The (Ex-)Boyfriend

A Love That Never Fades

Hyukjae's POV

=At Donghae's home=

"Where is this boy?!" — Donghae's Father shouted loudly when he couldn't reach his son by calling him. He stood outside the house, smoking.

I gulped when my Friends and I stopped the car in front of the house. Was it a good idea to talk to him? I know he wouldn't be happy to see me. I looked over to my Friends.

We got out of the car and slowly walked up the stairs to the cursing old man. I stopped walking when he turned to us and glared me down. Oh God. I was so nervous. I'm sorry Donghae but I couldn't keep it a secret. 

 Donghae's POV

I woke up in a lightly white room. Everything was blur. What happened to me? I rubbed my eyes several times. My eyes widen as soon as I could see clearer. 

"W-why-", I tried to speak but my throat was super dry. Why was I here? I couldn't remember a thing. Nobody was by my side so I assumed that I had been in school and something happened there. 

I slightly sat up and felt pain in my stomache. I looked down and saw a big scar there. My head shot up when the doctor walked inside. 

I stared at him when he smiled at me and injected me something into my arm. I felt my head going numb. The drugs worked immediately and I fell asleep again.


=Hours later=

The nurse woke me up when it was time to eat. I sat slowly up because I was still in pain. I wasn't any hungry but I still ate to make the nurse happier as I felt a warm hand on mine.

My head turned to the left as I meet hazel-brown eyes. I almost chocked on my food.

"Easy easy Hae",he gave me a little clap on the back.

I couldn't believe that he was really here. "Happy to see me?",he said with a smile. "I heard that you're in the hospital and thought to come and check on you" 

I was speechless. There he is. Right next to my hospital bed. My ex-boyfriend Wooyoung. 

"I-but-you..",I shook my head. "You left..without a word.." He shut me up by caressing my cheek softly. He obviously knew how much power he had since I loved him with all of my heart. 

"And as soon as I left you get into danger pabo". I tensed. Pabo. Wooyoung gave him the nickname the day they got together. 

I didn't know if I should cry hardly now or if I should be angry. I fastly forgot about that thought when his face came closer to mine. My heart beat started to increase,I felt my heart exploding as I felt his soft warm lips on mine. 

Hyukjae's POV

I was on the way back to the hospital when his father didn't want to listen to me. My friends stayed and tried to explain that Donghae passed out and got a surgery. 

As soon as I got into the hospital I walked to his room. I softly knocked against the door and walked inside. I freezed when I saw somebody kissing Donghae.

Even tho we weren't in a relationship yet I felt my heart break. I closed the door again and sank down on the ground. 

Why did I feel like that? 



I'm sorry it has been so long for a new chapter + it's not very long. Maybe it's even not as good as the other 2. I still hope you like it :-) <3 


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Chapter 2: Updateeeeeee
itsmeain #2
itsmeain #3
Cuuuuuute~! Omg I really wanna read this further :3 Update update update! <3