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Sungmin's POV


I couldn't take it anymore. I don't want to keep hurting...I just want all the pain to go away...I want to be happy once again...After my outburst downstairs with Kyu I ran to our room. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed a number I'm quite familiar with now. I waited for the other person to pick up which didn't take long


"Hello? Sungmin hyung?" He finally answered. "Hen..Henly. Can...can I....please come...." I can't even form coherent sentences. "What's wrong hyung? Are you ok?" he asked sounding worried. "Everything...Please just come." I let out a few sobs. "I'll be there in a bit hyung." He answered. "Thank you Henly..." I hung up and got up from the floor. I walked towards our closet and looked around.

I took out a pink suitcase out of the far end corner of the closet, threw it on the bed, and opened the suitcase. As I was doing all this, I couldn't help let out another set of salty droplets of water spilling out from my eyes. It got to the point where things started to get a bit blurry so I had to close my eyes for a bit and whipped the small puddles of tears that were re-forming on my eyes.


I went back into the closet and started taking out my clothes and anything that's pretty much mine. I really do love him a lot but....I just can't take it anymore. I want to stop hurting so much. I just want all of the suffering to stop. I want to be happy again....I really hope you're happy Kyu. I wish the best for you and....and him.


While I was in the closet I heard the door to the room open. At this point I didn't care, I just kept throwing my clothes in the suit case. It was all really messy but I don't have time to put them in there neatly. While rummaging through the closet, I found a few stuff that belonged to the both of us...I wanted to take them but....I just want to forget about him...and if I take those things then it'll just remind me of all those happy times we spent together....I want to leave everything that'll remind me of him, behind. Goodbye Kyuhyun.


"Ming..." I zipped the suitcase back up, ignoring him, walked pass him and out the door. Now all I have to do is wait for Henry to get here...speaking of the devil that might be him. I took my buzzing phone out of my pocket and found it vibrating signaling an incoming call. "Yoboseyo?" I answered. "Hyung, I'm here." He replied. "Ok. I'll be out" I told him before hanging up and picking up my bags.


I tried not looking back as I walked out of our the house. I want these tears to just leave me alone. Goodbye my Kyu. I love you.


"Hyung...What's going on?" Henry got out of the car and helped me stuffed my bags in the trunk of the car. "We....I ended...our relationship..." I didn't realize the waterworks that came from me until Henry embraced me in a comforting hug. I hugged him back crumpling his shirt in my fists. "Henry...he accused me of cheating when....when he's...he has been the one...cheating on me...Why did he have to cheat on me? Am I that worthless? Oh gosh I'm sorry Henly...I shouldn't bother you, maybe he didn't want me because I'm just weak and...and you probably hate me too." I tried pushing myself away from him but he just brought me back into his hug. "Hyung don't say that! You're perfect. Please don't say such horrible and false things"


I don't know how long I spent crying in his arms and chest but he didn't seem to want to let go until I was calm enough so we could leave. We got into his car and drove off.


"Henly-ah, you could've just taken me to a hotel." I said once we arrived at his apartment. "Aniyo hyung, It's alright for you to stay her. I live alone anyway and it's not a bother for you to stay here with me. I would love for you to live here hyung. Really." He said giving me such a heart melting smile that I was just able to nod. "Thank you Henly~" I gave him a hug, to which he returned. "Come hyung, I'll show you where you can sleep" He said taking some of my bags with him and started walking towards a hall. I stood there for about a second before I ran after him.


I really hope this goes well. I don't want to burden Henry. I should probably look for a place to a small apartment. "You can sleep here hyung, It's an extra room I rarely use. I only have it here when my hyungs come over and refuse to leave" he chuckled as he mentioned his hyungs. "Thank you Henly. I'm sorry for bothering with my problems..." I don't know how many times I have apologized but I feel the need to do so. Henry is such a sweetheart. Whoever he ends up with is lucky to have him.


"No problem hyung. I like having you around." His chubby cheeks started to gain a light tint of pink. I giggled a bit which earned a darker shade of pink overpowering the light pink. "...Hyu..hyung...?" He looked up, his flushing cheeks still visible. "Yes?" I asked once our eyes met. "I like you, I really like you and I know that right now is not the right time to tell you but like I said, I really like you." I was shocked at his words and even more shocked when I saw the seriousness in his eyes. He started walking towards me without breaking our eye contact. I didn't know what to do, I was frozen on my spot, it was just really hard for me. I always thought nobody wanted me since Kyu had been unfaithful to me for a year.


"Hyung....will you give me a chance and be my boyfriend? Please let me heal you...I don't like seeing you so broken. I know you don't deserve what's happening to you so please, please let you." he took ahold of both my hands in his. I tried searching his eyes for any type of clue that told me he was just joking around but I found none. He's being serious.


"Henly..." Should? I mean, is saying yes the right thing to do? Especially when I still love Kyuhyun? NO! I can't keep loving Kyuhyun....he was....he didn't even love me....I should move on...I guess this really is a good bye to you Mr. Cho Kyuhyun.... "...Yes Henly....I'll give you a chance." I smiled at him. His face changed to one of happiness as he hugged me. I hope I don't end up hurting you Henry...



Kyuhyun's POV


He left...He really left...I don't know how I feel....maybe now I can live with Zhoumi without feeling guilty that I'm hurting Sungmin....I'm sorry for hurting you Sungmin-ah...I truly am sorry.


"Hello?" I heard him say after I heard someone pick up the other line. "Hey, Mi? It's over between me and Sungmin...He knew....and left..." I said trying to sound as happy as I could but for some odd reason I just couldn't be happy at the thought that Min really did leave me....Why?....



Zhoumi's POV


I smirked as soon as I heard him say those words. Finally! He finally left MY Kuī Xián! He finally realized that Kuī Xián never loved him and didn't need him when he had me! I can finally live with my Kuī Xián without having him around, without Kuī Xián to worry about that worthless guy. See he loves me more than he ever loved you.


I know Kuī Xián loves me and that's why he asked me to live with him. It was about time. I really hope that guy doesn't come back to my Kuī Xián and ask for forgiveness. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't forgive him anyway. Life is good right now. I couldn't be any happier.


So right after we hung up I packed all my things and waited for Kuī Xián to pick me up so that we could go to OUR house.








Kyuhyun's POV


It's been weeks since he heart feels empty...and I've just realized why I feel this way. I miss him...I never did stop loving him...Minnie-ah....Saranghae....please come back....I can't take the hurt in my heart....I think I now know how Minnie felt back then. I've broken him. "Kuī Xián~ Come down and eat. Food's ready~" Mi shouted from downstairs....Gosh I feel like a total douche!


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I think this one shot has the most comments xD I thank you guys for that. There's a little surprise for this one. I'll be making a sequel to this lovely story~


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KyuminFanFish #1
Chapter 2: Nice story and cute too :)
cutest...thing...i've ever read!! love it so much~
oshxlh96 #3
Chapter 2: Aaaaaa so cute♥ love this fic 진짜♥
Why you cheated on him! Stupid kyu!!! Emm.. btw how about henry and zhoumi then? So, henry will just give up like that? What a pity
mayasiwonest #4
Min must be see something hurt about Qmi....
i do hope you will continue this asap :)
RayhanAdni #5
Chapter 2: I just found this fanfic and omg kyu why you cheated on min?! Henry-ah ,awww you're too kind. *sobs sobs*

I love this anyway <3
Chapter 2: i just found this now?! xD kyu.. why do you have to cheat when you already have sungmin?! T-T and henry... you still loved sungmin knowing that he's still in love with kyuhyun... T_T
i hope kyuhyun will not cheat again!
rizzorin #7
Chapter 2: henry was so brave~ i like his character here~
all in all~ i like it~ heheheeh~
how can he say that to minniiee...
kyu is such a jerk saying min cheated on him..tsk.tsk.
in just that moment I want to smack kyu sooo hard for accusing minniiee for his own doings and for making minniiee cry and btw hating zhoumin here >:((( and loving henry here :)))

really you should just make this a chapter'd can be interesting hehehh.. :))) love this fic ... :)))
Oh but this story is awesome! I loved it...and i cried at the hospital scene ;_; so beautiful auh
nabzxs #10
"I felt like a total b!tch writing Zhoumi's part."
HAHAHAHAHA! I thought zhoumi was such a total b!tch in this fic too.
But dont worry, I dont think we, readers, are offended (at least I dont think most of us are).
A story always needs a bad guy.
And unfortunately, you authors always need to sacrifice one member to be hated on.
But it's okayyyyy, ELFs will forever love all 15 members <333 !