

I reached out my hand to where I imagined his head would be. I let my fingers run through the imaginary hair, for a brief second before letting go, both of us laughing at the action - as if we had no care in the world.

I looked at his dark, black eyes that were staring at the ceiling. His face turned to look at me and he raised his eyebrows for a second at my gaze. I chuckled and shook my head and then placed my palm on his chest. My head fit perfectly into the space between his shoulder and face, and my leg hooked around one of his.

I inhaled, expecting his scent, forgetting that it was my dream.

An impossible dream.

As I smelt the familiar scent of my bed, the hallucination broke.


I knew his intention was to run, and so I ran the instant I was stable on my feet - but it still wasn't fast enough.


You can imagine the two people to be anyone - that's why there's so many random tags.

But it is sad and it is personal.

This was really hard for me to write, so it's not my best work... Really, I was crying my eyes out.

Mostly I just posted for my friend - I actually wanted to wait till I could add more but... meh.


Most of the story is a flashback, so the description might not make sense - but bear with me. XD

And I don't have much else to say. Comment to let me know what you think! ^.^

Disclaimer: Main poster picture from utopic man on Deviantart. Any individual pictures do not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner. Story written for entertainment purposes only. If this story relates to anything that happened in real life for someone else or to another fanfic, then that was truly not my intention and I apologize.


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This was sad :_(