• Deleted Scene •

My Almost Forged Marriage






                                                                                              Song : SHINee - Please, Don't Go





Author's note : This is an excerpt not found in the fanfiction. It has nothing for the plot and yet, I believe shows a little spark between the two. Think of this as a deleted scene, seeing as I didn’t want the two to grow so close too fast. This would have really mixed up Hyeomin’s emotions and made things more difficult for the rest of the story.

This takes place before Hyeomin awakens to see Jong-In sleeping next to her in chapter 9 



Hyeomin jolted awake, her eyes looking around to see only darkness at first. It was obviously still night, but what hour of it she couldn’t tell. But as her eyes readjusted to the darkness, she noticed her surroundings immediately.

She was in Jong-In’s apartment again, lying on his bed in complete darkness.

She heard no heavy breathing, knowing almost instantly that Jong-In had yet to return. Where was he? Why hadn’t he come back yet? She thought over grabbing her phone and calling him, but her brain stopped her. Why was she worried over him? She shouldn’t be. He was growing into a man and could very much handle himself. Besides, if it was something serious, he would have told her… right?

Suddenly, she heard the door open and her body reacted before her brain could. Diving back under the covers, she closed her eyes tightly and waited. A groan sounded farther down, probably near the kitchen. It was Jong-In’s groan, something she had grown used to over the years. She could pinpoint it even in her sleep haze.

“This…” His voice was loud enough to hear and yet, so quiet he seemed to be speaking without thought. Hyeomin found herself waking up more with curiosity.

The sound of the kitchen sink running could be heard and just as quickly the sound of a glass being placed into it. And that was when footsteps headed her way.

Her heart hammered in her chest, as if she was about to get caught for doing something. Why? She hadn’t done anything wrong. She had merely waited for him, even woke up again to worry more over him.

Worry? Nah, that couldn’t be it.

The squeaking of the door hinges sounded and the footsteps ceased as light entered the once dark room. He stood there for quite some time, staring at her. But Hyeomin was unable to know that with her tightly closed eyes. Instead, she felt her thoughts racing. Why had he stopped? Did he know she was awake?

Then the light disappeared and the door shut. She would have let a sigh of relief escape if she had felt at ease. But she didn’t. The footsteps approached her and she felt completely frozen. He knew. She was positive that he knew now.

But he was so exhausted himself that he didn’t notice her too-tightly closed eyes. If Hyeomin could see him, she would have seen his eyes trace the outline of her face. His eyes even lingered on the way she clung to the pillow and the wrinkles in the blanket, showing her movement in her sleep.

Without thinking, his hand outstretched and the back of it gently caressed the “sleeping” woman. Hyeomin felt her heart completely stop. He knew she was awake. No doubt now, seeing as he was teasing her. He was trying to get her to confess.

That jerk…

But that wasn’t what it was at all. She realized this when he spoke, his words showing the mental and emotional exhaustion he had been through.

“Why can’t things be like how they are with you all of the time? You drive me crazy but… I never have to worry.” And that was when her heart started racing. What… What was he saying? “You just make life easier. Before I didn’t like it but now…” A sigh escaped and Hyeomin felt herself holding her breath.

“Please… don’t wake up. I need this.”

She then felt his hand remove itself, the air now chilling that spot on her face. She wanted to reach out and tell him to touch her again, but her brain shut that down as well. After all, he was probably out of his mind at that moment.

Or still teasing in a way that would really get her.

But he thought her asleep… Or did he?

She then heard clothes being removed and her lips twerked in an almost nervous, agitated way. What. Was. He. Doing?!

And then, she felt the bed push down with his weight and warmth overcome her. His bare arms wrapped around her small frame and his head nuzzled into her back. The next few minutes were silent and completely filled with Hyeomin trying to remind herself to remain calm and breathe.

Her heart had to be hammering. Did he not hear it?

“I haven’t had a hug in so long…” He murmured into her back, the vulnerability finally seeping from him. “All of this time has been so… stressful. My grandmother, Demon…” What was wrong with Demon?

Another sigh sounded and she felt his arms give a light squeeze. “Then you come in and help, even if I treated you horribly in high school. How… How could you do something like that… for me?”

She felt her heart start to slow and ache with how sad he sounded. Did he think himself not worthy of such treatment? But… he always acted so high and mighty. Why… Why would he ever think himself not worth this?

“Just… Please, let’s stay like this. At least for tonight.”

And after the longest, quietest few minutes of her life, she heard Jong-In’s even breathing. He had fallen asleep and his arms had softened around her. He had fallen asleep soundly while holding her.

Her eyes finally opened and she shifted very slowly to look at her fake fiance. There, on his face, was pain. Something horrible had happened tonight and it almost made him break.

Frowning, she pressed her lips gently to his forehead and wrapped her own arms around him.

Tonight, she would be his protection. Nothing could hurt him as long as she was there.




Hello my loveliess :3 it's been a while didn't it ?

Thank you all for being  so patient with this. You guys are amazing :3

Sorry that this isn't a chapter but just a deleted scene :(  please don't be dissappointed.

And I can't believe I reached 135 subs :3 thank you all I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU <3

Plus reading your comments in tiring school days sure is a bless ^^

Oh btw I started writing a new fanfiction too  heartstings :3 if anyone is interested hihi

So expect the new chapter sooon !  I'm currently working on it .

/ Puts writing hat on  /

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14/11/12 » new header yo'


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phulzyxtre #1
Chapter 15: huaa,,, just found this interesting story, but it's on hiatus hiks hiks. i just want you to know i really enjoyed it! :D
Chapter 15: boo :(((((((
Chapter 15: sighs................................
JustSmileInLife #4
Chapter 15: Aww... *sob* it was such a great story! They were both going to try to have a relationship TT.TT I cant believe that you got some bashing from this story... it's too good!! I'm just sad that it'll be on permanent hiatus... I respect your decision though :] I can't wait until your next story comes out around the summer time! ^.^ I'm sure it will be as great as this one was! Thank you for this story! ^.^
onnonono #5
Chapter 15: Just don't delete this pleaseeee! Maybe u can continue over the summer :3
user555 #6
Chapter 15: wow hahahha i read all of the chapters at once then reached this lol oops oh well real shame, thanks though
Chapter 15: :'( I love this fic... This is one of my fav fics here. I really enjoyed reading every single chapter of this story, eventhough i dont comment much, i was always looking forward for new updates and I am sad that u wont be updating anymore. I hope one day u can go back to this story. Ur a great writer and i love this story, dont let those haters tell u otherwise. Good luck on your new story!! Fighting!! ^_^
t__yeon #8
Chapter 15: Wait, what? You got hate because of this story? I absolutely love this story. It had real potential. I'm sad to see it go :'( I'll be waiting for your new story!
Chapter 15: i literally squealed the moment i saw you updated though. anyway, i'll be waiting for your next fanfic.