My First And Our Last End

Sweetness Overload: JeTi Collection


There are so many ways to express how happy she is right now.


She could shout and jump up and down, she could run around the park with open arms or she could do a victory dance and not care whether she'll look like a fool or not.


But Jessica chose the way she couldn't hold anymore.


She slowly wraps her arms around Tiffany and softly kiss her lips, so soft that Tiffany feels like a feather touching her lips.


Tiffany never thought that kissing someone will feel like this, so good, so right.


It never felt right when she kissed Taeyeon before. It always felt forced, like something was missing.


Tiffany closes her eyes and let herself fall into the bliss of Jessica's soft lips.


Jessica tightens the hug, she doesn't want to let go the precious angel she's holding.


She deepens the kiss, she could feel her knees weaken even when she's sitting when Tiffany finally kissed her back.


It's like the world stops for the both of them. They can only feel the love surrounding them.


They broke the kiss, still holding each other, breathless.


"Tiffany, I won't express my feelings with words, they're not enough. I want to express it with actions, I want you to feel how much I care about you."


She caressed Tiffany's cheek.


"How much I love you."


Jessica kissed Tiffany's forehead and whispered.


"Will you let me show you what you deserve to have, Tiffany?"


Tiffany couldn't talk, it's too overwhelming for her. She's drowning with her and Jessica's feelings combined.


She buries her head in the crook of Jessica's neck and nodded her head.


Jessica closes her eyes, with a genuine smile on her lips.


"Thank you, Tiffany. Thank you."




It's been a few months since Jessica and Tiffany were officially together.


Tiffany is happy and contented. She could not ask for anything anymore.


Her once miserable life turns into a rainbow puking one. Jessica is just too cheesy and adorable. And she love it so much.


Ever since she met Jessica, she knew herself that she has changed.


The bubbly, energetic and eye-smiling Tiffany Hwang came back, all because of Jessica Jung.


While Jessica, she couldn't be more thankful enough that she met Tiffany


She feels like she's the luckiest girl alive. You can't blame her though, Tiffany is perfect in Jessica's eyes.




It's a Saturday afternoon and they are at Tiffany's apartment.


"Tiffy baby." Jessica softly said glancing up at Tiffany.


The blonde is lying on the brunette's lap while reading a book. Tiffany whose back facing the headboard is also reading a book.


"Hmm?" murmured the brunette, eyes never leaving the book.


Jessica frowns. She wants Tiffany's attention, she wants Tiffany to look at her in the eyes when they are talking.


She closed her book and sat up facing Tiffany. She's waiting for Tiffany to look at her but the brunette is too busy to notice.


She slowly closed the book Tiffany's reading and gently kisses the brunette's forehead.


Tiffany was surprised at first but she closes her eyes the moment she felt the blonde's soft lips on her forehead.


When Tiffany opens her eyes, Jessica's pouting lips is the first thing she saw.


"What's wrong?" She asked.


"I was talking to you but you're not looking at me." Jessica pouts even more.


"I'm sorry baby. It's just that, I was reading the most beautiful part of the story."


Tiffany spreads her arms, asking for a hug which gladly accepted by the blonde.


Jessica snuggles closer to Tiffany and rested her head on the brunette's chest.


"Is it more beautiful than me?" Jessica asked. A playful smile on her face.


"Of course not, Jessi. You're the most beautiful girl in the world." Tiffany pecked the top of Jessica's head.


"No. You are, baby. You're a goddess. Even Aphrodite's beauty is a no match to yours." Jessica grins and kisses Tiffany's lips.


Tiffany holds Jessica's neck and kisses her back.


Jessica always kisses her softly. She always feel like she's floating every time Jessica kiss her.


They both stopped when they both needed oxygen.


"Is it too soon?" Jessica is caressing Tiffany's cheek.


"What's too soon, baby?" Tiffany looks at her confusingly.


"If I want you to live with me?" Jessica asked. Straddling Tiffany's lap.


"I want to be with you most of the time. I want you to be the first thing I see when I woke up and the last one before I go to sleep."


"I'll cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for you even if I'm not good at it. I'll try my best to make edible foods for you."


Jessica lays on top of Tiffany, head resting on Tiffany's chest. She can feel the pounding heart of Tiffany.


"Was it too soon, baby?" Jessica asked again. She will understand whatever Tiffany's decision.


"No." Tiffany said and holds Jessica closer to her.


"It's not too soon. I feel the same way, Jessi. And I'd love to live with you."


Jessica bolts up. And showers Tiffany's face with kisses.


"Thank you, baby! I love you, I love you, I love you!"


Tiffany laughs. "I love you too, Jessi."




True love.


They knew what they have right now is true love.


Tiffany couldn't ask for anything anymore. She has everything she needed.


Happiness, contentment, career, love and especially Jessica Jung.




Tiffany is Jessica's first love.


Though Jessica was not Tiffany's first love, who cares? As long as they are each other's last.









A/N: Worst ending. I know. ;_; I'm terribly sorry. orz


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Chapter 25: i can't see the end of latch :(
30 streak #2
Chapter 36: I want you to continue this story author-shi...
KalakiMae #3
Chapter 36: I miss your stories I hope you come back and update again soon :)
Chapter 36: Ahhh i missed this story... I'm waiting for ur come back... Fighting!!
Chapter 36: Cant wait to know what will happen next XD
Chapter 36: Yeah Jess, let's find Tiffany.
babystrawb3 #7
Chapter 36: Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed reading this.
Jeti are my bias.
Can’t wait for updates!
Chapter 36: I love this story and i have been being your fan of jeti story for long time and im so excited to where this story will lead us ^^ and dont be sad about what had happen. If you look on thr bright side jeti can openly meet each other freely now ^^ so himnae!
Chapter 35: Woah! It's been a year already and gonna wait for your update and new story! :)
Tipatii #10
Chapter 35: Waiting!