Great Escapade

Babysitting A Badass Gangster


The next day, they went right ahead with their plan. Dara asked permission to go to the hospital super early and fibbed.

 “I know my mom is in a coma, but today is show and tell. And I want to proudly show off my mom the all the bullying kids at the orphanage.” Dara sniffled and gave the nurse her signature puppy eyes. The nurse nodded understandingly and went to get permission. *Who can resist my aegyo?*

When Dara caught the sight of her mother in the wheel chair with her IV medication, she softened and walked over to her side.

*Mom, I’m sorry. I would leave you in this hospital, but I’m a selfish daughter and don’t want to leave you behind.” Dara gently kissed her mother’s forehead and thanked the nurse.

She took her mother to the orphanage, but without the warden knowing of course. Chaerin had purposely picked a fight and distracted the wrinkly old lady so Dara and the rest can sneak Dara’s mom in without notice. Of course they had to leave the rickety and noticeable wheel chair behind.

“Do we need that too?” Bom pointed to the IV stand. Dara quickly unwind the bag and ditched the stand. They hide her mom carefully in the closet. Dara made sure her mom was comfortable with a blanket covering her and a small opening for air.

“It’s ironic how this time you’re the one that’s hiding, right mom? Don’t worry, I’ll get you soon. And this time, I won’t let anything happens to you.” Dara raised her mother’s hand up and kissed it gently before walking away.


“Hey, wake up.” Dara whispered quietly and shook Bom. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and went to wake Minzy and Chaerin up. Dara then slid quietly over to the closet and put her arm under her mom’s body and lifted her up. Bom helped her with the IV bag. Chaerin and Minzy already had their bags ready. They tiptoed quietly. When they neared the warden’s room, Chaerin poked her head inside to make sure the warden was well asleep.

“Ok, come on.” Chaerin waved her arm and the others followed. Bom helped Dara get her mom on her back and wound the IV bag around Mrs. Park’s arm to make sure it didn’t fall when she walks or run.

They were about to made it out the door when a voice stopped them in their track. They turned around to see freckled-face pointing at them suspiciously.

“You guys aren’t…running away are you?” Her eyes widened. Chaerin was quick and covered . “Mmmmhhfff…”

“Crap, how are we going to deal with this?” Bom asked uneasily.

“Let me.” Dara walked over and cracked her knuckle. Chaerin grinned and let go of freckled-face. Before she could scream, Dara dealt a powerful blow in her face and she was out cold.

“Been wanting to do that for so long. That’s for talking crap about my mother.” Dara gave a light, almost-jump motion so she would get a better hold of her mother who was slipping off. She nodded her head toward the door and all of them ran out, tasting freedom as the rain fell down on their happy faces.


“So, happy ending, good for you. Now can you go?” Jiyong asked, uninterested.

“Story’s not over so bite your tongue and be quite.”

Dara, Bom, Minzy, and Chaerin walked for hours and hours. Their feet were burning and they were starving and shivering in the cold. They sat down and leaned their backs against a random tree. Dara looked at her friends and guilt washed over her.

“I’m so sorry, for making you guys do this with me. I know it was gonna be hard and strenuous but I still pulled you into it.” Dara looked at her starving friends and tears blurred her vision. Thank god the rain had stopped a while back or else they would’ve fallen because of the cold.

“Shut that mouth of yours before I shut it for you.” Chaerin said disrespectfully but there was kindness in her eyes. “We all chose to go with you, you didn’t make us do anything.”

Minzy nodded eagerly. Even though she’s younger than the rest, she was happy to be together with them. Bom smiled as well.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get out butts to a train or bus station.” Dara beamed and stood up. After a half hour of more walking, Dara almost past out from exhaustion.

“You alright? Maybe I should carry your mom for you.” Chaerin offered.

“Thanks, but no. Mom raised me up to be a strong girl. And I can already see a bus station ahead, I can make it.” Dara jumped lightly to readjust her mom and they continued walking. Minzy fell down and Chaerin piggy-backed her. They finally arrived at the bus station and sat down, breathing a sigh of relief. Because the orphanage was poor, they couldn’t provide well for the girls. Their clothes were torn up and they were a mess. All of them have blisters on their feet, and they were even bleeding, it’s a wonder how they had managed to walk such a distant.

They waited for hours and gradually fell asleep when a voice disrupted their dreamlands.

“You girls getting in or not?” The girl looked up at the bus driver and beamed. Dara carried her mom and they all got on.

 “Oh, but we have no money.”

“I got this.” Chaerin pulled out some bills and handed it to the driver.

“How’d you get that?” Bom eyed her smirking friend who just shrugged.

They continue their peaceful sleep on the bus until they arrived in a Seoul an hour later. They got off and awed at the marvel of the city.

“So, where are we going now?” Bom asked. Truthfully, none of them knew.

“Well, first, we’re finding a hospital for my mom.” Dara took a step but tumbled down and scratched her knees. The other ran over to help her up. She lightly jumped to make sure her grip on her mother was firm.

“Dara, you sure you don’t need help?”

“I’m ok Chaerin. You’re tired yourself.”

They walked around, asking people where the closest hospital was. One man pointed them in one direction and they bowed and thanked him. When they walked in, the doctors and nurses stared at their tattered states.

“Doctor, please treat my mom. I know it looks bad and we don’t have any money, but I swear I’ll pay you back as soon as I get a job.” The doctor looked at them with hesitation and shook his head, turning them away. Chaerin shout curses at them and they left. They went hospitals after hospitals, but would get turned away. Dara’s eyes were watery and their feet were swollen red. But Dara grew more determined as she boldly carried her mom around, asking if she could be admitted to the hospital.

“Dara unnie, can we rest?” Minzy asked. Dara shook her head. They went to yet another hospital, but were rejected until someone called them back.

“Hey, we changed our minds. We’ll treat her right away.” Dara smiled and tears fell down her face in joy.

“Why did you change your mind?” The doctor pointed in the direction of a young lady, around 2 or three years older than Dara and said that she paid for them.

“That was Ah Young unnie. She took us in and feed us. But I got a job, several actually, and slowly pay back the hospital fee. We lived together for 3 years before the girls and I moved out. We weren’t going far, of course, but unnie left as well. We haven’t seen her in 8 years, no contact, no nothing. But I know she’s doing well.” Dara smiled.


“Finish, you’ve never heard such a good story in your life so appreciate it.”

“And the reason you’re telling me this is...” Jiyong cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

“I want to make something clear; I’m a very stubborn, persistent, and tough girl. If I’m willing to walk until my feet bleed to come to Seoul, then I can handle you. So don’t try to chase me away because I’ll keep getting up even if I fell. So let’s pretend nothing ever happened and we’ll start again.”

Dara reached out her hand but Jiyong didn’t move. She frowned and took his hand and shook it. “Hope we’ll get along from now on.” She smiled with the moon lighting up her face. Jiyong heart did a double take and he barely caught his breath. 

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Chapter 59: Wahhhhh!! So fun reading this! I like it authornim!! Thank you!!..though ive been so quiet the whole time reading..cause i wanted to focus..kkkkk..sorry..
Anyways!! Thanks again authornim!! Please write more!! Fighting!
Rereading this story!
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 59: Awwww... happy ending ❤️
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 3: Waaaahhhh!! Bad Jiyongie!! (TT^TT)
Chapter 3: Meanie jiyongie >_<
Chapter 2: Omg dae.. XD
Chapter 59: love the plot!! thank you authorr :)
3shhaaa #8
Chapter 59: Thanks for the great story!!
dragmystyle #9
Chapter 18: Oh, wait. I get it now lol.
dragmystyle #10
Chapter 16: What's the point of her telling Jiyoung how she met 2ne1? Like, what?