chapter 5

Ready Set Action!

~meanwhile at the table~

"Hey I wonder what's taking Jooyoung so long?" Ren asked while stuffing his face with pizza.  Baekho just shrugged his shoulder and kept chewing at the cheese.  "Hey Minhyun maybe we should check up on her to see if she's okay I'm getting worried."  Minhyun nodded and got up from his chair and started to walk with Ren.  Baekho shoved the rest of his pizza in his mouth and ran after them.  They arrived at the bathroom and yelled inside "Jooyoung are you okay?"  They didn't hear a response so they just presumed she left. 

While they were walking to class Minhyun realized he forgot his book at the table.  "Uh guys I'll meet you in class I forgot something."  While he was walking back to the table he passed the bathroom again and heard a weird noise.  "Hello?" no answer.  He decided to walk in just in case.  When he entered he though *wow everything in the girls bathroom is so organized.  Our bathroom is nothing compared to this* Just as he was about to leave before he got caught he heard a kicking noise.  He ran to one of the stalls and saw Jooyoung duck taped to the toilet. 

His jaw dropped to the ground and quickly unwrapped her.  She had a couple bruises and scratches on her arms and face.  "You need to see the nurse to get those cuts disinfected."  She tried to push him away but he insisted so she gave up.

Jooyoung POV

Just as you were about to give up you heard a voice. "Jooyoung are you okay?"  You realize it's Ren!  You try to cry for help but the tape on your mouth was preventing any noise from escaping.  After a while you hear feet shuffling away and you almost cry in despair.  *How did I get in this mess in the first place?  It's all that JR's fault grr.* 

As soon as you were about to lose all hope you hear feet coming toward you.  You move all your body trying to make as much noise as possible.  "Hello?" Someone asks and you realize its Minhyun.  You try to move around some more to let him know you're in there and you need help.  

As you were moving around you see a pair of feet stop in front of you.  You look up to meet eye to eye with Minhyun.  He gently helps you out of the tape and helps you up.  "You need to see the nurse to get those cuts disinfected."  You try to push him away because you don't want to cause any more trouble but he kept insisting so you just give in.

He picks you up princess style and carry you to the nurse.  You look at his face to see if you're too heavy but when you look up he looks right back at you and smiles.  You blush in embarrassment because his smile was so sweet.  He notices that you're red.  "Do you have a fever?"  He bends down and puts his forehead to yours making you blush even harder.  You notice he quickens the pace. 

When you arrive at the door he puts you down and lets you use him for support.  The nurse isn't in so Minhyun puts you on the bed while he goes to look for alcohol and some cotton balls.  Finally he finds some and returns to you.  He tells you to close your eyes while he disinfects your wounds.  

You take a peak and was surprised to see that his face was right up to yours.  You can feel his hot breath against your face.  You look closer and notice his eyes were a nice brown and looking right at you.  You turn red again and look away avoiding his gaze but you could still feel his eyes looking at you.  He leans in closer to you so close that you could almost feel his soft lifts brush yours.  

You turn to face him leaning closer and then  –Click-  You hear the door open and you two quickly back away from each other while the nurse enters the room.  She gives you a weird look and shooed Minhyun away back to class.  Your think to yourself…*what was I just about to do?...*


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im sorry i haven't been updating recently...but i have the unfortunate writer's block :'( i'll try to post asap!!


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Chapter 37: Sequel please
Demilee_16 #2
Chapter 37: Omg I died reading that!!! It was awesome sauce!!!
Chapter 37: Love the story!! JR!!!!
just wanted to say that I had found this story on watt pad and loved it a lot!
the story was seriously amazing :3
that was all I wanted to say =3
BlueJoker427 #5
I loved this story so much *^* I don't even like JR that much, well not that I hate him but I'm just madly in love with Ren ^\\\\^ you are such a good writer that I didn't even mind it nort being my Ren xD thank you for this story it's so beautiful it made me so happy
xXRennieXx #6
Chapter 37: Asdfghjkl -dies from spasm- * O *
Chapter 36: Ok so what happen to the dad
I love this story *o*
xXRennieXx #9
Chapter 35: * o * Fight fight fight fight. x'DDD Dis gonna be epic > w <
i-love-k #10
Chapter 34: O_______________O