I knew this was going to happen !

Friends Forever ?

*~ Note to self don't EVER bring shin over again !

# A few hours earlier ~

You: Did you ever think that this would happen Shin ? 

You:Didn't see that coming right ? seem like your not speaking to me shin ? what about you L ? are you also not speaking to me ? .... Well you never really speak to anyone and most of the time you have a blank face on , so who really knows what you are ever thinking. But anyways SHIN this is your fault so what are you going to do about it , HUH! Shin , Shin, SHIN ! 

Shin: Would you hold on i'm thinking !
You: we have been stuck in this situation for an HOUR now and your still thinking ... do you want me DEAD ? Hurry up!
Shin: Calm down i'm trying my best !!
L: Can you both JUST BE QUIET ! i've already fix it ... !
You: WOW ! L your Amazing !!
Shin: Yeah really amazing * Sarcastically*
L: now the vase is fixed , your mother won't kill you ...learn from this don't run around the house with shin anymore.
You: okay i won't , thanks L !
Shin: whatever you know she still going to play inside ... anyways lets get out of here before something else decides to break !
L: Okay.
You: Alright !


* yepp these two have been my best friends since pre-k , we have gotten into many situation together but i can't help wonder would any of this ever change someday*


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Aww they both fall in love with her?!! >.< Kkk That was really good!! Can't wait for chap2! UPDATE SOON PLS ^___^
kpop4u #2
kpop4u #3
Update soon :) I wanna knpw what happens between the 3 of them :)