By My Side

Can You Smile?

After Kris managed to calm me down he asked me what happened. I didn’t answer him because I didn’t want him to be mad at me. I didn’t want to lose the first person that has actually ever cared about me. So I just cuddled into his side more and I tightened my grip around his waist instead of answering him.

            “Baby are you ever going to tell me what made you cry like that?”

I shook my head and held him tighter.

            “You know I love it when you hug me but I wish I could at least see your face.” He said. That’s because I had my face buried in the side of his neck and I was practically holding him so tight that he couldn’t move. I took my face out of the crook of his neck to look at him.

            “There’s that beautiful face that I love.” He said as he planted a kiss on my lips.


            “Yes baby.”

            “Do you love me?”

He pulled away from me to look at me better before answering.

            “Of course I do. What would ever make you think I don’t?”

            “Will you love me forever?” I answered his question with a question.

            “I’ll love you until you tell me to stop loving you. Even then I will probably still love you. Hey how about we go on a date tomorrow. Since it will be Friday and you won’t have school the next day anyway. Would you like that?”

            “A date? Where would we go?”

            “How about the beach? We can have a picnic date on the beach.”

            “I haven’t been to the beach with someone in a while. I usually take walks by myself at night on the beach.”           

            “Well you won’t be doing that anymore because you have me.” He said giving me another kiss.

Just being with him made me forget about the horrible incident with Lay earlier. His smile seemed to melt away all my problems and I couldn’t help but want to hug him for the rest of the day.

            “Kris can I spend the night with you?”

            “Huh? But you don’t have any clothes here. How about you spend the weekend with me? You’ll go home and pack a small bag for the weekend.”

            “Ok…” I said in a dissatisfied tone.

            “Come on don’t sound like that. We have the whole weekend to spend together. It will be fun I promise.”

            “It better be or I’ll continue to take walks alone on the beach.”

            “What are you going to dump me?”

            “No, I just won’t take walks on the beach with you anymore.”

            “Why you…” He then put me into a headlock but he wasn’t using any pressure so it didn’t hurt. Instead he started attacking me with kisses while holding me in the headlock.

            “S-Stop Kris it tickles.” I said laughing.

            “Say you’ll always take me on walks with you!”

            “I’ll always take you on walks with me!”

Even after I said he didn’t stop kissing my face.

            “S-Stop! You said you would stop if I said it.”

            “I know. I just like kissing you.” He said but stopped anyway. Kris then just held me in his arms as he ran his fingers through my hair. “Do you feel better now Tao?” He asked me and I simply nodded my head. Just being around him made me feel one hundred times better.

            “But you still won’t tell me what made you so sad in the first place?”

I shook my head as I leaned into the warmth of his chest some more. I would handle this on my own so that I wouldn’t have to worry Kris.

            “I just overreacted over something. It wasn’t a big deal, plus I feel better now so let’s just not talk about it.”

            “Ok then. Well are you hungry? I can make you something to eat if you like.”

            “It’s ok gege. Don’t you have work that you should be doing anyway? You’ve already spent so much time comforting me, I don’t want your school work to suffer.”

            “Wow you sound like my mom.”

            “Sorry if I care I about you and want you to be successful when you graduate.” I said as I started to stand up but he immediately pulled me back down onto his lap so that I was facing him.

            “You know I didn’t mean it like that.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. I was in a position that I was straddling him and our faces were so close together that I just moved the extra distance to connect our lips.

            I wrapped my arms around his neck as he tightened his grip on my waist so that there was no space between us. We started to make out and he was in complete control of the kiss. I decided that I wanted to do something too so I started to slowly move my hips in circular motions against him. He seemed to like that because I heard his breath hitch and it encouraged me to continue my actions. The kiss started to heat up but Kris had decided to break the kiss. He instead moved his mouth to my neck and proceeded to on a small piece of skin.

            This caused me to hold onto him tighter as I felt my blood slowly start to head south. I continued to rub our crotches together until he pulled away from me again and looked into my eyes. We were both breathing heavy by this point and I was wondering why he had stopped what he was doing.

            “Wow…Tao you’ve never acted like this before…” Kris said to me as he ran his hands up and down my side sensually.

I couldn’t understand the meaning behind his words though. Did he not like it when I tried to take initiative? Did he just want to be the one in control? So I started to move off of his lap but he tightened his grip around me.

            “Where are you going Tao?”

            “You don’t like it when I do that so…”

            “Who said I didn’t like it? I’m just saying that it surprised me…as well as .” He said as he slowly slipped one of his hands under my shirt. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt his cool hands on my warm skin. “But if you do it again I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold myself back like this. Unless you don’t want me to hold back.” Kris said as he leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips.

            “What do you mean hold back? What are you going to do next time?”

            “I mean that next time I might end up having with you if you keep on being this enticing.”

            “Oh…” I said as I put my head down to hide a blush. He must think that I’m really stupid for not knowing that and I know he’ll think that I’m really young for not knowing how two guys have so I won’t even ask him.

            “Are you blushing Tao?” He asked as he raised my head to see my face. I diverted my eyes from his gaze and he chuckled.

            “You’re seriously the cutest person I’ve ever encountered and even though you won’t tell me why you were upset I hope that you know I’m always here for you whenever you want to talk.”

I turned my attention back to him and smiled before giving him a small kiss. “Thanks.” I said as I got off of his lap and settled for sitting on the couch. “You should start doing your homework now though and stop thinking about me being upset.”

            “I’ll never stop thinking about you being upset but since you’re not anymore I guess I can do my homework. Or we can go and get some ice-cream.” He said with a smile. I just shook my head.

            “How about you start your homework and then on my way to the bus stop we can get some ice-cream?”

            “Ok…” He said as he pouted slightly. I couldn’t help but smile at the face he made. He always called me cute but he was being the cute one right now. So I leaned in to kiss his pouting face.

            “Hmm…I guess if you keep giving me kisses in between all of my work I can do it.”

            “I think I can do that as well.” I said as I gave him another kiss. As long as Kris was by my side I could forget about what Lay did and be happy.

It's been a while hasn't it. I apologize that this chapter was so short and crappy but I really wanted to get this update to you. I swear something will happen in the next chapter. It's just that I've started school again so it might take a while for the next chapter but don't think I forgot about this story. I'm just busy. Anyway that's all and I'm glad that you guys like this story that was literally supposed to be something short but is obviously turning into something more and see you all next time!


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But I am working on the next chapter it just won't be up for a while


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pleaseletthiswork #1
Chapter 9: This is sadness. :c it beautiful, but it makes me sad. Nooo taoooooo. Sweeti~~~
anyways this story was fantastic. So thank you for finishing it! It is always a shame if a story id not finished. Hope you are doing wonderful
Chapter 6: Sorry for leaving so many comments but this is really exiting and I LOVE the chemistry you manage to show between Tao and Kris. It is so freaking good. AND WHEN TAO STARTED GRINDING ON KRIS. That was the best moment so far. And kris' reaction 10/10 was gold.
Chapter 5: OUUUUUU LAYYYY i see what you did there. Second player in the game. Nice move.
But i also hate it because my poor Tao is in such a ty spot. I cannot. Hope everything will play out fine.
Chapter 3: It wasnt crappy it was really very cute. I love the small interactions and touched Kris and Tao exchange. In between this actually bad situation of Tao being bullied this somehow is just fluff and i love it.
Chapter 2: Woooow everything from kris taking care of him to the ffreaking confession. I cannot this is amazing. I am so glad i found this. Sneaky kris with the water ;))) that was a good move ahhahahahah those 98% i was laughing so hard. Thank you for making my day brighter
Chapter 1: OHHHHHH YES. FREAKING YES. the first chapter is already amazing. I love how you started the story off. With what people say about Tao and how he hates to hear it.
I can't wait to keep on reading
biasesinmylife #8
Chapter 9: Authornim! Can u right another sequel of lay pov after tao's death. Maybe he find out that he really really love tao and he regrets it so much...
Chapter 9: i just want to know one think.... what Lay did when he found out Tao was dead, i just want to see his reaction :|