Hollie and Jin

Babysitting A Badass Gangster

“I want you to steal Father’s body back from those two demons.”

Ah Young said it in the most casual way with the most indifferent voice, but her murderous intent and her stony expression sent chills down spines of those who witnessed the scene.

“What are you talking about Ah Young? Father’s dead. And you knew that damn well.” Jiyong jabbed his finger hard into Ah Young’s shoulder, pushing her back.

“You can’t possibly think I killed my own father, have I fallen that low in your eyes?” Ah Young frowned and for the first time, frustration and hurt were evident in her eyes.

“Are you say you didn’t?” Taeyang said and everyone perked up.

*Please let that be true.* Everyone had thought in their heads. They honestly knew the old Ah Young, and they sincerely hoped she was not the one who killed Mr. Kwon.

“I’m not going to defend myself from such ridiculous accusations. But I’m not joking around here. If you don’t believe, go dig up father’s grave and see for yourself, although I doubt you would do something so disrespectful.”

Jiyong nodded, for now, he’s going to believe Ah Young. “And why do you want his body back?”

Ah Young eyes widened and she slapped Jiyong without ever blinking.

“Are you ing asking me that Jiyong? Someone disrespectfully dug up my father’s body from his grave, not letting him even rest in peace after such an unfair and disgusting murder, and you dare ask why I want it back?”

Jiyong was speechless, Ah Young was right. Ah Young was always right.

“But why not steal his body back yourself? Let us save Dara.” TOP suggested.

Ah Young shook her head. “You don’t understand the enemy like I do, kids. Do what I say, or Dara is no more.” Ah Young wagged her finger in the air.

Jiyong heart quickened at the horrible possibility and he grabbed Ah Young’s shoulder. “Let’s not wait then.”

Big Bang set out to get their weapons and Ah Young stood by the door, smoothing her hair behind her ear.

*I’m so sorry father, I swear to you I will make this right. It wasn’t supposed to go this far.*

“We’re ready.” Big Bang echoed and suited up. Jiyong stood in the middle fully equipped for the first time in years.

“Let’s go!” Ah Young chirped and turned around. “Oh yeah, before you go, eat this.”

She threw the Big Bang members each a white looking pill.

“That should last for a while. Follow me if you want to save your precious Dara.”

The members gulped it down in a flash and walked behind Ah Young.

*No matter how many years went by, Ah Young still had the back of a true leader.* Jiyong thought and a small smile crept up. He has missed his sister quite a lot.


“Hey, look, she’s awake now!” Hollie yelled delightfully. Jin nodded with an amused smile.

Dara slowly opened her eyes. She felt dizzy and there’s a stinging pain on her right cheek. Her arms hung above her head and her wrists and ankles are shackled down with cuffs that are chained to the wall.

“Jin, you have to greet our guests too!”

“Hey, I’m Jin.” Jin said and Dara was sure she had razor for teeth because they look sharp enough to kill.

“What the hell?” Dara winced at the pain that came to her when she tried to speak. “Where am I?” The pain came again.

“Oh, hush ahjuma, you shouldn’t speak, you’re hurt terribly you see.” Hollie tended to Dara by showing her a mirror.

Dara almost gasped at how horrible she had looked. There was a slash from her right cheek that was sewed up messily and it made her look like a rag doll; her forehead is bleeding from what seems like the work of a blunt weapon; her lips are busted and her left eye is badly bruised.

“The bad guys were beating you up so I told them to stop, even though they did quite a number on you.” Hollie pouted, Jin pouted too.

Dara’s vision was blurred. All she remembered was being pulled over by a gang of suspicious people and fighting back before everything went black.

“What are you two doing here? Ow my head.” Dara fought the pain that seems to come from everywhere on her body. “You guys can’t be more than 15. Were they shameless enough to kidnap children?”

“Aw, she’s so nice Jin.”

“So nice.” Jin repeated like a parrot.

“She’s worried about us.” Hollie squealed with a high pitch voice.

“Worried.” Jin nodded and smiled.

Dara was sure not that this girl teeth is indeed very sharp, and they’re not just normal teeth, they were metals. Metals implanted as teeth.

“You poor child! Did they do that do you? Was it painful?” Dara yelled despite the stabbing sensation that comes with it.

“She’s so nice, Hollie, must we do this?” Jin clutched his rabbit rightly.

“I know it hurts, Jin, to harm someone so nice. But we need her you see, Kwon Jiyong will come running if we have her.” Hollie patted Jin’s head. “You’re too nice.”

Jin smiled and hugged his rabbit. Dara choked when she caught a clear sight of the rabbit.

It wasn’t a toy rabbit, oh no.

It was a real rabbit.

A real rabbit that was unskillfully stuffed with with cotton. You can still see obvious traces of blood.

“What happened to your rabbit?” Dara asked with a quivering voice.

“Oh, him? Well, you see, he wanted to run away, and that made Jin quite sad.” Hollie started to explain.

“Yeah, so I made it so he’ll never run away again. I just love him so much!” Jin smiled and hugged his rabbit tight.

Dara’s head cleared up and she looked around. The two girls were dressed up very nicely, too nicely to be hostages. Behind the girls was a set of table, chairs, and teacups, as if they had been waiting for her to wake up.

What made Dara’s heart pulsed the most was the fact that on top of the table, there were something else besides the teacups.

A set of needles and threads.

“Who are you?” Dara asked and she willed her tears to stay down. But Dara was afraid, terribly afraid.

“Us? We already introduced ourselves, I’m Hollie and my sister’s Jin. You really need to listen when people talked.” Hollie put her hands on her hips and humph.

“What do you want with me?”

“We said that already too, we need you to lure Kwon Jiyong out.” Hollie is really frowning now.

*Jiyong? No, knowing him, he’ll come running into these creeps head on.*

“Don’t you worry, we’ve set up a very nice welcome for him the moment he walks in that door to rescue you.” Hollie smiled. Dara did not find that smile at all angelic or innocent.

She found Hollie’s smile wicked, twisted, and very much evil.

“Don’t worry though, Jin wanted to be fair so we also set up a very special gift for you as well.” Hollie nudged Jin in front of Dara.

“Tell her tell her!”

Jin smiled and nodded. “You see, ahjuma, I thought you were really ugly when I first saw you. But you see, I’m going to fix you up nicely.”

Dara gulped.

“I’m going to fix you up like Dianne here.” Jin pulled another object from behind her and showed it to Dara. Dara’s face paled and she prayed with all her heart for Jiyong to come.

Jin showed her a picture of a woman, a dead woman.

A dead woman with button for eyes, red clothes for cheeks, and her lips stretched impossibly into a permanent smile.


*Please don’t let me be late.* Jiyong ran with all his might when they arrived at their destination.




cue horror twist!

JK JK guys

I hope Dara will be ok who ends the freaking chapter

with a cliff-hanger!




Love you guys! Enjoy ;)

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Chapter 59: Wahhhhh!! So fun reading this! I like it authornim!! Thank you!!..though ive been so quiet the whole time reading..cause i wanted to focus..kkkkk..sorry..
Anyways!! Thanks again authornim!! Please write more!! Fighting!
Rereading this story!
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 59: Awwww... happy ending ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 3: Waaaahhhh!! Bad Jiyongie!! (TT^TT)
Chapter 3: Meanie jiyongie >_<
Chapter 2: Omg dae.. XD
Chapter 59: love the plot!! thank you authorr :)
3shhaaa #8
Chapter 59: Thanks for the great story!!
dragmystyle #9
Chapter 18: Oh, wait. I get it now lol.
dragmystyle #10
Chapter 16: What's the point of her telling Jiyoung how she met 2ne1? Like, what?