Latch Part 2

Sweetness Overload: JeTi Collection

Tiffany's POV



It's been a few days since I met Jessica. And I don't know what's with that girl but she keeps running through my head.


She's really nice and dear God she's stunning. I can't seem to forget her smile. It's the type of smile that when you see it, you can't help but smile as well.


And she's really good at taking pictures. I wonder if it's just her hobby or maybe she's a photographer or- why am I even thinking about her?


I glance at the clock and it's 3 O' clock. Better get ready, I have to meet Sulli at the park.




Now where is that big brat I've been waiting for 10 minutes now. I guess she picked up Krystal first, her ultimate crush. I should've known.


Well, isn't it the perfect day to have a picnic. Sulli told me to bring snacks so I brought kimbap and fresh fruits.


I know she'll ask me how did I made this kimbap because she knows I don't know how to cook.


Well, I didn't, mom made this. I only cut the fresh fruits that's the only thing I can do.


"Tiffany unnie!" Sulli shouted while running towards me.


"Yah, you brat! I've been waiting here for hours." Yes, I'm exaggerating. She wouldn't believe it anyway.


"Oh please, unnie. I know you just got here." She said giving me a hug.


"You're still late and where's your girlfriend?" I asked looking around.


"She's not my girlfriend! Well... Not yet." Look at this big brat. Blushing at the mention of Krystal.


I raised my eyebrows at her.


"They're on their way now."


"They?" I asked.


"Yes. Her sister is with her. You'll like her, unnie. She's really nice."


"Now let's find the perfect place to set our picnic." She grabbed my hand and we started walking.




We found a spot under a big tree near the lake. The view is breathtaking.


"Unnie, you didn't made this, did you? It's too delicious." Sulli said chewing a piece kimbap.


"Mom made them. I made the fresh fruits."


"I knew it. And what do you mean you made them? They're already made, unnie. The only thing you did was cut them into pieces." Sulli said while laughing.


"You ungrateful brat." I said smacking her head.


"Sulli!" We look behind us and there she is, Sulli's dream girl.


I look at Sulli waving her hand. A tint of pink on her cheeks. Why can't Krystal see that this brat is cute.


I met Krystal not long ago. She's new here in town and Sulli is her first friend. This brat is really friendly.


Wait, I thought she's with her sister then why is she alone.


"Hi, Krys! Where's your sister?" Sulli asked.


"Oh, she's parking the car. I told her I'll go here first because I don't want to keep you guys waiting." Krystal said.


"Oh, how sweet of you, Krystal. Unlike this ungrateful brat over here." I said while ruffling Sulli's hair.


"Unnie~ Stop that." Sulli whines while fixing her hair.


I laughed at her. She becomes a big baby when she's with Krystal.


"Should we wait for your sister?" I asked Krsytal.


"No, it's okay we can start. She wouldn't mind."


We stared eating while chatting. I can see that Krystal likes Sulli as well. The way she looks at her is different.


I hope they'll get together soon. They'll make a cute couple.


I look at the lake and saw a few ducks swimming around. I grab a few chips and walk towards the lake.


I look back at the two love birds and they're busy gawking at each other they didn't even noticed I'm gone.




I was feeding the ducks when I suddenly hear a shuttering sounds. I look behind me and my eyes widen in shock.


Jessica is standing a few feet away from me, holding her camera, a dazzling smile forming on her lips.


"We meet again, Tiffany-ssi." She said walking towards me and stopping beside me.


"I hope you don't mind me taking another picture." She looks at me and smile.


"Do you always take pictures of other people?" I asked.


"No. I take pictures of the scenery and nature. I only have two pictures of a person."


"Then why a picture of me?"


"Because I capture beauty." She said. A smile form on my lips. This girl is a smooth talker.


I heard another shutter. I look at her, still smiling.


And another shutter.


"That makes them four." I said forming four fingers in my hand.


"Sorry, I really can't help it."


"Give me that." I said reaching for her camera.


She hand it to me and I took a picture of her. She looks at me curiously.


"I capture beauty as well." I said handing back her camera. She looks down while blushing. I chuckled inside.


"Unnies! Come here and eat! They're delicious!" Sulli shouted.


We walked back to the two love birds. Jessica places her camera on her lap and sits beside me.


"You guys are sisters too?" Jessica asked.


"No, we're cousins. Thank God she's not my sister. I don't want a sister who is brat." I said looking at Sulli.


"Unnie~ I'm not a brat. Why are you so mean~." Sulli whines again.


"You were 15 minutes ago."


"I'm not a brat, Krystal." Sulli looks at Krystal while pouting.


"I know you're not, Sulli." Krsytal said patting Sulli's head.


I lean closer to Jessica and whispers.


"They make a cute couple, do they?" She chuckles and nodded her head.




The two love birds decided to walk around the park, leaving me and Jessica alone looking at the sun set.


I'm watching her taking pictures of the scenery when she suddenly looks at me. I look away when she caught me looking at her.


"So, where are you studying Tiffany-ssi?" Jessica asked.


"Tiffany. Just call me Tiffany." She nods her head.


"Call me Jessica then." She replied. I nodded my head as well.


"I'm taking Psychology at Seoul University."


"Oh! I'm taking Photography at Seoul University too! We can go to school together!" She said happily.


"Yeah, we should!" I said excitedly


"Great! I'll pick you up everyday, okay?" I nodded my head.


She picks up her phone and handed it to me.


"Put your number in there. And give me your phone." I gave it to her then we saved each other's number.


"Oh, Krystal texted me. She said we can go home first because they will watch a movie."


"Yeah, Sulli texted me too. That brat."


"Come, I'll give you a ride. I have to know where you live."


We walked to her car. Chatting while I guide her to where I live. Jessica is really a nice person. I can't help but to smile every time I see her smile.


And every time she looks at me, there's something in my stomach that flutters which I haven't felt in a while.


"Oh, here's my house." I point at my house. She stopped the car in front of it.


"Thank you for the ride. I had a lot of fun." I said unfastening my seatbelt.


"No problem. I had a lot of fun too. I'm really happy that we meet again." She said smiling. Oh, here comes the butterflies.


"Yeah, I'm glad too. Thanks again and drive carefully." I said opening the door.


"You're welcome. I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay? Bye, Tiffany."


"Okay. Bye, Jessica." I wave at her.


I watch the car disappeared before I went inside. We just parted but I can't wait to see her again.







A/N: I write when I'm upset. :(


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Chapter 25: i can't see the end of latch :(
31 streak #2
Chapter 36: I want you to continue this story author-shi...
KalakiMae #3
Chapter 36: I miss your stories I hope you come back and update again soon :)
Chapter 36: Ahhh i missed this story... I'm waiting for ur come back... Fighting!!
Chapter 36: Cant wait to know what will happen next XD
Chapter 36: Yeah Jess, let's find Tiffany.
babystrawb3 #7
Chapter 36: Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading this.
Jeti are my bias.
Can’t wait for updates!
Chapter 36: I love this story and i have been being your fan of jeti story for long time and im so excited to where this story will lead us ^^ and dont be sad about what had happen. If you look on thr bright side jeti can openly meet each other freely now ^^ so himnae!
Chapter 35: Woah! It's been a year already and gonna wait for your update and new story! :)
Tipatii #10
Chapter 35: Waiting!