Chapter 9 [Final]: Endless


     cнapтer 9: endleѕѕ


I stood there, staring at the familiar face.

1 year.

It has been one whole year.

Quite a bit has happened when you were MIA, hyung.


Our lawsuit started.

SM protested greatly, but 800000 people silenced them.

Jaejoong Yoochun and Junsu's contract with CJES terminated, and all of us signed with YG. I signed for Yunho too.

A while later, SM announced that they will debut a new group under DBSK's name.

The response was insane. Within 3 days, fans from all over the world signed a petition. When SM received the full document of 55555 signatures, things start to die down.

Super Junior filed a lawsuit against SM too. They contacted us and asked to speak with YG. Their CEO agreed instantly to take them in.


Just 2 months ago, we got news that SM given up in trying to retain the name. We got the name back in no time.

However, we called a press conference and announced that we will not use the name of Dong Bang Shin Ki until all five members are standing together on the same stage.

Cassiopeia agreed too.


We didn't have any new songs, just polishing and re-polishing our old songs.

Jaejoong and Yoochun hyung composed tons of new songs. Some, which they sold to others. Some, they kept for us.

We released solos, duets, singles, mini albums. They topped every single musical chart.

Our performance is still empty though. We could barely make it through most of our rock songs because our dancer isn't there.

It feels awkward.

Like me trying to fill in for Jaejoong and Junsu's voice, and Yunho trying to fill in for Yoochun's voice.


Due to the lawsuit, we were forbidden to be active in many major broadcasting media.

But, Cassies who hold high positions had sent us so many invitations to different important venues to perform. They filmed the whole performance as well as they could and uploaded them all over the net.

In this one year period, our name has spread to all corners of the globe, even further than what Gangnam Style reached.

Faith achieved heights greater than any groups or artist.


We finally got our rightful title back: Hallyu Stars of KPOP.

Even the White House wrote to us and expressed their supports.

We are now saluted as… The Gods of Kpop.


Now, we were no longer legends.

We walked out of the books of 'kpop history' and shone so brightly on the stage.

But there's still one person missing…


I reached out a hand tentatively and his cheeks shakingly.

"Still has handsome as I remembered you were, hyung." I smiled and joked softly.


It has became my habit. To visit his room everyday, no matter how late we got back.


I sat down, careful to not disturb the connecting wires and equipment the hospital gave us.

Yes. GAVE us. Like, literally.


I gently held his right hand, ignoring how bony it is. I sort of numbed myself to that. Sort of.


"Hyung, did you know? We had a concert at Olympics stadium today! The response was great, like really awesome."

"Sometimes I wonder, when will our fans stop supporting us, because we stopped making new songs for so long. But Cassiopeia always tells us, until their last breathe, they'll be there."

"Hyung, can you hear them? Hear their prayers for you, hear their cheers, hear their strong protest against SM for our lawsuit?"

"We're really thankful for them, hyung. They gave us the support we need, they fought against SM so strongly, in a way we never could."


"Hyung, we're winning the lawsuit now, you know. Everything is going so fast, I could barely believe it."

"JYJ's lawsuit dragged for 3 years, yet our final court is next month. This feels incredible."


"Hyung, we're going to Tokyo next week for A-Nation."

"Big East voted so fiercely, I heard Japan collected many broken mouse."

"Hyung, would you be able to join us for the next A-Nation?"


I felt warm arms grab my cold body from behind as gentle hands caught my tears expertly.

"Jae hyung…"

"Minnie, it's okay." I heard his soothing voice by my ear. "Soon. He'll join us soon."

I heard Yoochun's footsteps. "Have faith in him, Min. He's Jung Yunho. He's our leader. No way he'll leave us alone like this."

Junsu knelt down beside me. "He'll be back. Then we can be Dong Bang Shin Ki all over again."




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gaveexqluv #1
Chapter 15: What do you want me to tell? I'm crying here. Thanks for writing this. I MUST say This is the BEST EVER BEST fanfic that I have ever read & It will remain in the future. I'm proud of being a Cassie. Thanks again for this. Always keep the faith. Love u.❤❤❤❤❤
meemow123 #2
Chapter 15: ... I have no words.
*sobbing* you just killed me ... My DBSK feels just killed me ... *crying* omg, the bond between them was so ... Strong ... And HoMin was so ... *wails* And when I saw the chapter Alternate ending, I was like ... "hm ... Doesn't sound good ..." then I saw the title and was like, "NONONONONONONONONONONONO I AM NOT GONNA READ THIS N NO NO NO I AM NOT" but I couldn't resist your writing so I did anyway, hahaha.
This was so beautiful it has me crying so hard ...
The last chapter. I am officially a forever Cassiopeia (in my world, Orion and Holyshinki don't exist ...)
I have AKTF carved everywhere in my room, hahaha.
This is truly amazing, a piece of real work that deserves a bazillion votes and a google subs but since I can't I'll give you this comment.
You are awesome, authornim!!!!!! Your writing ... It ... *sobbing* Yunho don't die on us ... Minnie needs youuuuu ...
Well done, congrats!!!
Love your fic, and your writing, and you <33333333
redblood20 #3
Chapter 15: Wau......the best......
great story
even though some parts seems a bit awkward for me hehe
I love your story
thank you<3
AmyDick #5
Chapter 15: It's really bittersweet... If only I can see them five on one stage (again), it will be the happiest thing ever... Now, even they're separated I hope they (jyj-homin) are still in good relationship... Forever 5, AKTF!