Picnic part 2

Lost and Found

(I'm typing this chapter on my laptop.. which I haven't been on in a long!!! time.. so Idk if it'll be long/short. Enjoys :D)



Ljoe held the picnic basket AND the bag of drinks. I wanted to carry one of the two but he insisted I carry the lightest thing.. which was that picnic blanket. Which so happened to be small enough to fit in my backpack filled with.. I forgot. I looked at Ljoe and realized how handsome he was. Cool. He looked at me and smirked. "Am I that handsome?" He mocked me. 

"H-how?!" I said covering my mouth. Can he read my thoughts?

"Maybe we're connected." He leaned forward furrowing his eyebrows in a teasing way causing me to giggle. "Oh stop light." My feet immediately came to a hault. "Wah.. you're really responsive." He smiled.

"So?" I pouted. He placed the bag of soda into his other hand that was holding the basket and patted my head.

"Cute" He chuckled. I blushed again and looked away. "Come on." He said taking my hand into his, I looked at him. "Let's get there quickly before the clouds disappear." I looked at the sky and noticed the clouds were moving across the sky fast. "The view is best at this point."

"Then let's hurry!" I said excitedly.


As we made our way to the top I opened it and smiled immediately. "The clouds!!!" I yelled spinning in a circle, my arms wide opened. Ljoe put the stuff down and chased after me, putting his arms around me. "Oppa loo-" I stopped and coughed.

"Oppa?" He questioned, from how I said it he knew that it wasn't meant for him. I shook my head and pulled away from Ljoe looking at the moving clouds. "_____"

"Ljoe." I said staring at the sky. Then I turned to him with a smile. "Let's set up the picnic." Ljoe blinked at me then chuckled as I skipped over to him. "Oh I hope the food didn't spoil." I frowned. "We took a long time getting here."

"With how I wrapped it I doubt it." Ljoe said confidently.

"Not to mention you burned some of the chicken I tried to heat up." I chuckled placing the blanket onto the floor at one corner of the building. Ljoe came and hit me slightly. "Hey I'm just saying." I shrugged. Ljoe rolled his eyes and sat on the ground, I sat close to him as we began to empty the basket of everything.

"Hey..." Ljoe said holding out a box of his favorite biscuits. "Where did these come from?" I hummed pretending I didn't know. "_____ did you get these when you said you were going to the restroom?" He raised his eyebrow.

"And if I did?" I chuckled with my playful smile. Ljoe sighed and placed the box down. Oh no. Is he mad? I paniced in my mind. "Uhm."

"Well then.." Ljoe said sighing. He looked up and suddenly got on top of me. "Punishment!" He laughed as he began to tickled me senselessly. He was lightly sitting on top of me as I struggled away from him, at the same time laughing my bottom off. "Say you give!"

"I give! I give!" I squirmed as he got off me, I laid on the ground for a second then lifted my hand. "That looks like Chunji." Ljoe looked at the sky, then decided to lay down on the blanket with me. "Oh and there's Ricky!"

"You can see their faces from the clouds?" Ljoe blinked as he pointed. "I see a bunny eating a snow cone." I couldn't help but laugh at that leaning to Ljoe's side putting my head onto his shoulder. "What is it that funny?" He questioned, I nodded. It made him smile as he pointed again. "Oh there's you!" I turned my head.

"What where?!" I said suddenly sitting up looking at the sky. "Where am I!? Ljoe couldn't help but chuckle. He sat up.

"Right..." He cupped my cheeks and made me face him. "Here." He smiled and I blushed. "My _____ is right here. In front of me." His words made my heart do a flip.

"And Ljoe naekkoya" Ljoe smiled as I poked his nose. "Is here." Ljoe let go and then looked at the cloud.

"Oh a dragon on a unicorn!" He pointed. I scoffed.

"Kris ge and Lay ge.." I whispered. Ljoe looked at me with a weird look. "Nothing." I smiled. "Lets eat before it really does get spoiled." Ljoe couldn't agree more as he took the box of biscuits and opening them. "Ljoe are you really gonna eat the biscuits first?"

Ljoe looked at the biscuits then back at me and pouted cutely. "I can't?" 

I rolled my eyes as I unwraped a sandwich holding it towards him. "One bite." 


"Are you enjoying today?" Ljoe asked me as his head was on my lap. I was messing with his playful blonde hair, I liked how it was more bleached then Chunji's blonde. But it never compared to Ricky's weird blue hair.  I nodded and looked at the sky. "I hope we'll be able to stay." Ljoe whispered.

"You really didn't like Busan did you?" I asked. Ljoe sat up and stared at me. "What?" I asked.

"Are you ready to hear a story?" He asked. I looked away then smiled before laying my head onto his lap. "Now are you?" He asked as he fixed my bangs slightly before I nodded, messing them up again. "Okay.."


"Well... I told you my parent's separated right? But I didn't tell you they separated because of me, they would argue 'why is our byunghyun like this? its your fault we can't raise our son right. You don't deserve to raise our son' They divorced, and instead of deciding to see who I'd live with, I ended up flying, alone. My family here is from the countryside.. I forgot the name... but I ended up flying to Busan... no one was there for me, as in they didn't pick me up, call me, its like they didn't want me. They didn't. ______, I was only 10.

I had to lag that annoying suitcase for days, weeks, months. I'd crash in an alley, I didn't know where to get the money to survive... I thought... Why couldn't I just have died? But then... I realized.. there was more to this. And I was found by this old lady.. and I was put in an orphanage. The kids didn't like me... mostly the males... because I'm so hot the girls loved me.. but I didn't care. The boys would push me, pull me, they'd take the majority of my share of food. Sometimes I'd be left with nothing... 

It was like that until a year ago... I think a year... I don't know... how long was I a doll? Anyways. I ran off... I didn't want the education... there was no point... I worked my bottom off to survive... I managed... but not too well... In my head I was thinking at the time... is this the life I was really meant to live? And that's when I met Chunji, hewas like me... he didn't have a home.. he wasn't loved.. and  when he told me about his home.. where its him and 4 other guys. I took it. What could've possible been wrong?" 


He looked at me and I looked at him as he smiled sadly. "Lame story huh?" He asked, I shook my head before sitting up and taking his hand. "You don't have to feel pity, I'm glad I let it out before I lost my memory."

"No Ljoe." I shook my head. "Its not pity when I care." I smiled at him. "Its... sad... to think that someone with a bright of smile as you.. can have such a past." Ljoe looked at me then hugged me. "I'm glad Chunji found you."

"And if it wasn't for him." He continued. "I wouldn't be here." I nodded my head. "Thank you to Chunji." As he pulled away. "And you." I blushed slightly then laughed. "What?"

"I'm sorry." I said. "But Byunghyun? Such a cute name." Ljoe's cheeks burned red as he began to ruffle my hair as punishment. "What I like that name!" I wined. Ljoe chuckled.

"Then you'll like the other's real names." He smiled.

"The others?" I questioned. Ljoe nodded then laid his head on my lap. "Okay okay... "  Ljoe closed his eyes taking in the moment as I looked back at the clouds, they were moving away from the city now. "I wonder... what the others stories or like."

Ljoe opened one eye then closed it with a smile on his face.



Did anyone find Ljoe's story sad? Or was it bland?

Was it sadder than Niel's story? Or was Niel's story sadder?

I need to knows!

Comment your thoughts!

Anyeong :3

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Taemin22 #1
Chapter 4: Omg I read this before! How is this not on my subscribed list!
Chapter 56: Authornim....this is my 2nd to.e to read you story. I really like you story no matter what. Such give me a mean about love and life. But I don't really understand with this "I was once lost. But then they/she found me. Now I'll never let them/her go. Thank you"

I hope you can explain in sequel and also you will continue the story. I'll be waiting ^^
Chapter 56: Authooorrrnnnimmmm.....The best story ever. I don't know how you can make the greatest story ever.
Guess what? In the ending i'm crying and sniffle so much
For the first i think that this just some ordinary romance story
But i'm totally wrong...mianhe...jeongmal mianhe
I really appreciate your hardwork to make this story..

I hope you can finished or update the sequel
Thanks a lot :,) *Sniffle*
Chapter 56: I really want to know who was the one who saved her in the past
Great Story
Chapter 57: Love your story I'm going to to read your other story don't disappoint me when I read it. Good Luck with your others story
Chapter 56: Just finished reading this! >_< I love it author-nim! Now I'm planning to read every one of 'yer stories ^___^v
To tell you the truth this is my all time favorite fanfiction
This is so amazing, I don't regret reading this.
I finished this is one night, ad I'm going to read the sequel tomorrow since it's already 1:20 am. kekeke =)

I love your stories~ <3

ChunjiLover #9
Chapter 56: This is freaking amazing!!!!!