2: What We’re Doing Unnie?

You're the Only One


“Unnie~” it was only 9:55 PM, Hyo calls BoA from the door.

“Oh, Hyo. You’re here. Come on, I’ll treat you some simple dinner after this practice?” BoA smiles as Hyoyeon nodded like a 10 year old agrees to something as long she gets her lollipop as a reward. BoA blasts the dance room with her song, the same song.

“Anniyo Hyo, your hands should go like this then when your partner’s hand is on your . You bend and datdatdat~ ok?” Hyoyeon nodded as she does the moves. BoA smiles as Hyoyeon remind her, herself. The passion for dancing, she was like a sponge absorbing all the moves in seconds. BoA nods as Hyoyeon shows the moves to BoA. She was called the second BoA for a reason right?

“Great Hyo, from the duet and till the end. Then we rest ok?” Hyo simply nods and she dances. As she dances, she got curious.

‘What’s wrong with BoA unnie? Why is she training me? Aren’t I suppose to accompany her only?’ all sorts of question pops in Hyoyeon’s mind. BoA notice that Hyo was not there. She was dancing, but her soul was wondering around.

“Hyo~” BoA calls Hyo, Hyoyeon’s train of thoughts was cut off. As she looks at BoA, BoA looks worried.

“Bian unnie, I was distracted a little. Bian” as Hyo bows a couple of times.

“Anniyo Hyo, please keep your mind and soul here k? You can keep practicing, I’ll go buy us our dinner. I think that might help you a little right?” as BoA stood up and walks towards her bag to get her wallet.

“Unnie, let me go with you” Hyo stood up.

“No, no, no. I’m fine, you can wait or just practice the duet part” BoA waves at Hyo, leaving the petite girl alone in the dance room. Hyoyeon sighs, she walks towards the speaker and skips the song around the duet part. She moves herself towards the centre on the room. She stood there, waiting for the duet part. She closes her eyes. She started to move, she fills her soul and passion into the dance. When the song hits the end. Someone claps.

“Omo, noona~ Daebak !!!” she turns around to meet the tall dongsaeng, smiling at her. Taemin.

“Taemin? I thought you got back to your dorm already” Hyo told Taemin.

“Well, I was just passing by. By the way, why are you here?” Taemin asks Hyo with curiosity written all over his face.

“Well, I’m practicing my moves. Improving them” Hyo told Taemin while smiling.

“Well, only one is not SNSD’s song” Taemin answers Hyo in a matter of fact voice, Hyo stayed silent for a moment. Taemin raises his eyebrows.

“Well?” Taemin, asks. Waiting an answer from Hyo

“Well, it’s just random” she simply answers Taemin.

“Well, you can’t dance a duet alone right? Come on, from the duet” Taemin walks towards the speaker and starts the song from the duet part. They dances, Hyo felt something fluttering in her heart.

“Noona, you don’t have to be so awkward you know” as Taemin replays the song again. Hyo just simply nodded. When Taemin places his hand on Hyo’s . Hyo winced a little.

“Bian noona, from the top?” Taemin apologized. Hyo just nodded. As they start from the top. The duet part came. Taemin bends down in front of Hyo, he ran his palm on Hyo’s. When Hyo was about to do the next move, he intertwines his fingers to Hyo’s. Grabbing it tight enough from Hyo to let go. Hyo tried to let go, but it was tight. She looks into Taemin’s eyes.

“Taemin-ah, this is not a part of the choreograph” Hyo said, while she looks away. She stares down the dance room’s floor.

“Noona, look at me” Taemin’s voice pleaded. Hyo slowly tear her gaze from the floor to Taemin’s eyes. Taemin eyes have a sorrowful feel to it. It saddens Hyo.

“Noona, look only at me” Taemin pleaded, his tears started to escape his eyes.

“I’m sorry” Hyo whispered and ran away, how can this be? Yeah, she have always kept a tiny crush on her favorite dongsaeng. He often plays with Hyo, dropping his honorific. Hyo would just assume he was playing. She didn’t knew there is something in those jokes he pulls all the time. How the boy would ask Hyo to be his partner in dancing for him to analyze his weakness. But it always had another meant in that simple analysis. Hyo cried, how can that boy kept that feeling to himself? While, Taemin would suggest Hyo to be his partner in dancing, but often ends up with Yoona or Yuri. Hyo would dance with Onew. Deep down in Taemin’s dungeon of heart, he wishes he would just at least dance once with Hyo. It was all fine with Hyo and him, until Kai came into the picture. Taemin felt as if he wasn’t Hyo’s favorite dongsaeng anymore, Kai took away his happiness. To be heard that he slightly looks like Kai, hurts Taemin much more. People likes HyoKai, people never often pair them together. How Taemin wouldn’t mind if he was place into a scandal with Hyoyeon noona. His noona, no one else’s. It all came crumbling down, Taemin doesn’t just wanted to be Hyo’s favorite dongsaeng, but her man. How Hyo would only look at him and no one else. It does sound selfish to Taemin, but he didn’t mind at all. Taemin was left alone in the dance room, he stood there.

“Woo ~ I brought bbibimbap Hyo~” as BoA came in and sang her I brought bbimbimbap Hyo song. She came in, just to meet a Taemin standing alone in the middle of the dance room.

“Taemin? Ohh, why are you here? And where is Hyo?” BoA looks around the room.

“She left, noona~ why is Hyo noona here practicing to your song?” Taemin asks BoA.

“Well, I was planning to let her dance to my Only One ballad version. Well, I had Kai in my mind actually for her partner. His moves and height matches Hyo” BoA told Taemin, while she packs her stuffs.

“No!!! Not hime noona!!! Not anyone!!!” Taemin’s hand form a ball, as he shut his eyes tightly.

“Taemin-ah~ are you ok? Here, you can have help me send this bbibimbap to Hyo’s dorm or you can just eat them. Cheer up” BoA gave him the bag of bbibimbap to Taemin. As she leaves Taemin alone in the dance room.

“Take care, Taemin-ah~” BoA sang as she leaves Taemin. Taemin hung his head low, as he recall what he did. He should just leave the noona dongsaeng relationship. Now he end up ruining them. Taemin felt stupid.

The next morning

Hyoyeon was making her way to SHINee’s dance room. She was asked my BoA unnie to call Taemin and Kai. Great, now how awkward will that be. Hyo thought. She reminds herself to act casual as if nothing happened between them. She knocks SHINee’s dance room.

“Hey, can I meet Taemin?” as Hyo peek through the door. Taemin turns to meet Hyo, he smiles.

“Nehh~ noona. What’s wrong?” Taemin walks out of his dance room.

“Well, BoA unnie wants to see us” Hyo told Taemin how can this boy act as if nothing had happened? Didn’t he cried yesterday? Hyo shrug the thought away.

“Really? Ohh, let’s go” Taemin’s face was so bright. Hyo let out a little laugh. Taemin was about to drag Hyo to BoA’s dance room.

“Taemin, wait~ we have to call Kai also” Taemin stops, he turns. Hyo could see Taemin’s bright face was replace with a dark one.

“Did BoA noona asks for him too?” Taemin asks Hyo.

“Yeah, why?” Hyo tilt her head to the side.

“Ok, come on” Taemin walks beside Hyo without letting Hyo’s right hand go. Taemin knock’s EXO’s dance room. She hears some talking then Kai comes out from the room.

“Ohh, Hyoyeon. You’re here too” Kai said while giving Hyo a smile

“Excuse me? It’s Hyoyeon noona. Why are you being rude?” Taemin raises his voice.

“Taemin-ah~ it’s ok. He forgot, right?” Hyo looks at Kai.

“Well, yeah. But can I just call noona, Hyo?” Hyo was taken aback by Kai’s statement.

“Well, pretty boy. Try learning the word honorific here in Korea” Taemin pulls Hyo hands, making Hyo stood behind Taemin. She was so confused in the situation. What’s wrong with them?

“Ok, boys enough. Let’s go, BoA unnie is waiting” Hyo breaking the fierce stare between the two dongsaeng. On the way to BoA’s  dance room, it was awkward silent’s. She hates the atmosphere, it’s weird and heating. Hyo stood in between Kai and Taemin. Taemin still has his hands on Hyo, while Kai just puts his hands into his pocket. They got to BoA’s dance room.

“Right, now both candidates are here. Let’s get started shall we?” all three of them got curious.


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zoewaders #1
Chapter 17: Nice story...Love the cute couple!!!
Hyosmilely #2
Chapter 17: Yahoo! Finally they live together , so cute
naringgit #3
Chapter 17: SEQUEL!!!
after life....hehehe,,the title say it all..aargh i can't imagine hyo being mute..with her choding jokes and all!the sm family must missed her voice
i think i have a slight heart attack when i see the word COMPLETE...thank god you're making a sequel later!forever waiting~~~
infiknight_hyohyuk #4
Chapter 17: Finally Taem proposed :)) congrats for both of them, I'm happy for them :D
And I hope Hyo will get her voice back :(
And yeah please I need sequel ^^
Thanks for the update :D
Chapter 17: Totally a Sequel !!!!!!
naringgit #6
Chapter 16: oh no hyoo :(
how will she survive in snsd if the voice don't come back soon..the soshi girls would be so sad..
the SM family must be sad too
cheer up hyo!you'll get better soon..you have loads of support behind your back
Chapter 16: Keke we won't kill you
HoneyHanie #8
Chapter 15: Hahahaha thanks for the update author-nim. You know I wouldn't hurt you (>_<) I just get a bit over board when it comes to good stories.. Btw this update is good. A nice twist to the story!! Author-nim Fighting!!
naringgit #9
Chapter 15: i think my head is going to explode..
where is hyo now?is she okay?will she lost her memory about taemin?what about the soshi girls?what about kai? *out of topic..sorry
i just leave this for 2 days and what i got is 2 updated chapter,,i'm so late!!
i just need to read more to ease my concern for them *deep breath
oh this cliffhanger~~
Chapter 15: where is she???????

is she ok?

update soooon