What's going on ?

Friends Forever ?

# School ~

Naeun ( Apink ) : Unni you never got around to tell me what had happen the other day with L and Shin, were you able to fix the vase or did Shin make it worse ?

You: Shin is usless , but its alright L was able to fix it !

Naeun: Yeah i saw that coming.

You: what do you mean ?

Naeun: come on unni you know L is alot smarter then Shin.

You: thats not true, Shin is just as smart ...

Naeun: Unni !

You: Its true , Shin just make stupid decisions but he knows what his doing.

Naeun: Of course he does ! * Sarcasm*

You: He does know !

You: Anyways stop talking ! pay attention we're in class.

Naeun: really !?

You: SHHH !

Naeun: Fine...

# After School ~

You: Naeun stop falling asleep during class and pay attention or else you'll fail !

Naeun: Yeah Yeah .... anyways i got gotta run , busy day ! bye Unni !!

Naeun: Btw before i forget HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNNI ! your getting OLD :D byeee !

You: Yeah okay bye ! -__-

# At Home ~

You: why is it so dark in here ? it's still daylight outside .... mom ?

You: why is there candles on the floor?



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Aww they both fall in love with her?!! >.< Kkk That was really good!! Can't wait for chap2! UPDATE SOON PLS ^___^
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Update soon :) I wanna knpw what happens between the 3 of them :)