Just Us, Together, Tonight


a slice of life minkey oneshot in which Minho comes home to spend the night with Kibum.


Description says it all.

Plotless oneshot, no drama, no angst, just a day (or rather, a night) in the life of my favourite OTP.

You can expect fluff though. ;)

Written because i miss Minho when he isn't with the boys and because i trust Kibum misses him too.

Author's Note: by the way, i hope you guys are fine that i use Key's real name in my stories now. I just can't seem to write Key as, well, Key anymore since i realised the boys particularly Minho always addresses Key as Kibum. anyway, this really is a simple story but i hope you guys will read it! Enjoy! ^^


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Chapter 1: All the overwhelming fluff makes me feel all floofy and warm inside. And even your "lazy" writing is great. Another great read <3
Chapter 1: I love them...
This is soooo real
Those dialogue is so minkey in real life
Kim_Luxita #3
Chapter 1: So flipping adorable as usual!! I love when key says "there is no one for me to lean on when I laugh" that is one of my fave Minkey moment till this date, never fails xD kibummie just can help himself ❤️ Thanks sweetie for always making me smile like an idiot with all the fluffy Minkey feels
mzjonghyun #4
Chapter 1: Love them so sweet
Chapter 1: I think i will be running out of words to say soon. Like seriously. Where the hell do these sickeningly sweet ideas come to your brain? Its just....GAAHHH!!!!!!!!

Oh i love you none the less cuz you are such an AMAZING author :D
Chapter 1: this is just too fluffy, i totally love it :D
Chapter 1: Stop, stop stop stop. My minkey feels are so overwelming right now.
You're a great author~
nathta #8
Chapter 1: This is perfect, so perfect. I'm always have imagination about how Key and Minho deal with when they working apart and don't get to see each other much like all this time when Minho have to film the drama and not even go back to their dorm.

The scene is so lovely, sweet and a little funny. The way they talk and cudding in bed, I wish it was real hahaha ^^
@mylovelyangel aww, that's really sweet of you. thank you! i'm glad you enjoyed it! but there are really many more better fanfics out there and if you read more, mine is nowhere as good as others. hehheh.
This the first minkey story I read (a long time ago ^^) and I think it's the best one I've ever read. It was so sweet and cute!
You're really talented. =)