Chapter 7

Bright Star

The call had woken him up sometime after midnight.  Yang Hyun Suk was furious.  What was wrong with those people that they left her alone like this.  He had an eye on every one of his kids.  If they so much as broke a fingernail a swarm of staff would be all over it.

This was ridiculous.  How does a girl get hurt like that in a room full of people anyways?  It was like a bad dream.  Half of him wanted to yell at Teddy and Kush for letting her out of their sight; the other half was overcome with relief that it hadn’t been Park Bom.

He paced up and down the sterile hospital hallway as he spoke rapidly over his cell phone.  The media was going to show up eventually and he wanted his kids out of there fast.  And why the hell wasn’t Coty answering his cell??

The plan he’d been stewing on was probably gone up in smoke, but frankly he was too pissed off to care.



It was a symphony, but the music rose and retreated so randomly she couldn’t make out the score.  She heard a soft lyrical violin, a lilting flute and the occasional staccato of a steel drum.  But they all flowed in orbital harmony around a central contrabass.  It was this deep soulful sound that called to her, pulling her out of the drug induced oblivion.

Noelle’s eyes fluttered open.  Framed by a halo of light, a black haired angel stood over her.  “Are you alright?” he asked, his bottomless eyes overflowing with concern.  She thought the question odd, how could she be in heaven and not be alright?  She tried to move to explain this to him, but a wave of euphoric slumber carried her away.



Heads down, they strolled nonchalantly through a side door into the main hospital building and took the stairs up to the 4th floor.  Ji-Yong pulled his hat down further over his eyes before cracking open the hallway door for a peek.

“All clear,” he whispered back to Seungri who gave him thumbs up.  The two sprinted gleefully across the hallway and into the room on the other side.

“Where’s Seung-Hyun?” Ji-Yong asked as he pulled his hoodie away from his face and waved cheerfully at the patient.

Noelle’s head the pillow; she’d been staring lazily out the window.

“Think … went …. home?”

Seungri looked confused.

“It’s the medicine,” Ji-Yong explained.


He plopped down on the chair next to the hospital bed.  Seungri shoved his hands into his pockets and looked around uncomfortably.

“How are you feeling?”

“Goooooodd ….” She smiled happily.

“I bet,” he giggled.

“Did you bring me flowers?”

“Errr ..”

Her eyebrows shot together dramatically.  “You’re supposed to bring flowers to sick people,” she accused as her finger pointed in his general direction.

He searched his pockets.  “I brought you this.” He held out a ball of rubber bands.

“That’s so wrong,” Seungri scolded.

Noelle clumsily grabbed for the ball, but missed.  He placed it on the bed next to her where she examined it for a moment before tugging off a single band.

“10 points for the picture,” she announced as she attempted to focus her gaze on the wall across the room.  The rubber band twanged as it left her fingers … and bounced off the ceiling.  Noelle giggled.  “10 points for the ceiling,” she amended.

Ji-Yong turned his head towards Seungri and covered the grin exploding over his face with his hand.

Noelle reached for another rubber band just as the door opened.  The second shot landed on the tray of utensil’s the stern looking nurse carried in front of her. 

Ji-Yong quickly grabbed the ball and stashed it back into his pocket before flashing the astonished woman his most innocent smile.

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 30: I really liked it.
Thanks for a twisted dramatic TOP romance fanfic.
Time to recommend it to someone else.
Chapter 22: Wow! This is more dramatic than I thought it would be.
Chapter 17: Cuuuuuuute! !
This chapter was filled with cute.
Chapter 5: What....just happened???
Chapter 2: Noelle! Noelle!
No you can't do this to me!!!!!
My heart ached so freakin bad.
My toppyT^T

I love to sing and I think I'm pretty good, so reading this made me live that fantasy I always had deep in my heart.
Thank you, that was a beautiful chapter.
I loved the poem. X $
This. Is. Precious.
You're a good writer~ :DDDD
Keep it up! <3
This was so beautiful!