
Sweetness Overload: JeTi Collection

Tiffany's POV





Is it hard to do? Is it hard for a person to be honest?


Especially to the one they love?


I can be honest, and it's not hard for me.


And I know sometimes, I can hurt someone's feelings because of it.


But what's more important is that..


I didn't lie.


Truth hurts.


Reality hurts.


But being lied to is the worst.






I can't help but think that they were unfair.


My past relationships.


They all ended up at the same situation.


They lied, they ruined my trust.


I don't understand why.


Don't I deserve the truth?


I wonder if there's a person like me.


Who can be honest to the one they love.


Who can remain faithful no matter what.


Whom I can fully trust without a doubt.


Whom I can truly love.


Is there someone out there?






Jessica's POV


True love...


I believe true love exist.


I don't know how long I've been looking for it.


I always thought I have found it but I'm always wrong.


It wasn't even love at all.


Affection, infatuation, but no love.


I want to feel what true love feels.


People said it feels like heaven.


But I won't believe it until I felt it myself.


I wonder when will I find my true love.


I won't lose hope because I know someday, it will come.


I just hope it will come soon.






Author's POV



It's a typical Friday afternoon for Tiffany, she will go to class and will go home straight after.


There's nothing interesting that's happening in her life.


And she can't help but finds it boring.


She just got home from school, and now she's in her haven, her room.


She likes staying inside her room and practically do everything inside.


She's been single for more than two years now. And she hates to admit but she miss having a significant other.


She miss going out on a date and spending time with a special someone.


But as much as she misses having one, she's not looking for one.


She rejected all the guys and girls who confessed to her.


After finishing her assignments, she decided to go outside to get some fresh air.






"Walking around the neighborhood is not a bad idea. Feeling the cool breeze while looking at the sunset feels so relaxing." Tiffany thought.


Her feet led her to the park. Children are playing around and couples are walking while holding each others hands.


She feel kind of envious. She wish she have someone to hold hands with while walking around the park.


Shaking off the thought, she continued walking looking for an ice cream shop, suddenly craving for a strawberry ice cream.


She stopped walking when she saw a girl, around her age, with a camera on her hands. Taking pictures of the scenery.


She can't help but stare at the girl. The way she look when she's concentrating on taking pictures, the way the girl smiles when she's looking at her photos.


She was snapped back on her thoughts when she heard a shuttering sounds.


She looks at the girl and she's taken aback when she saw the camera aiming at her.


The girl smiles genuinely when she looks at the picture.


"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. You look so beautiful." The girl said.


Tiffany doesn't know how to feel. The girl just took a photo of her then complimented her after.


"Do you wanna see it?" The girl asked her.


Tiffany nodded absentmindedly. The girl walks beside Tiffany and shows her the photo.


The last time Tiffany checked, she doesn't look so beautiful like the girl in the picture.


"Beautiful, isn't it? You are worth capturing." The girl smiled and said.


Tiffany looks at the girl, she can't help but gawks at her. The girl has brown hair, brown eyes, pointy nose, milky white skin. And her lips, pink and thin.


"This girl is unbelievably beautiful." Tiffany thought.


"I'm Jessica Jung. " The girl said.


"Tiffany Hwang." Tiffany replied.


"I hope you don't mind. I can delete the picture if you want." Jessica said.


"No, it's okay. You can keep it. As long as you won't post it online with a wanted sign on it." Tiffany said. Half meant and half jokingly.


Jessica laughs heartily. And Tiffany thought it's the most melodious laugh she ever heard.


"Of course not. Why would I? And besides, no one will believe it. A beautiful girl like you, is surely harmless." Jessica replied.


"Well, you'll never know. I may be a serial killer or an assassin." Tiffany said.


"Nice try. But I know you're not." Jessica said smiling.


Tiffany smiles for the first time. And that left Jessica awestruck.


"Wow. You have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Too bad I didn't capture that." Jessica blurted out her thoughts loudly.


Tiffany's face flushed.


"Gosh, why is she so straightforward." Tiffany thought.


"I didn't mean to say it out loud. Though I meant it." Jessica smiles sheepishly. Face flushed from embarrassment.


"Thank you." Tiffany said. Followed by an awkward silence.


"I guess, I'll be going now." Tiffany said. She forgot she's craving for an ice cream.


"Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, go ahead." Jessica smiles but she can't help but feel disappointed inside.


Tiffany bowed and started walking. Jessica started walking as well towards the opposite side.


"Tiffany, huh." Jessica thought.


"Jessica..." Tiffany thought.


Both are smiling and hoping that they'll meet again someday.








A/N: Forgive me readers, for I have sinned. I was gone for a long time. Well, I'm back now. :) Hope you guys enjoy this. ^^

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Chapter 25: i can't see the end of latch :(
31 streak #2
Chapter 36: I want you to continue this story author-shi...
KalakiMae #3
Chapter 36: I miss your stories I hope you come back and update again soon :)
Chapter 36: Ahhh i missed this story... I'm waiting for ur come back... Fighting!!
Chapter 36: Cant wait to know what will happen next XD
Chapter 36: Yeah Jess, let's find Tiffany.
babystrawb3 #7
Chapter 36: Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading this.
Jeti are my bias.
Can’t wait for updates!
Chapter 36: I love this story and i have been being your fan of jeti story for long time and im so excited to where this story will lead us ^^ and dont be sad about what had happen. If you look on thr bright side jeti can openly meet each other freely now ^^ so himnae!
Chapter 35: Woah! It's been a year already and gonna wait for your update and new story! :)
Tipatii #10
Chapter 35: Waiting!