Tour Around Seoul

The Only Difference Between You and Me


So that night before, Joon had told me that tomorrow would be one of those days when they would get up really early for training. And when I mean early, I mean like a four in the morning early. But he said were weren't getting up at four...or at least that's what he had thought. Thunder crept into the room that Joon and I had shared. He flicked on the light switch and looked at me while I was asleep. He nudged me several times, but I didn't budge. (Did I mention I was a hard sleeper?)


So he turned his attention to Joon and woke him up instead. “Wae,wae,wae? What time is it?” Joon asked. “It's 4:30. Come on, get up,” Thunder said as he turned to leave. Joon climed down from the ladder. I was still out cold. “Ashley-ah, he nudged me. I didn't move. “Yah, Ashley-ah, he said again. He walked out of the room, only to return with Thunder right behind. Even Mir had peeked in to see what was the problem. “Noona,” Thunder called. Joon sat on the bed next to me and began to poke me. “Ashley-ah, please wake up.” he said.


“Noona, you must get up,” Mir mumbled. Finally, I came through. Only thanks to Joon poking me nonstop. “Mmmnh,”I moaned. That was usually my signal to let someone know I was awake. “Noona, get up please,” Thunder asked politely. I sat up trying to pull my wits together. “It really took five minutes to get her up,” Joon said. “What time is it?” I asked. “Actually seven, because it's 4:37.” said Mir. G.O came into the room. “Yah, go back to bed. Ji-Hoon hyung just sent a text saying that he has given us a day off since Ashley-ah is here,” he said.


Are you serious right now? No one takes me out of my deep sleep for no reason! (They better hope I'm not too cranky later,) I thought to myself as I laid back down. I pulled the covers over my head. “I think I'm going to get up anyway hyung,” Mir said. “Neh, me too,” said Thunder. When they had walked out of the room, I pulled the covers down only to the bridge of my nose so that I could see Joon. He gave a light smile. “Are you getting up too?” he asked. I sighed. Usually in situations like this I go right back to bed. I sat up, searching for my iPod.


“Can you get my iPod please?” I asked. He got up and walked over to the dresser. He came back and sat on the bed, but this time, he was a little bit closer. “I think I will try to go back to sleep. If not, I will come and meet you guys.” I said, putting on my headphones. A few hours later, it was around seven or so. I had woken up at six and joined the guys (with the exception of Seungho) in watching some television. Even though everything was in Korean, they tried their best to explain to me what was going on. The boys and I were now eating breakfast, which G.O cooked.


Seungho came into the kitchen, and boy did he look rough. “Are you ok? You don't look too hot,” I asked concerned. “I'm fine. My dark circles make me this way.” he answered. That was when I noticed. Under his eyes were several shades darker than his seemingly pale skin. “Maybe you should get some cucumbers to sleep with at night.” I suggested. Suengho only smiled lightly and sat down to eat. When we finished, I helped wash the dishes. We got dressed for the day, and the guys decided since they had the day off that they would take me on a tour around the city.


I was very excited to see what Seoul has to offer. We started out in various shops, from little conveience stores, to department stores, to the mall. The shops had very nice things, whether it was clothes, shoes, etc. They showed me to the park and the museums. They even wanted to take me to the amusement park, but they didn't have enough money for that, so they promised they would take me before I left. We decided to play at the park for a while instead, playing on swings, hide and go seek, and tag. Before we knew it, it was time for lunch. We went out and got pizza.



After eating pizza, they took me to see the Han River. We walked along the sidewalk, joking around as if we knew each other for years. We decided to go back into town, only because Mir wanted me to play at the arcade with him. When we got there, Mir saw the whack-a-mole and took off. Thunder ran over to meet him so he could play as well. Seungho and G.O decided to play a round of Dance Dance Revolution. I never did like that game. But one thing did catch my attention-indoor cart racing!


I loved to do that. Just the rush of driving so fast around the track without hitting anyone was like adrenaline in my veins. I grabbed Joon and we paid to get on. It was just me and him, because all the kids had already finished riding. We went around the track five times. At first, it seemed like he was going to win, but at the last moment, he veered to the right and I managed to pass him up! Talk about close! When we finished I did a little happy dance, which made him laugh.


When we finally made it back to the dorm, it was well past three. “So noona, what do you think?” asked Thunder. “It's really nice here. And thank you for taking me around. I really had a great time today, ain't that right Joon?” I grinned, referring to earlier when I had beaten him in cart racing. He only nodded and smiled back. “Hyung, we can't forget to take noona to the amusement park soon!” Mir exclaimed. “Maybe we can do it sometime next week.” Seungho replied.

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teentopbapshineefx #1
Chapter 1: it's funny how they eat sushi at a chinese restaurant xD didn't know they serve that their !!!! btw good story :DDDD
MissC01 #2
Thanks for the triple update :)
SadisticSinner #3
Hey!~ If you'll ever need a poster/CC/CP/background feel free to come and request from ☆Dark Imagination☆ Graphic Request Shop~
Request from me or the other staff ^-^ Thank you.
MissC01 #4
Thanks for the double update~!
Seoul-Less #5
Yay update!!!
The storyline seems really interesting. I'm looking forward to see the way the story is developing~
The only thing that seems a bit weird to me is the relationship with joon. It just seems a strange to me to be okay sleeping in the same bed with someone you don't know. Anyway, I'm still looking forward to your updates :)