the dinner table just in case he came back home for any reason. 



I'll be returning home.

Love, Jinx


There was no reason for you to live at his house anymore since he claimed his departure. You opened the door and stepped outside, startled by the crowd of news reporters surrounding you.


"Miss Roscoe, how do you feel to be living with a young magician like Wind?"


"Where's Wind?"


"Have you guys developed any intimate relationships?"


"Tell us about your relationship with young Wind."


"Did Wind ever share the secrets to his magic tricks with you?"


"You both are so young, but already living together. Did your parents refuse at any time?"


You turned back around quickly and slammed the door shut, double-locking it from the inside. What the hell? When did our relationship go public?


"Miss Roscoe, fans have seen you and Wind roaming about on the streets holding hands and sometimes intimately touch each other, like wrapping his arm around your waist. Please tell us more."


"Yes! Jinx Roscoe, some fans have seen you guys kissing passionately on the streets. Is this true?"


"Please confirm your relationship with Wind."


"Wind is not here at the moment! I will not answer any questions! May I ask for all of you to leave!?" you shouted from behind the door. 


Heading over to the couches, you rummaged your hands through your hair, frustrated. You waited for approximately an hour until all the news reporters have left the area. "Why did you leave me here with all these stupid reporters, Sehun!? Wind this, Wind that. Wind Wind Wind." You let yourself cry again in an uncontrollable bawl. It's not fair.



Sehun looked up from his magazine at the male staff who have barged into his room without knocking. "Yes, George?"


"Look," George demanded, turning on the television and flipping through the channels until he reached Global News. 


"Rumors are spreading virally outside on the streets and on the internet. A young girl found to have suicided just in the neighbourhood! Young and beautiful, it appears that she had some kind of intimate relationship with our city's young magician, Wind. Just a month ago, reporters have caught sight of her exiting the magician's house. What is their true relationship? What caused her to give up her life?"


Sehun looked, and he stared at the screen. His mouth was slightly opened and his eyes became bloodshot. His heart burned in agony and his hands, once holding onto the magazine, trembled and dropped the glossy book onto the floor. He forgot to breathe and quickly gasped for air. George hurriedly ran over to him and rubbed his back.


"Sehun, are you alright?"


"Am I alright?" Sehun asked quietly with calmness. "Please arrange an express flight back to Paris. We'll leave as soon as possible."



The young magician brushed off the news reporters as he made his way through the crowd to reach the entrance of his house. He unlocked the door and let out a loud sigh.


He looked around and saw a suitcase resting beside the couches. "Jinx…" He spotted a piece of paper on the dining table and walked over to it. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was written.


Dear Sehun,


I know. I lived one month without you already. Shouldn't I continue?

Life without you was unbearably hard. Without your magic, my left arm is nothing. I've always thought of it that way from the beginning, even before I met you. What purpose would I have to live if I only had one arm? I wouldn't be able to do all the things I've wanted.

After meeting you, everything was possible. You relived my left arm. 

I know, you left because staying here was dangerous for my well-being. I understand. And I also understand that, without you, there is nothing to look forward to.

A limp left arm is all I have. 

Call me stupid, call me irresponsible, call me an idiot. But like magic, I'll disappear.

Some things will never change.

I love you.


- Jinx R. 


Yes so I spent the whole day writing this short fanfic which was supposed to be a oneshot LOL 
But I always fail at oneshots, they always get too long :$

Anyways, feel free to comment ! (: 
This story plot was very different than what I usually work with O; 
I'm not expert at magic, so it was kind of difficult :P But fun nevertheless.

If you have spare time, check out my other fanfics ! 
1) "
6 Precious Months" - a long fanfiction that I'm still working on featuring all members of EXO.
2) "
Capturing The Moments" - a short fanfic I've written featuring Kris // & photography
3) "
Blinded Love" - the second short fanfic I've written featuring Baekhyun & a blind girl.

GO GO GO ! (: Kamsahamnida fellow readers ! ♥



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unicornwhisperer #1
Chapter 2: This was so so so good. I want to read 6 precious months now but it's already 1 in the morning T____T
She killed herself? No!!!!! Sehun shouldn't have left her. You shall now regret it for the rest of your life in this fanfic
mazel888 #4
I...cant even express how im feeling right now. their love was so unique, beautiful and magical. it was heartbreaking when she died but the story itself was so well thought out and written. Keep up the good work with your other stories :D
-sleepless #5
Oh my gosh that was so good! It was amazing, I really liked it, I think it's very unique and different! The ending, was unexpected though, and tore my heart out...teared up a lil there,but still I loved it! I love it, I love it! I'll be reading more of your works soon. :)