Gone And Back Again

Clash of the Hunters

Onew's Pov-


I knew she was gone from the instant I woke up. All though she has her mind cloaked all the time, she can't cloak her scent. When I realized she wasn't there... I felt sort of empty. She kept the days passing by interesting. I knew she was following Key's orders because she just didn't want to hassle us anymore, but it isn't really like that at all. Key calmed down a lot since the TeenTop visit... and wanted to take back what he said... but it was too late- Cee Rya was gone.

"The trunk disappeared from her room." Minho sighed; "I think she's gone for good."

"Shouldn't we be happy that she left?" Taemin asked.

I myself felt lonely... for some odd reason. Her presence was very entertaining.

"I found this note!" Jonghyun shouted as he ran down the stairs and handed me a slip of paper. The font on the note was neatly done and the note itself was pretty short.

Dear SHINee cult,
The time we spent together was short, but it was still fun, and worth it.
I apologize, since the moment I've reached Soeul, I've been nothing but trouble for you.
As Key told me yesterday, I have decided to finish my mission and leave town so I will no longer bother you.
Please take care, and thank you for everything you have done for me.
                            Your friend,
                                                                                                           Cee Rya- Hunter 439 of Squad 6J
P.S.- Be sure to call me if any unwanted Vampires cause you problems. I'd be more than happy to exterminate them for you. ;D

The note hurt me more than it should have. I felt... betrayed. I just didn't want her to leave. I didn't understand why I felt this way... I mean, she was our sworn enemy... but, there's something about her that makes her stick out from the other Hunters. I just didn't know what.

"So this is my fault." Key grumbled with a sigh.

"Ah, it doesn't matter." I told them as I placed the note on the living room coffee table and beckoned all of them to follow me as I headed for the door. It was time for us to go hunting. And yeah, we had to be extra careful now, considering Cee Rya was out there... like it wasn't hard enough trying to find human blood.

We strolled into the city where the few remaining humans buzzed around doing their normal routines- unaware of the Vampires. Then, they stared at us as if seeing us was the highlight of their day. I could understand that though, with our perfect immortal skin and out beautiful black hair- who wouldn't look at us this way? I left my friends to do their business as I went to do mine as well. I couldn't just... stay with them while we were feeding- it's like... an invasion of privacy. I was hungry, but there was no one that caught my eye. I continued my search as the day neared its end and the sun started to set. I had yet to find a decent meal, but my hunger wasn't as strong as the others'.

I met them by the small forest, and we began our journey back to the mansion. Their clothes were stained with human blood, only spiking my own desire for blood. They looked at me in confusion, wonder why it was that I didn't look half as bad as they did. I shrugged, letting them know I didn't drink any blood today. That was when gunshots filled the air.

It was distant, but the presence of... her seemed to be getting closer and closer to where we were. We looked in the direction of the gunshots and ran that way in case one of our own Vampire friends was in trouble.

Cee Rya was there, in a midst of hungry half-bloods. She looked around warily as she fired one shot after another. We clawed our way through the crowd, only to have them scratch and bite us as we pulled deeper. They weren't under our control, so they were allowed to show hostility towards us. However, that didn't mean we would let them beat us. We broke into a fight- and I let myself get clawed at as I beat one half-blood after another. I was losing my own blood through various gashes, which only intensified my hunger. We destroyed the disgusting half-bloods and regrouped in the center, a few yards away from a panting, disheveled Cee Rya.

"What happened?" Minho asked her cautiously.

"I was ambushed." Cee Rya said, her tone harsh but weak; "They knew I was coming, and who I would destroy when I got there. I destroyed the full-blood, of course, but only after he set his little minions on me." She looked at us calmly, noticing the blood on our clothes. She shook her head as she walked past us to her chest. It was then I smelled the fresh blood oozing from her own body.

"Are you alright?" Taemin asked in a tone full of worry.

"I'll be fine." she said in a soft whimper.

"Key." I whispered to my friend.

He nodded with a wide smirk on his lips; "My pleasure."

He used his power, and Cee Rya's body collapsed onto the chest as she lost grip on reality.

"Let's go." I sighed as I lifted her up into my arms. Her blood smelled so... delicious. It was only making things worse for me.

We brought her home, and the rest of us left so Key could take care of her. He was the more feminine of us, and less affected by Cee Rya. Also, he was still pretty guilty for making her leave in the first place. He knew how to treat open wounds, and swore on his life he wouldn't look at something he shouldn't look at. I trust him... it's just, I had this feeling in me that I wasn't sure of... a burning fire which actually wanted to consume Key whole and spit him out into a garbage can.

Maybe, I'm just going crazy? ARGH.

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Chapter 4: Thanks for the update authornim! It's awesome~~ *two thumbs up*
Chapter 3: Aahhhhh this is so awesome!!!! Quickly update authornim... I wuv U!! ^^
banana_bubbles #3
Keke, change of heart you got there? *.*

Want them to quickly make up~ ;)
banana_bubbles #4
Love your start~

Please continue! ;)
5a8ina #5
y girl..jeje
Chapter 1 was amazing
and your writing
beautiful <3
5a8ina #6
I found it by accident, and...
looks interesting
I will read :D