Chapter 20

Ready Set Action!

Jooyoung POV 

He gives you a wave and the class starts. The bell rings and you try to blend in with everyone fruit to rush out the door. "Jooyoung please stay for a moment." once again the girls give you evil glares as you turn around to take your seat again. "Well we meet again it must be fate!"

You quickly turn away avoiding his gaze. He looked too much like MinKi it was hard for you to deal with it. "Uhh sorry but I need to go study." 

Suddenly his smile turns into a frown making you feel guilty. His smile was so wonderful and filled with kindness. You stop all the muscles in your Jody from getting up and going to give him a hug. "Do you no like me?" 

"no!" you answer immediately. 

His frown turns back into a smile and you notice he has two cute dimples on each side. "What are you doing for lunch? I'd like to treat you plus you still owe me one for tackling me the other time." he starts walking toward you. 


"yay. Then come to my classroom at lunch and I'll meet you here. “He holds out his hand and you shake it. He holds open the door and you excuse yourself.  As you’re walking to class the tardy bell rings. "Oh no!! I'm late! Woops I forgot my books!" you run back to your locker and suddenly your nose smashes into a wall. "Oww" you touch your nose to see if it's broken and look up to see what you ran into. 

"Hey stranger." 

You look up into JRs eyes and immediately regret it. He grabs your arm and drags you off. You arrive in the parking lot. "No let me go I need to class. The sun is above your head shunning down. You look up and it looks like JR is glowing and you notice he's quite good looking. You blush and lower your head but immediately you’re off the ground on something soft. You're on his lap!! "Let me go!!" you try to squirm away. "I you don't sit still you'll fall off." you give up and he drives off to your mysterious destination.

"Let go of me!! You're wrinkling my shirt!!" 

You open your eyes realizing JR parked the motorcycle. You unclench your hands and release the bundles of JRs shirt. He gets off his bike and holds out his hand for you to grab. He carries you off and sets you on the ground nicely. 

"Where are we?" 

"secret" JR whispers and winks at you

you slightly blush and to hide it you start walking toward. Suddenly a hand grabs you back. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"towards the buildings?"

He starts walking toward you. He leans down and quickly picks you up and carries you in his arms. 

"Let me go!! I can walk on my own. “

He walks towards the end of the parking lot into the woods. After a little while you start getting a little sleepy from the swaying. As you're closing your eyes you see a smile on JRs face. 

"Hey you can wake up now sleepy head." 

You open your eyes and look around. It's like a dream. All around you is colorful flowers. You're in the middle of a field and a little more down is a clear pond with baby ducks swimming. 

"Where are we? It's beautiful. “

His face lights up and his lips turn upwards into a beautiful smile. *he should smile more often. It's cute* 

"welcome to my secret garden"


A/N: Sorry it's so late!!!!! >.<  i'll post two chapters!!! but tell me what you think!

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im sorry i haven't been updating recently...but i have the unfortunate writer's block :'( i'll try to post asap!!


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Chapter 37: Sequel please
Demilee_16 #2
Chapter 37: Omg I died reading that!!! It was awesome sauce!!!
Chapter 37: Love the story!! JR!!!!
just wanted to say that I had found this story on watt pad and loved it a lot!
the story was seriously amazing :3
that was all I wanted to say =3
BlueJoker427 #5
I loved this story so much *^* I don't even like JR that much, well not that I hate him but I'm just madly in love with Ren ^\\\\^ you are such a good writer that I didn't even mind it nort being my Ren xD thank you for this story it's so beautiful it made me so happy
xXRennieXx #6
Chapter 37: Asdfghjkl -dies from spasm- * O *
Chapter 36: Ok so what happen to the dad
I love this story *o*
xXRennieXx #9
Chapter 35: * o * Fight fight fight fight. x'DDD Dis gonna be epic > w <
i-love-k #10
Chapter 34: O_______________O