Chapter 9 - Why him?....

A Bad Boy And A Good Girl?

Your conversation with Mir ends with neither of you having an idea about what to about the wedding. A few days later you go out with the guys again and you invite Mir and his girlfriend. Mir has told his girlfriend about the whole thing and she's very accepting and kind.

You're sitting down in the private room at a karaoke bar


GD and Taeyang are there with you and you're waiting on the others. You sit next to GD and lean on his shoulder.

GD: What's wrong?

You: I still don't know what to do about this wedding and it's coming up within the month...

GD: Aigo sweetie, I won't let you marry okay? I'll make sure it doesn't happen.

You: Oppa.... (A/N - You've gotten so much closer to the guys, you call them all oppa)

GD: You're going to be okay, I won't let anything bad happen.

You: Neh....

Next to show up is Daesung who is followed by Seungri and then TOP a few minutes later and then Mir and his girlfriend.

Mir: This is my girlfriend Chung Ae. 

You: It's wonderful to finally meet you *smiling* Mir has told me sooo much about you. He never stops *giggle*

Chung Ae: *smiling* Neh, it's nice to meet you too. Mir has told me about your kindness.

You: Aigo, he praises me too much~

Everyone is introduced to one another and they become familiar with eachother. People are singing and drinking and socialising and you are not feeling happy lately because of the wedding getting closer and closer so you drink too much for your own good. You can hardly tolerate the stuff far less drink more glasses then you can remember.

You: Oppa~! *you cling onto GD*

GD: Aish, how much did you end up drinking?

You: *giggle* Oppa, you're so silly *hugs him*

GD: Are you okay?...

You: I'm fine *smiling*

You're not in your right mind since you've had way to much to drink. The others haven't really realised except for GD. You lean forward towards GD and then your lips meet. Everyone looks over at the two of you and GD gently pushes you away. TOP looks over with confusion and a slightly aggresive expression.

GD: W...What're you doing?

You: *get a bit dizzy and fall into GD's lap*

GD: ~~~~ - ah! You can't do this! *shaes you* 

You don't respond to his shakes as you've passed out. 

GD: Omo~! ~~~~ - ah! She's not getting up!

Mir rushes over and lies you down on your back. 

You: *cough and sit up, bumping your head against Mir's*

GD: Aish! Lie down, you just out you idiot!

You: *really dizzy* Oppa I'm so tired *whiney*

GD: *holds you up to a sitting position*

You: Oppa~!

GD: Oppa has to go home and so do you. You've drunken way to much and you've gone silly.

You: Where's home?

GD: Aish, I don't think we should send her home like this by herself.

Seungri and Daesung who live with GD have both drunk quite a bit themselves and so GD takes them to the door ready to leave.

GD: Seunghyun-ah, take ~~~~ - ah home. You live closest and you are the only one I trust at the moment considering how much everyone had to drink.

Mir: I'm taking Chung Ae home, I hope I get to meet you all again some time.

Mir and the others leave and Taeyang starts to walk home as he lives close by. The only ones left are yourself and TOP. TOP helps you to your feet and walks you out onto the cold street. You shiver a little and lean on TOP with all your weight. You're really tired, weak and cold. TOP sees how cold you are and places his jacket over your shoulder then gets you on his back and carries you forward. You're suprised by his actions but you're so tired that you rest your head on his back.

TOP: Why did you have to drink so much...? *almost a whisper/talking to himself* And why'd you have to kiss Ji Yong?... Why'd it have to be him....? 

You half hear it but you're really sleepy.

You: Oppa.... *first time you've called him that* I love you.... I love you so much sometimes it hurts... *fall asleep*

TOP doesn't say anything and feels your warm breath against his neck and knows you've fallen asleep. Your drunken words stirr up his emotions and his mind is full of questions.

To Be Continued...... (:

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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 15: Awwww! This has to be one of the cutest stories I've read!! Thanks, author-nim!!! ♡♡
lolwhat842233 #2
JBL511 #3
Chapter 15: oifvnljk53hndkswntvjnhsdjnhwg. NICE NICE NICE NICE NICE !!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: Omg! This story is awesome!!! Thanks author-nim
Chapter 15: Best ending!! you are truely amazing!!!! keep up the good work <3 :3
lillium80 #6
Chapter 15: Such a great story. Thanks for the great read.
lillium80 #7
Chapter 13: haha jealous cute.
lillium80 #8
Chapter 10: Yay! This is such an exciting chapter.
MorganMirae #9
Awww best ending!!! Haha it was so funny in the prologue bit when you described the characters 'I' was exactly like me in real life! Short, brown hair, big brown eyes and both parents are Caucasian....haha freaky! Anyway great story!!! I wish it didn't end! :'(
T-O-P-oppa #10
Ah seunghyun... Such a y pabo...