a doubt

Young and Foolish



5 days before the wedding

Tying her hair in front of the mirror she looked closely at herself. 

She scanned her new room by the mirror’s reflection. Jay bought a house down town and she moved in a few days back. The house was fully furnished so basically she has no need to do much with their new home.  

She has not seen Jay for 4 days now. He is currently abroad for a business deal.  

She finished reading a book. It was about a man who was forced to marry but he was in love with another for 8 long years. In the end he chose his wife as he came to an understanding that his past love was a love of child’s and a fool’s play.  

Biting her lips she felt her heart went heavy. Is she like the past love?

Maybe Jay was doing this just because he pitied her. Cause she was weak and always being a cry baby. Maybe because of kevin. A tear slipped and a sob escaped. She hated herself for being this weak.

She had felt so happy these few weeks like before but the past seem to lurk somehow. Maybe it was wedding jitters. Maybe it was just her being afraid?

Sighing she looked at her self. Has Jay not proved how real they were? Playing with her finger she walked to the bed and lay down slowly. What if she gets her heart break again?  


3 days before the wedding

Jay walked to the door and rang the bell.

Maddy wanted to see him so he came. They weren’t supposed to meet each other a week before the wedding (his mother had insisted) but she sounded worried therefore he came as fast as he could.

Maddy opened the door of their new home. Jay frowned looking at her lifeless eyes. Aren’t future brides should be happy?

‘Maddy’ he spoke slowly, maybe she’s getting a cold feet jay thought.

She smiled and he knew immediately it was faked but he stayed calm and silent. ‘Jay, come sit’

She went to kitchen and came back with orange juice. Jay placed the glass on the coffee table and tapped the sofa. Maddy sat next to him facing jay.

‘why love?’ he asked

‘jay, I’m sorry I was your past’

‘baby? Why is this?’

‘you don’t need to marry me just because you feel obliged Jay, you deserve to be happier’

Jay frowned, confused ‘Maddy explain please’

Maddy explain about the book she read and she told him the conclusion she had.

Jay let go a deep breath ‘Now, I have to sue this writer’

He smiled slowly at maddy ‘baby, If I don’t have you, my life will never be complete, I don’t need anyone else’, you’re not escaping maddy, we are getting married’

Maddy’s eyes were wide and she smiled slowly. He cuddled with her and stayed there for a while. ‘we’ll make our own novel with a different ending?’ Maddy whispered

Jay nods ‘a happy one’


‘how do you know it’s a happy ending’

‘I’m the writer, remember?’

Jay kissed her hands ‘trust me maddy cause I trust you with my heart’

A tear slipped and she whispered ‘and believe me to believe in you Jay’


Wedding day

‘I do’

You may kiss the bride

Jay turned at looked at the woman who holds his heart. His wife.

Kissing her, he whispered on her lips.

‘author, promise me a happy ending, ok’

She smiled ‘I will’



im sorry for the late update 


I've been busy with uni 

epilogue next

don't hate Maddy ok.hehe, I just really felt that she somehow was still stuck in between as their relationship is basicly a new different book. but they got it right ofcourse. 

things like this shold bring them closer and freaking amazing how jay character here is very calm and a very gentelman. 

I love their characters and they grow by time. 

not everyone gets their 2nd chance :)

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Its a good story..i cried...
b2stie #2
Yeap it's a surprise. Omo! I just used up my three hours of homework time on this fanfic. It's very addictive. xD anyways can't wait to read you're next fanfics. It seems very interesting. :)
Its was goood !!! I jst finished it... Im suppose to study since I have a text next period but I just had to finish the story. But this story kept me company in school for my first 5 periods. Thanks :D
I really luv how u compose ur storyline & pull all the fanfic characters connected to each other..... Good job!!! & TOP is so Hot in there!!! ^^
pinkbunnyjay #5
I like your stories it's all connected to each other! <3 ^-^
Haly27 #6
nami5589: so true, Jay has a very strong character here :D <br />
thank you for reading :D <br />
seriously, hope u enjoyed <br />
<br />
2pmwives: don't worry there's still more fics to come. tq for supporting!
nami5589 #7
thanks for update<br />
I thought Jay would get mad, but he's so friken calm<br />
OMG I'm so jealous w Maddy
nami5589 #8
hi I'm new here <br />
I've just finished reading all chapters & now I'm gonna find Tae&Lily's fic to read.<br />
it's so cute, Jay's such a gentleman here (& he just claimed that he's bored to death 5 seconds ago on twitter =P)<br />
This story's great, can't wait for your updates, and ur other fics.