4:A Day With Kai-shi

You're the Only One


Hyo went to practice as usual, but today she was a bit late. Well, if you forgot to turn on the alarm clock. It will happen. She did remember BoA’s instruction clearly. 6am sharp, she was rushing a 3 minutes before 6am. She rushed towards the dance room, she keep crashing towards other people as she quickly apologies and bows at the same time. She rushed herself towards the door, but just to receive a mini heart attack by the person inside.

“Ahh ! Kai-shi” Hyo turns around and covers her eyes. She felt her whole face turn red, her heartbeat unstable, she was gasping for air. Taking them in relaxing mode.

“omo~ Hyoyeon-noona. Sorry I’m done, you can turn for sure” Kai told Hyo, as she slowly turns her body towards Kai’s direction and with slow moves she uncovers her eyes.

“Sorry Kai-shi, you should told me you were changing” Hyo blushed a little at the word changing, as she glance to her side.

“No, I’m the one whose suppose to say sorry” Kai smiles towards Hyo as he shakes his head from left to right. It left an awkward silence in the air. Kai clears his throat, as he gain attention from Hyo. She sets her eyes on Kai whose rubbing the back of his neck.

“So, noona. Let’s warm up and start practicing” Kai told Hyo as she nods her head shyly.

“Sure” Hyo gave Kai a simple answer as she walks and stood next to taller Kai. They danced only the duet part, they were tired from all the dancing. Kai crumbles himself as his legs feel like jelly and he sits on the floor with a thud.

“Kai~ we’re not done yet” Hyo took Kai’s hands as she tries to pull him to stand back up.

“Anniya, noona~ I’m tired” Kai whined as Hyo gave him a glare and sat beside him.

“10 minutes k?” Hyo points her finger to Kai’s face. Kai nods and smiles as he saw Hyo’s beads of sweat rolling down fromher forehead to her neck and absorbs to her loose t-shirt. Kai could see Hyo’s tube as he turns his head with a pink cheek on.

“Kai-shi~ do you want to drink anything?” Hyo turn to see Kai back head facing her.

“Yeah sure, anything is fine noona” Kai simply answers Hyo, as she stood up and walks away. Kai could feel his face getting all red from that. He sighs and lands his body on the hard wooden floor of the room. It was awkward with Kai for the second day, he barely speaks and focus when they practice. He kept messing up all the time. Hyo sighs as the clock hits 10pm.

“Ok, let’s stop here. This is not progressing at all” Hyo walks away with a fury felling to his soul. Peoples passing by the hallway scared to greet Hyo. She was giving a don’t-disturb-me aura. Suddenly she felt a tap to her shoulder. She turns to meet a smiling Teamin.

“Noona, what’s wrong?” Taemin asks Hyo as she sighs and slowly walks. Taemin ran up to her side and follows her pace.

“Well, I’m good at keeping secrets” Taemin told Hyo. She smiles towards the floor. As she meets Taemin eyes below her.

“See? I love your smile noona. It’s a gift, use them more often” as he stood up and pats Hyo’s head and walks away.

“Taemin-ah, you will always be my favorite dongsaeng” as she hums back to her dorm. The next day was fine for Hyo as Kai was focus, making jokes. Kai was being Kai, Hyo felt relieved. As the clock hits 10pm, Kai walks towards Hyo and offers a simple dinner to her.

“Noona, do you want to go eat dinner with me?” as Hyo still packing her stuffs.

“Sure, it won’t hurt right?” Hyo smiles at Kai whose dancing a victory dance as if he won a lottery. Hyo picks her bag from the floor.

“Ok, kaja” as Kai pulls her right hand. As they stroll down the street hand in hand and pass by a simple stall with foods. Hyo looks down at their hand as they stop. She felt awkward, but all she remembers was Taemin’s hand. She let the though slip away. Kai notice Hyo was looking at their hands, he slowly let go of her hand unwillingly.

“Bian, noona” she tucks her hand into her hoodies pocket.

“Anniyo, its ok” Hyo smiles. As they went and sat down on one of the table.

“Ahjusshi~ two ddukboki and a bowl of bbimbimbap” as Kai waves his hand towards the ahjusshi while listing his orders.

“So, Kai-shi why are you treating me dinner?” Hyo tilts her head to the side as she asks Kai. Kai finds it cute as he giggled a little and stops.

“Well, I like you noona” Kai told Hyo as he stares down to his hands on his lap. Playing with his fingers out of nervousness. As Hyo stares at Kai she smiles.

“Well, Kai-shi~ I like you too” as Kai lifts his head just to meet the girl he likes giving him his favorite picture. Her smile, he smiles along.

“Here is you ddukboki and bbimbimbap” the ahjusshi told Kai and Hyo. Kai slowly tear his eyes away from Hyo and paid the ahjusshi. They smiled and started to eat their foods. They told jokes to each other, recalling days when Kai was just a trainee and Hyo was dancing queen. As the finished, Kai offered himself to accompany Hyo back to her dorm.

“I had a wonderful time” Hyo told Kai as they slowly walks down the street towards her dorm.

“Well, I had one too. If it was you” Kai rapped the part. It made Hyo giggle, as the reach the bottom of her dorm.

“Well, this is it. I guess tomorrow you’ll be staring with Taemin right?” Kai asks Hyo with a little disappointment in his voice. Hyo cups both of her hand on Kai’s cheek and shakes them softly.

“Don’t be sad, I’ll treat you dinner next time. The same stall, you better remind me. I promise you” as Hyo lets go of her hands. Kai caught them and place her hands on his chest. Hyo eyes grew larger, Kai closes his eyes.

“You made this heart go hyper and happy noona. I’m glad” he lets go and waves Hyo goodbye as he sees her figure walks up. Little did Hyo knew, her action made Kai the happiest man alive. As he walks towards his dorm, he kept smiling.

“Hyung, what’s with the smile?” Chanyeol calls Kai, waking his up from his train of daydream of his precious noona.

“Ahh, what? What smile?” Kai looks at Chanyeol, Chanyeol just shakes his head and sighes.

“You’ve been smiling like crazy and all, your creeping me. Are you sure your alright?” as Chanyeol asks Kai with a concern tone.

“Yeah, I’m good, great, happy~” as Kai sang his words out as his lips slowly forming into a curve.

“Hyung, you’re crazy” Chanyeol walks away from the room as Kai sleeps with his phone on his chest. He flips his phone and stares at its lock screen. A picture of him and Hyoyeon. Yeah, it was a happy moment for Kai.

“Hyung, why is it Kai hyung acting all weird and crazy. He kept smiling to himself” Chanyeol sits down beside the sofe next to Suho and the other Exo-K members.

“Well, from what I know. It’s either he is being weird and crazy. Or~ it’s about a girl” Suho told Chanyeol as he chews down his bag of chips.

“Well, it’s definitely about a girl” as Beakhyun and Chanyeol answers them. They looked at each other and did a little fist pump and continues to invert their attention back to Suho.

“Well, if it is about a girl. Who will it be?” Suho passes down his bag of chip to D.O, as D.O pass it down to Beakhyun.

“Well, obviously it would be a girl from our own company” Beakhyun concludes as he munch down some chips and pass them to Sehun.

“Why would it be a girl from our own company?” as he pass them back to Chanyeol after munching down couple of chips

“Well, have you seen the shy Kai but charisma on stage interact with any girl group or girl besides our company?” as Chanyeol pass them back to Suho.

“True, true~ that should also concludes our girl groups too. Either it’s f(x) or our loveable noona’s? SNSD” as he wiggles his eyebrows and sinks his hand into the bag of chip. As he groan.

“Ok, who finished my chips?” Suho looks at each of the member as all of them stood up and went to their respective room, leaving the leader with a sad feeling to his soul.

“My chips~” Suho sang with a sad tone and stood up as he closes all the lights at the living room and went to sleep. 


how is it? is it good? did i pay it up to you guys? :) -fanficholic <3 you guys~

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zoewaders #1
Chapter 17: Nice story...Love the cute couple!!!
Hyosmilely #2
Chapter 17: Yahoo! Finally they live together , so cute
naringgit #3
Chapter 17: SEQUEL!!!
after life....hehehe,,the title say it all..aargh i can't imagine hyo being mute..with her choding jokes and all!the sm family must missed her voice
i think i have a slight heart attack when i see the word COMPLETE...thank god you're making a sequel later!forever waiting~~~
infiknight_hyohyuk #4
Chapter 17: Finally Taem proposed :)) congrats for both of them, I'm happy for them :D
And I hope Hyo will get her voice back :(
And yeah please I need sequel ^^
Thanks for the update :D
Chapter 17: Totally a Sequel !!!!!!
naringgit #6
Chapter 16: oh no hyoo :(
how will she survive in snsd if the voice don't come back soon..the soshi girls would be so sad..
the SM family must be sad too
cheer up hyo!you'll get better soon..you have loads of support behind your back
Chapter 16: Keke we won't kill you
HoneyHanie #8
Chapter 15: Hahahaha thanks for the update author-nim. You know I wouldn't hurt you (>_<) I just get a bit over board when it comes to good stories.. Btw this update is good. A nice twist to the story!! Author-nim Fighting!!
naringgit #9
Chapter 15: i think my head is going to explode..
where is hyo now?is she okay?will she lost her memory about taemin?what about the soshi girls?what about kai? *out of topic..sorry
i just leave this for 2 days and what i got is 2 updated chapter,,i'm so late!!
i just need to read more to ease my concern for them *deep breath
oh this cliffhanger~~
Chapter 15: where is she???????

is she ok?

update soooon