Deep !

The Lucifer, Curses & Love


" Minhooo rescue me......" I moaned, my head lying on the detention table.

YES, i got an earful of 1 hour lectures from the librarian and am serving detention now.

I stared at the clock of the classroom.

" 1 more minute, and i'm free." I whispered, smiling to myself.

Later, minho is gonna get a helluva beating from me, hyung or not!



" I feel so guilty stalking people." Sa Beul whispered.

I tried to shift my weight to see better, not responding immediately.

We were now stuck in a very, ahem* compromising space in a compromising situation.....

" I don't want to do this anymore..."

" I'll buy you an ice cream later okay? Just shhh." I said, putting my index finger over her lips.

My y eyes started once again spying on Jaejoong, while he was studying in the library.

Just then, he stretched, his shirt moving up revealing part of a black mark.

I strained to see it clearer and could make out faint wisps of black tatoo similart to Sa Beuls.

I gasped, a chill going up my spine.

Now we are in deeep ! The devil knows about the girls.

" Okay, we can go now. I found what i needed." I said to Sa Beul, smiling.

She blushed, ducking her head. I quickly grabbed her hand and ran out of the library, towards the safety of the crystal dome.

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vaskelaff #1
Plz update soon^^ this is so nice^^
TheAwesomeWise #2
I just read my chapter... it's so bad! XD
Dancemach97 #3
Update soon, cuz this stuff ROCKS~~~~!!
OMG! i love your update...please update again as soon as you possibly can...^_^
ahhhh~~jae is good guy...then who is LUCIFER?
lawlietKEY #6
Haha yeah, he got beaten up bad :)
he lost his awesome..he didnt even remember they already found the girls...
rockout623 #8
i absolutely love this story already, even though its only the beginning. I literally squealed when I read that Taemin was the most powerful. Cause he's my bias and all ;]
Stop o.o that okay ninaziz :)