Chapter 25

Ready Set Action!


Jooyoung POV
The next morning you wake to he smell of eggs and bacon. You walk downstairs and see a mini tent on the table. There's a note on top that read : Miyanae  princess but I had to step out for a bit ill see you tonight. 
You eat your breakfast and go to lie down on your couch. When your doorbell rings. You ignore it assuming it an annoying salesman. But the doorbell keeps ringing repetitively. 
"Araseo araseo I'm coming now shut up!" 
You open your eyes to see minhyun standin in your doorway.  
You invite him inside and he nods and sits on the couch. 
"Do you want something to drink?" You ask politely. 
"No I'm good" 
You take a seat on the opposite side of the couch. A couple minutes pass by of awkward silence when finally he starts to speak. 
"Let's go on a date!" 
1 hour you arrive at the amusement park. You're wearing a long sleeved plaid shirt with shorts and converse. "So what do you want to ride on " he asks. 
You point out the biggest rollercoaster. You turn and see his face turns completely white but he agrees to ride it with you. 5 minutes later the ride ends and he quickly runs to the bathroom. "Are you okay " you laugh. 
He smiles "I will be after a moment of rest." He sits down on the bench and leans his head back. 
"I'll go get some water." 
You find a vender selling ice cream " can I have a cup of water and a vanilla cone" you turn to see it minhyun is still there but you can't spot him. Instead there is a swarm of girls surrounding the bench. 
"You're ice cream young lady" 
You turn around and see ernhandinggyiu two cones "uh I only ordered one scoop"
"It's on the house for you and your handsome boyfriend over there " she smiles 
"Oh uh.. Thank you " you blush and try to call minhyun. One of the girl backs up and bumps into causing you to trip. Just as you were about to fall strong hands catch you. You look up to see minhyuns face right next to yours. He looks at the ice cream and takes a . "Sorry girls I'm here with someone already." They all pouted and left cursing. "Sorry Jooyoung they just surrounded me while I was resting. Quick lets go to that ride!" He grabs your hand and runs toward the haunted house . 
"BOO!!!" A zombie popped out from under the floor board. You do a round house kick and knock him over grouning in pain. You run out screaming like a maniac after punching 2 holes in the wall. 
"Don't ever go to a haunted house again. You'll kill someone!" Minhyun chuckles. 
"Yeah" you say shyly
"Let's to on that one!" Pointing to the Ferris wheel he grabs your arm and drags you in line. The helper leads you Inside the cart and closes the door.  
"So why did we you want to come here?" You ask. Suddenly minhyun gets up and you feel something soft on your lips. You push him away, your face red as a tomato. "Why did you do that?!" 
You blink a few times processing what he said. Finally your mind reorganizes so you can actually speak words. "Sorry I have someone I like" 
A few moments pass and minhyun faces the window. "It's JR isn't it ". You can't see his expression but you know he's sad by the tone of his voice. 
"Yes" you say shyly. 
"We'll the reason I took you hear was to tell you that his exgirlfriends back in town. I hope you won't meet up because shes a real nutcase." 
"Oh .. Thank you" 
A few awkward moments pass and be turns and looks you straight in the eye " I will never stop trying." the ride reaches the bottom and just as the helper opens the door he pecks you on the lip and runs out laughing. 
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im sorry i haven't been updating recently...but i have the unfortunate writer's block :'( i'll try to post asap!!


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Chapter 37: Sequel please
Demilee_16 #2
Chapter 37: Omg I died reading that!!! It was awesome sauce!!!
Chapter 37: Love the story!! JR!!!!
just wanted to say that I had found this story on watt pad and loved it a lot!
the story was seriously amazing :3
that was all I wanted to say =3
BlueJoker427 #5
I loved this story so much *^* I don't even like JR that much, well not that I hate him but I'm just madly in love with Ren ^\\\\^ you are such a good writer that I didn't even mind it nort being my Ren xD thank you for this story it's so beautiful it made me so happy
xXRennieXx #6
Chapter 37: Asdfghjkl -dies from spasm- * O *
Chapter 36: Ok so what happen to the dad
I love this story *o*
xXRennieXx #9
Chapter 35: * o * Fight fight fight fight. x'DDD Dis gonna be epic > w <
i-love-k #10
Chapter 34: O_______________O