Big Squid

Big Squid


“Jagiya!” Key yelps, never stirring from his relaxed position sprawled about on the couch, a newspaper in hand. “What’s an 8-letter word for ‘pathetic’?” 
You roll your eyes and continue washing the mussels and seafood you are preparing for dinner. It has been a boring uneventful day, but crossword puzzles are the last you want to do. “How should I know?” you reply.
Key doesn’t move. He adjusts his position on the couch to be more comfortable. “Because you’re my jagiya, and my jagiya knows everything.”
You ignore this statement and just continue washing octopus tentacles. “I don’t know,” you say. Key is getting impatient. He puts the newspaper away from his face, closes his eyes in exasperation and yells for you again.
“JAGIYA!” he says. “An 8-letter word for ‘pathetic’! I’m about to win—,”
You take your hands out from the cold water and put them up in surrender. Key is adamant, and so you yell the first thing that comes to your mind. “BIG SQUID!” 
Key is about to write it down when he suddenly does a double-take. “Big squi-?”
Big squid? B-I-G-S-Q-U-I-D. He scratches at his head wondering just what in the world has possessed you to suggest “big squid” as the answer to an intellectual crossword puzzle. He gets up from the couch and is about to confront you when he suddenly decides to wave it off. 
“Nevermind,” he says, getting back on the couch. “Yeah, you’re right, that is kind of pathetic.”
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Chapter 1: XD XD Big squid...LOL I was gonna say hopeless...
Chapter 1: I was wondering just what this fic could be about until I read it. LOL. Key's right. It's kind of pathetic xD
Chapter 1: Lollll people are looking at me weird
Chapter 1: Bahahah. That was so random. :p
Chapter 1: AH AH AH
Very funny.. AH AH AH.. BIG SQUID :D :D
this was hilarious