Chapter 8 - Help...

The Game; The Chaser


Myungsoo could only see darkness. He looked around him but everything was still the same, pitch black. Coughing he realized he was awake. He moved his fingers a little, letting the blood flow all the way to the tips. Slowly, he felt his eyelids open. His eyes flutter to get rid of the dust that was on his eyelashes. How long was he out? A few days maybe? A week?

            He didn’t have much memory of what had caused him to faint but all he knew was that now he was in a strange place. A small fire crackled on his right. Eventhough it was small, he could feel the strong heat from it. He took a deep breath. He liked the feeling of being near a fire. It made him feel safe and he felt stronger. Looking up, it was black. He guessed that he was in a deep cave of some sort. The rocks looked hard and stable so he didn’t mind the safety precautions there.

            Myungsoo tried pushing himself up, but his head started feeling light again. He grabbed his head, trying to ease the headache. A smooth, cloth like material was felt on his hands.

A bandage? Since when did that get there?

Then he noticed his upper body was covered by a black jacket and his head laid against a bunch of tattered clothes.

Whose are these?

Before he managed to get rid of the bandage, he heard footsteps from afar. Quickly, he tied the bandage on his head back like it was and lay on the clothes. He closed his eyes, but he wasn’t asleep.

The footsteps got closer together with laughter.

‘That was funny! Didn’t know you were hilarious,’ a deep voice said.

‘What’s that suppose to mean? I’m always funny. You just don’t notice it,’ a girl like voice answered.


Myungsoo heard the shuffling of the boots moving from the left to the right, near the fire. A minute later, the girly voice was heard.

‘When do you think he’ll wake up? It’s been three days already.’

Three days!? I’ve been out for three days!? Myungsoo was shocked but tried not to move.

‘I don’t know. Maybe I should check...,’ the deeper voice tried to get up but Myungsoo heard the girly voice trying to pull him back down.

‘Ahh hyung, I don’t think you should disturb him. He looks really scary to me. Besides, he should get all the rest he needs before he wakes up,’ the girly voice replied.

Hyung? Are they good friends? And what?! Me scary?! Aishh!

‘Aishh! You’re such a !’ the deeper voice complained. Myungsoo heard him get up again as his footsteps went nearer and nearer to him. He felt the guy squatting down. His face was probably near his. The guy’s breath was so hard that Myungsoo could feel it on his cheeks. His warmth was really strong as well.

Then, he suddenly felt the same warmth near his hand. It got stronger and stronger. Afraid, Myungsoo used his fire bending and pushed Sungyeol with the ball of fire, aiming right at his stomach. Myungsoo got up as he grabbed another ball of fire, ready in his hands. The guy clutched his stomach in pain, while the other ran over to him.

‘Ya! What are you doing?!’ The guy shouted at Myungsoo. He must have been the girly voice.

Looking at the guy behind him, Myungsoo sworn he had seen the guy before. His mind was still foggy but he knew he had laid eyes on him before.

 ‘What did you do to me? Why am I here?’ Myungsoo shouted back.

The girly guy helped his friend lean back against the wall. The friend replied despite the pain, ‘We found you fainting in the forest so we took you back here and make sure you were s-s....OW!’

‘Sorry. Just hold on a little longer alright.’ The girly voice, definitely a water bender, had taken off his friend’s shirt and used his water bending to....rub his blue-black? Whatever it was, it made his friend feel better. Must have been some healing technique.

‘,’ the guy continued. Myungsoo eyed him. He knows him, somewhere in his mind clicked when he saw his face. But he just couldn’t figure out whom.

Sungyeol glared at Myungsoo. ‘Yeah, YOUR WELCOME MYUNGSOO.’ He said sarcastically.

Myungsoo flinched at the sound of his name.

How does he know my name?

‘H-how do you know my name?’ Myungsoo held the ball of fire he had in his hands with more power. He didn’t like this guy.

‘Y-you don’t remember me huh? Wow, that hit in the head must have been hard.’ The guy started to stand up with the help of his girly friend. The guy walked towards Myungsoo as he put his shirt back on. Myungsoo didn’t move nor flinch but he just let the guy approach him.

Extending a hand, the guy smiled. Flawless white teeth and smile that reached his ears.

‘I’m Sungyeol and this is Sungjong,’ he pointed to the girly voice guy behind him, ‘nice to meet you....again.’

Sungyeol kept smiling. Myungsoo still didn’t trust him but something about him wanted to give in.

‘Myungsoo.’ Myungsoo shook his hand while saying in his low, “watch out” voice.

Sungyeol laughed. ‘Just like the first day.’

Myungsoo’s eyebrows knitted together in frustration.

First day? So we did meet before.

Pulling their hands apart, Sungyeol headed to the fire with Sungjong beside him. He could tell that Sungjong was afraid of him. But Sungjong smiled a little at him. Myungsoo made no attempt of smiling back. He couldn’t trust anyone.

‘Well don’t just stand there. There’s more than enough, help yourself.’ Sungyeol grabbed a piece of what seems to be turkey and shoved it in his mouth. He ate it like a small fiver year old kid. Sungjong however, ate it delicately. He peeled the flesh one by one before nicely putting it in his mouth.

Sighing, he sat opposite them and got the leg of a turkey before eating it. He eyed the two guys in front of him. They played with each other with their food and drinks. Sungyeol seemed to talk a lot. Myungsoo thought it was so annoying. Rolling his eyes, he continued with his turkey leg. The turkey wasn’t that cooked through, but it was better than nothing.

After a gulp of water, Myungsoo took his stuff and headed for the entrance of the cave.

‘Where are you going?’ Myungsoo heard Sungyeol from the back.

‘Leaving,’ was all Myungsoo wanted to say. Something about the two made him uncomfortable.

‘But you shouldn’t! I mean...’ Myungsoo turned around to see Sungyeol stopping at his tracks a little taken aback. Myungsoo mentally smirked at himself. Myungsoo had the stare that no one could have. He stared at people as if he was staring at their very soul. No one has ever dared to touch him afterwards.

‘I’re still sick and I doubt that you’re head is any better. You need a lot of water anyways and I know you don’t have any. You were dehydrated when we found you so it’s best if you stay here with us. We have a water bender remember?’ Sungyeol pointed to his back, referring to Sungjong who was busily eating his meal.

Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol and somehow, his face softens. Sungyeol’s eyes were big and brown. He had that puppy dog eyes that anyone would fall for. Myungsoo sighed heavily.

Aishh. What’s wrong with me? I’ve been embarrassed enough and now...this? Great.

Sungyeol kept staring at him, with his eyes pleading for him to stay. Myungsoo sighed again before removing the bandage that was still tied around his head.

‘Fine. But only for a few days. After that, I’m gone. And I have rules if I have to stay here.’

‘I don’t mind,’ Sungyeol’s face lights up immediately.

Satisfied with his persuasion, Sungyeol skipped to the fire where he joined Sungjong again. Placing back his things at the same place, Myungsoo got back the tattered clothes and lay down, closing his eyes.

‘Ermm...Myungsoo I was wondering, i-i....’

‘SHHHHH!’ Sungyeol as cut off my Myungsoo.

‘That’s rule number one. Don’t EVER disturb me when I’m going to sleep.’

Sungyeol nodded in agreement.

Then, he started talking loudly to Sungjong and they both started laughing again.

‘Oh and Sungyeol...’ Myungsoo added.

‘Mmm?’ Sungyeol managed to say through his turkey.

‘Shut up will you?’


Rain fell onto Dongwoo’s tan shoulders. Each drop created a small splash against his skin. It was cold but yet he never felt happier.

Water. Finally.

Sticking out his tongue, he grabbed as much water as he can- even though it was impossible to drink from there. He craved water since the third day. He should have just taken the backpack during the start but no, he had to run into the forest. But still, it was the right decision. He didn’t want to die.

The rain started to get heavier as the water quickly went through his throat. He was drenched but he didn’t care. Despite the cold, he still stood there under the hard fall of the rain. After getting all the water that he needed, he headed for the nearest shelter. It wasn’t much but it was still worth it.

The shelter was small yet it could still fit two people. It wasn’t really much of a cave but more of a hut-like shape. There were leaves draped over it above and the floor was just the bare soil that had been soaked from the rain. Sitting comfortably on the soil, Dongwoo leaned against the tree that was beside it.

He pushed his knees closer to his chest. He had to keep warm. His teeth chattered together. Wow, it was cold. Then he started coughing. And sneezing. And coughing. And sneezing.

Aishh, stupid. Damn rain.

He didn’t know how long he stood in the rain but it was definitely a long time. Whatever it is, it had made him sick. Great. How would he survive now?

Cursing to himself, he hugged himself tighter. No warmth, no food, not really much of drinkable water.

Wow, Dongwoo. Best survivor ever.

Dongwoo kept on coughing and sneezing as he felt his body go weak and fragile. Toughing his forehead and neck, his hopes of surviving depleted. His temperature was rising. He looked up and saw that the rain had seeped through the leaves a little. Water splattered on his head where the tips of his fringe now dripped water onto his face.

He sighed to himself. Closing his eyes, he tried to get some rest. He wanted the fever to go away but of course without any medication, nothing will stop it now. Soon he fell asleep, just waiting...for something or someone to come to him. 

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MissPanda16 #1
Chapter 8: That's a great story!! I'm looking forward more ;)
See you~
Chapter 9: Ahhhh! I just realised you had exams, haha!
Lol okay. Good luck, yeah? Or if you've finished them, hope you did well? ._. :'D
Update soon, yeah~? <3 ^^
Chapter 9: FIGHTING!! :D
Chapter 9: GOOD LUCK ON YOUR EXAMS AUTHOR-SHII!!!!!! Can't wait till you come back XD
Chocolato #6
Chapter 9: good luck for your exams ! :)
Alter ego,huh? Poor Sunggyu. Woo Hyun had so much of revenge.. I hope it wasn't bad people who found Myungsoo...
Chocolato #8
i hope that's the start of woogyu's friendship (and hopefully love hahas)

and myungsoo! i hope that's sungjong and sungyeol ! or at least let them be near!
shedding-dream #9
Double personality gyu... /le gasp
I didn't see it came xDDDD

Myungieeeeee DDD: