New House

The Only Difference Between You and Me

Journal Entry 2:

The Second day at MBLAQ's dorm went very well.They took me sight seeing around the city of Seoul. We visited shops, museums, the arcade, the park, and the Han River. They also taught me how to play a game called 1,2,7,8,9. I learned that these guys like to have fun in their spare time.They did not attend training today due to my arrival. They will resume tomorrow.


And so tomorrow came just as fast as I had written it. Seungho had everyon in the house awake by six. Joon let me get ready first, and then he would change. I made sure to take my journal with me, so that I could record everything there was to be recorded. By a quarter to seven, we were on our way to J. Tune. Everyone was quiet. What happened to the upbeat men before? They were so silent, looking out the window, or half falling asleep. Surely these weren't the same fun all around guys from the day before, were they?


When we arrived, we went straight to the fifth floor. They began to warm up before Rain came in. I sat down on the floor against the wall and took out my journal. Rain came in and greeted them, then sat on the floor next to me. "How did they treat you yesterday?" he asked. "They were great. Real gentlemen." I said. He gave me his killer smile. "Good, because if they hadn't, I would've gave them a little talk. But they really are good boys," he said. He stood up and began to instruct them. They began to go over the routine they had been working on for sometime now.


The hours flew by while they practiced, along with my observing. Rain had finally let them go at five. The boys left the room, exhausted, while Rain asked me to stay behind. "How were they?" he asked. "Overall, I think they did well, some of the steps do need work, and I notice that Mir is having a little bit of trouble." I said. Rain looked at me in disbelief. "I specifically asked Mir if he knew what to do," he folded his arms. "Well, when he tried the steps, to me he looked confused as ever." I said. Rain sighed. "Would you mind asking him about it? Maybe tomorrow I can show you the steps, and let you work with him one on one." Rain said. "Sure, I can do that." I said.


"Thank you, oh, and before I forget, you all have a surprise waiting for you," He winked, allowing me to go out the door first. I met up with the guys at the elevator. I wonder what kind of surprise Rain was talking about? When we got back to the dorm, our bags were all packed up. The boys' manager came out from the corner. "Hey guys, Rain has arranged for you to live in a new house, for the time that Ashley-ssi is here." he said. So that's what he was talking about! Wow, he sure is nice. I'm going to have to call him and thank him later.


So we grabbed our belongings and drove all the way to the outskirts of the city, where our house was located. It was very nice. It had five bedrooms and two bathrooms. "Yah, where is Ashley-ah going to sleep?" asked G.O. Oh, here we go again. "I think I'll just continue to room with Joon, if that's ok with him," I said. "Oh, I don't mind," Joon smiled. Now the only situation was, Joon and I would be sharing the same bed. We walked into our room, which had a very big space. The bed spread was a dark sky blue color, with black designs on it. 


There was a walkin closet, a large wooden dresser, a small desk, the walls were white, the floor was hardwood, the curtains were white and the window looked like one of those sliding doors. "You can have the bed, I will sleep on the floor." Joon said. "Are you sure? I don't want you to break your back because of me," I said. "No, I will be fine. You need your rest. You need to stay beautiful!" he said, then lowering his head shyly, realizing his comment. (He's so cute,) I thought to myself.

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teentopbapshineefx #1
Chapter 1: it's funny how they eat sushi at a chinese restaurant xD didn't know they serve that their !!!! btw good story :DDDD
MissC01 #2
Thanks for the triple update :)
SadisticSinner #3
Hey!~ If you'll ever need a poster/CC/CP/background feel free to come and request from ☆Dark Imagination☆ Graphic Request Shop~
Request from me or the other staff ^-^ Thank you.
MissC01 #4
Thanks for the double update~!
Seoul-Less #5
Yay update!!!
The storyline seems really interesting. I'm looking forward to see the way the story is developing~
The only thing that seems a bit weird to me is the relationship with joon. It just seems a strange to me to be okay sleeping in the same bed with someone you don't know. Anyway, I'm still looking forward to your updates :)