
Clash of the Hunters

Cee Rya's Pov


I knew who they were right off the bat, it was actually pretty obvious because of how they looked. There's a difference between a half-blood Vampire and a pure-blood Vampire. If a half-blood allows it's Vampire half to take over, they look almost exactly like zombies and only live to blood from humans or other half-bloods. Pure-bloods on the other hand, their blood is strong enough to create a face that's almost identical to any human, and so it's actually not easy to tell if a being is human or pure-blooded, but I can tell. That's because all Vampires, half-blood or pure-blood smell like blood.

"You must be that famous cult I've heard of, SHINee, right?" I asked just to tease them, and hopefully anger them. Guess what, it worked.

"Just let me kill her." Key said through clenched teeth. Yeah, I did my research, so I know which one is with. First we got Onew, the clumsy leader, then dino-head Jonghyun, skyscraper Minho, diva Key, and little Taemin- by little I mean he actually acts like a child.

"So I was right, you are the ones behind all the recent human murders." I smirked, of course it could have been false, but I really liked picking fights with Vampires.

"Its not like they didn't deserve it." Taemin grumbled.

By now, all the half-blooded Vampires had fled hoping these guys would kill me for them. But they weren't doing anything, and it was frustrating me; "What, you're not gonna attack me like those dumb half-bloods did?"

"Just get out of our town and we won't do anything." Jonghyun told me warningly. I pointed my gun at him, but didn't shoot.

"I'm not going anywhere until my bosses tell me to do so."  I told him bitterly.

"Key, now!" Onew ordered.

I was beginning to wonder what was going on, but there was a sharp pain filling my mind, and I understood. Key's pure-blood powers included telepathic signals- which meant he can read minds, put his thoughts into someone else's mind, and also, like he did to me, use sharp signals to harm an opponent. Damn, I guess I forgot about powers... the next thing I knew, I was on the ground, my guns abandoned by my trunk.


Onew's Pov


Well, I guess I didn't think this plan through. She was unconsious, but we didn't know what to do with her! I mean, I can't just kill her! Key thinks she came here because she believed we killed off the humans that lived here... but that's wrong! We don't kill humans, we just take enough blood for us to survive, and then we let them off.

I want to explain our special powers to you. You know how Key has these telepathic powers? He's not the only one with powers- Minho can manipulate people's bodies, Jonghyun can shapeshift into anything he wants, and Taemin, he can make himself invisible. Me on the other hand, I have an extremely rare power which actually scares me, I have the ability to walk into dreams of humans and Vampires alike, and let's say I kill someone in his/her dream... they'd also be dead in real life- I know this because I've actually done it before... to someone who I never wanted to lose.

This Vampire Hunter, I don't know who she is, but seeing as she had a whole trunk dragged behind her, I'd say she was pretty good at her job. We dragged her to the mansion we live in, which is protected so only we can enter, and no other Vampire- half or pure can enter without our permission.

Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin had to drag her trunk all the way, and it looked pretty heavy, and they had to be extra careful because anything inside that trunk could kill us. Key had to carry the guns, and held it so carefully as to not shoot himself or one of us. Lastly, me, and I was unlucky enough to have to bring her home on my back. She's not heavy, but being a Vampire and all... yeah, her blood was smelling pretty good right about now.

We tossed her, and her things into one of the bedrooms and locked it up quite nicely so she wouldn't escape. I felt bad, but I didn't need her trying to kill us the second she woke up. >.>


Cee Rya's Pov


The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that my clothes smelled like Vampire, and it made me shiver. The second thing I noticed was that I was in their house, and it made me wonder... why would they bring me here? My guns were scattered on the ground and my trunk was sitting near the wall. I got off the small bed I was found on, and changed into clothes I had packed in my trunk. I looked at the door, but I wasn't stupid... they locked it pretty tightly so I wouldn't get out, even the windows were bolted down. So, in order to entertain myself, I opened my trunk, replaced my guns, and took out a long sword to practice. Since I was half-blooded I had my own set of mind powers, which could block other Vampire powers from reaching me, such as a mental cloak, which would make it seem like I wasn't there.

I was just messing around with my sword, but I found myself bored pretty quickly. I just knew I needed to find a way to get out. I could blast a hole in the wall and escape, but then I won't have enough time to take my trunk with me since the Vampire's would find me by that time. I could use my quick wits and trick them into letting me out, but I wasn't sure if that'd work. But I was sure of one thing, I needed food. I put the sword back in my trunk and started banging on the door. I guess they were watching television, because the volume got louder, drowning out my banging.

Fine, if that's the way you want it. I took my sword and hacked away at one of the walls until there was a hole big enough for me to get out. I held on to my gun as I angrily marched to the room they were in. I then looked at the idiots watching television; "It was a bad choice ignoring me. Now you have a hungry human to worry about, and a missing wall."

"Key." Onew nodded.

"Like I'd fall for that again." I laughed bitterly, putting up my mental cloak.

"What the-" Key was confused as he jumped up from the sofa and put a hand around my neck; "What are you?"

I aimed my gun at his forehead; "What I am is nothing for you to be concerned with Kim Kibum."

I don't know what happened, but the next thing I know, my gun is floating out of my hand, until the younger one rematerialized. I quickly flipped Key onto the ground and jumped on Taemin, disarming him and keeping my gun trained on the others.

"You can't play with guns idiot." I snapped at him.

Jonghyun gave me a look; "And why do you seem so concerned?"

Because, my other half-blood brother played with a gun and ended up shooting himself... I didn't bother saying that out loud, instead I said; "Because if one of you gets shot before I get the okay to do so, I lose my job." That's true too, I can't shoot these guys until my bosses decide they're safe or not.

I pulled Taemin off the ground, and he quickly ran behind Minho. Key on the other hand was rubbing the arm I twisted, while still on the ground. I walked over to him and held out my arm. He stared at me, but flipped himself back to his feet. I shrugged and walked into the kitchen; "I want food."

"Well I was going to make you something." Key snapped; "But you decided to wake up early."

"Oops." I muttered as I placed my gun in it's holder attached to my pants. I opened the fridge- I don't know why, but they were stocked up on human food. I looked at everything that was there before carefully taking out bread, peanut butter, and jelly.

"What's that?" Minho asked.

"You ask me what it is when you already had it stuffed in your fridge?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Well we just went out and grabbed whatever we can find." Taemin answered.

"We didn't want you to be hungry." Onew added.

For me? This can't be right, these guys were showing such kindness, I really don't believe they're the ones causing all these murders. I put the bread and other things back into the fridge as I ran up the stairs to my room. I had a cell phone in my trunk and I really needed to call my bosses and call this mission off before I intrude on these guys' lives even more.

"Where are you going?" Jonghyun called after me. Fearing the worst, they ran up after me, but I paid no attention to them. I could feel them gaping at the hole I created as I jumped into it and threw the lid off my trunk.

By the time I found my cell phone, they had undone all the locks they placed on my room, and were standing behind me.

"Hello?" asked the person on the cell phone.

"Hello? This is Cee Rya, Hunter 439 of Squad 6J." I answered.

"Oh yes." my boss said with a smile; "Getting this phone call so early only means that you've come to a decision."

"Sir, I don't believe the SHINee cult is the one responsible for all the recent murders." I said to my boss, while pacing back and forth. I stole a glance at the boys in the room. They each had disbelieving expressions on their faces.

"But there is someone there who is responsible." my boss argued.

"Yes sir, there is someone here responsible, but I will not continue spying on the SHINee cult." I said firmly.

"So what should we do?" I heard my boss mutter in frustration.

"I will stay in Soeul until I find the ones who are truly responsible, but I will not harm the SHINee Vampires." I stated.

I heard some shuffling on the other end of the line before a loud sigh; "I understand, do what you must Cee Rya, you haven't failed us this far."

"Thank goodness." I said as I snapped the phone shut. I walked up to Onew and put a hand on his shoulder; "You 5 are off the hook, I'll be out of your house in the morning."

"But you'll still be in Soeul?" Taemin asked me, I could trace the concern in his tone.

"I won't be leaving until I end whoever's causing all these deaths." I answered him.

"Stay here." Onew said. At first I thought he was crazy, but then he said; "This is the safest place for a human to live in Soeul, all other areas are already under control of Vampires."

"That could be a problem." I whispered to myself. I let go of Onew's shoulder as I paced again, and when I stopped, I was looking directly into his eyes when I said; "Fine, I will stay, but under one condition. None of you go near my trunk. If a Vampire stays close to the trunk for too long, the truck will self destruct and the impact will reach 100 miles."

"Deal." they said at once as they inched away from the trunk. I tossed my cell phone and gun back into the trunk and returned to the kitchen to make my sandwhich. But then I froze and turned to them; "And don't even think about trying to bite me."

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Chapter 4: Thanks for the update authornim! It's awesome~~ *two thumbs up*
Chapter 3: Aahhhhh this is so awesome!!!! Quickly update authornim... I wuv U!! ^^
banana_bubbles #3
Keke, change of heart you got there? *.*

Want them to quickly make up~ ;)
banana_bubbles #4
Love your start~

Please continue! ;)
5a8ina #5
y girl..jeje
Chapter 1 was amazing
and your writing
beautiful <3
5a8ina #6
I found it by accident, and...
looks interesting
I will read :D