Seducing Song

Babysitting A Badass Gangster

“You did that on purpose, Ah Young.”

Ah Young just smiled, remembering a few minutes ago.


“Why are you here, Ah Young? Song actually let you in?”

“No, I snuck in, wouldn’t want to have anyone know of my visit.”

“I know.”

Ah Young approached Jiyong and gave a cold smile. “But you wouldn’t tell father, you’d never betray me.”

Jiyong gulped at the threat. And being too focused on Ah Young, he didn’t notice a small presence that was hidden behind the bushes, but Ah Young did.

“Hey Jiyong, it’s been so long, don’t you want to give your sister a hug?”

Jiyong would’ve said no, he should’ve said no. But he really did missed his sister so much. So he pulled Ah Young in for a hug, a familiar feeling of comfort spread over him. But a sudden noise disrupted his train of thought and he looked up to see Dara.


“You knew she was there, didn’t you?”

“Maybe, and maybe not.” She gave a curt response. “Well, it’s getting late and people are coming from the commotion your lover just caused, so I’ll be leaving now.”

Ah Young heels and walked toward and tall wall that separates the garden from the street.

“Wait, are you going to come back to us?” *To me?*

Ah Young pulled herself swiftly up and looked back with void eyes. “No, Jiyong, I don’t think I’ll ever come back.”

With that, she disappeared behind the walls as Big Bang gathered around Jiyong.

“We heard screamings, what was that?”

“Nothing.” Jiyong shook his head and decided that this was a story for another day.


“So, are you going to ask her?”

Bom looked a Dara walked back and forth, deciding whether or not to ask Ah Young about what she saw. She didn’t want to doubt her unnie but she was curious as hell.

“Hey, I’m back!” Ah Young walked in with a bag of ice-cream. “I bought ice-cream on the way!”

She smiled brightly and remove her shoes. She automatically went to the kitchen and brought back with her five spoons.

“Let’s just dig in, shall we?” Ah Young took the first step and served herself a mouthful of chocolate-mint flavored ice-cream. Dara looked over at her and wavered at how happy she looks eating the ice-cream.

*I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding. Unnie isn’t the type to go behind people’s back.*

“Don’t hog it all to yourself!” Dara whined and take a spoon herself. The members excused themselves and Dara couldn’t help but noticed, maybe it’s because she just told them about Ah Young and Jiyong, that they were very uncomfortable around her.

“Looks like they don’t like me much.” Ah Young sighed and Dara peeked over, shaking her head. “That’s definitely not true.”

“It’s ok, Dara, I don’t mind.” She waved it off and scooped another spoonful of ice-cream but clumsily launched it. The target: Dara’s face.

“O gosh, Dara, I’m sorry.” Ah Young tried to hold in her laughter. Dara pouted and pretended to be angry.

“Forgive me?”

“Do you even need to ask?”

“No, no I don’t.” Ah Young answered, smiling at their routine if one ever did something to upset the other. They continued eating ice-cream throughout the night, not bothering about the calories.


“Dara, please listen to me!” Jiyong trailed behind Dara. He had purposely waited outside her house at 5AM that morning because he noticed from the last few days’ attempts that she goes to school early to avoid him.

“I have nothing to say to you.” Dara shuffled away despite her legs being shorter. When they reached the main street, Dara waited for a bus and hoped that Jiyong would stop following her.

“But I got something to tell you, you have to listen.” Jiyong made another attempt but Dara put on her earphones and turned the volume to max, not caring about the damage it’s doing to her ears.

“Dammit, woman.” Jiyong ruffled his silver locks and reached out to plug the earphones from her when Dara jumped on the bus that he didn’t even noticed had came. He followed her as well,

This is our Jiyong’s first time on a bus and he didn’t know the morning was rush hour. The vehicle was filled and he couldn’t wriggle his way to where Dara was.

Speaking of which, where was Dara?

“!” Jiyong looked out the window and saw Dara sticking her tongue out at him before walking away. It was too late to get off because he couldn’t even reach for the door, much less tell the bus driver to stop.

Dara caught a taxi instead and she arrived at school a bit earlier than Jiyong. She met up with Chaerin and Bom at the entrance and they made their way to class.

“Why does your phone keeps ringing, Chaerin?” Bom asked with a hint of sarcasm, not that they didn’t know.

“That idiot is calling me again! I even blocked his number!” Chaerin blocked the incoming number as well and stuffed her phone angrily inside her pocket.

“I knew it! That’s why I got another phone.” Seungri voice rang out from behind and Chaerin didn’t even bother to look back before hugging her bag and making an escape for it.


Bom and Dara blocked his way and gave him icy glares. Seungri gulped.

“I swear, it wasn’t my fault!”

“Oh, it wasn’t your fault that you ditched her in the middle of your date!” Bom spat accusingly.

“It wasn’t your fault that she dressed up without even hearing a compliment?!” Dara backed up.

“It wasn’t your fault that you made our Chaerin cried?!” They both shouted and knives of guilt were stabbed into Seungri’s heart.

“If you come close to her again, we’ll mess you up.” They both warned before walking away.

“Aw man.”


“Boss, you gotta do something~” Seungri whined.

“How can I when I can’t even get close to a meter of that woman?” Jiyong huffed frustratedly.

“Yeah, she’s pretty angry.”

“WAH/!” Jiyong and Seungri screamed at the same time when Song appeared out of nowhere with two cups of tea.

“Woah, Song, when did you?”

“I’ve been here for a few minutes, Young Master. The maids made some tea and snacks because you skipped lunch so I’m bringing it up.”

“I didn’t even notice her.” Seungri whispered.

“If you ever need a job, just tell my father.” Jiyong offered and Song nodded out of manner.

“By the way, what do you mean she’s angry?”

“She called and texted me to complain about you.” Song answered directly and Jiyong’s jaw dropped.

“The hell?! You two keep contact?”

Song nodded. “We’ve been for weeks. I don’t know why but after Valentine she came up to me and offered to exchange numbers.”

“Can you help me meet with her? I need to explain.” Jiyong semi-pleaded.

“No, I’m afraid not. She specifically told me not to do that, if you’d excused me.” Song disappeared and Jiyong swore she’s even better than their butler.

“What to do? She won’t tell us!” Seungri whined.


“We’ll just get someone else to ask her.” A deep voice rang in between the two.

“HELL!” Jiyong and Seungri both screamed once again when TOP appeared in between them.


The information king bowed down to these two’s cluelessness and whispered in their ears.

“No way!” Seungri and Jiyong looked at each other with beaming smiles and went to call out their man.



“Um, Song?” Taeyang knocked lightly on the kitchen door and Song turned around with a poker face.

“Yes, Mr. Taeyang?” She was in the middle of baking some sweets and Taeyang can smell chocolate as soon as he stepped into the kitchen.

“Well, I mean...what are you up to?” Taeyang inwardly cursed himself for being such a dork!

“I’m baking right now. Do you need anything?” Song tilted her head to the side and Taeyang couldn’t believe how cute she was. His face heated up.

“That bastard, there is no need to be love-struck! Just make the deal!” The rest of Big Bang who in a desperate try to get back “their” girls have sent an pure-hearted Taeyang into a shameful mission while spying on him with binoculars.

“Well, actually, I was wondering, if you’d, uh, if you would like to go somewhere this weekend, if you’re free, you know.” Taeyang almost mumbled while playing with feet. He looked like a girl in love and asking her crush out for the first time.

A rose color came to Song’s face. “You can invite Dara and I’ll take Jiyong, then we’ll ditch them and go somewhere alone, wouldn’t that be fun.”

Song’s cheeks faded in color and Taeyang didn’t noticed. She hesitated and asked him to wait outside while she considered this. She picked up the phone that had been on the counter, dusted with baking flour.

“So, Dara, what do you think?”

“That sly dog!” Dara had been on the phone and heard the whole conversation. She can’t see Song right now but she bets the latter is hoping for this opportunity, she couldn’t take it away.

“Fine, I’ll go. But for you so you can give him the cookies you’re making. Now have you mixed the flour yet? Next is…”

“YAHOOO!!!!” All five boys jumped up in joy, each happy because of a different girl. Jiyong couldn’t wait, he’ll snatch this opportunity and tell Dara the truth.


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Chapter 59: Wahhhhh!! So fun reading this! I like it authornim!! Thank you!!..though ive been so quiet the whole time reading..cause i wanted to focus..kkkkk..sorry..
Anyways!! Thanks again authornim!! Please write more!! Fighting!
Rereading this story!
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 59: Awwww... happy ending ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 3: Waaaahhhh!! Bad Jiyongie!! (TT^TT)
Chapter 3: Meanie jiyongie >_<
Chapter 2: Omg dae.. XD
Chapter 59: love the plot!! thank you authorr :)
3shhaaa #8
Chapter 59: Thanks for the great story!!
dragmystyle #9
Chapter 18: Oh, wait. I get it now lol.
dragmystyle #10
Chapter 16: What's the point of her telling Jiyoung how she met 2ne1? Like, what?