A Day Out

Wedding Rings
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Chapter 12 : A Day Out.


"Where are we going?" I drove my Bentley to unknown location in Ilsan—at least... For me. She kept silent all time, and grinned next to me. Sometimes she gave me directions. "Yoona-ah, stop joking! Where are we going?"

"It's a secret, Oppa."

"Okay then," I took the right side of the road. "I'll kick you out right now."

She laughed. "You have been saying that so many times this past hour, yet you didn't even stop the car."

"That's because I'm being too nice."

She faked a yawn. "Okay okay."

"You meanie!" I flicked her temple lightly. She laughed, showing her alligator like mouth. "I'm not."

Then, after 15 minutes of driving, she told me to stop in front of a huge warehouse. I didn't know where the heck it was, so I just followed her around without any idea what we were going to do there.

"What are we doing here?"

"Just follow me,” she said as she went to the really big door in front of us. She opened it and stepped in, I followed her step.

“YAH, YOONA-UNNIE, WHERE WERE YOU? THE PHOTOSHOOT IS STARTING IN HALF AN HOUR!” Scream was heard the moment we stepped into the room. Yoona sighed immediately and turned around, looking at a petite woman that was running towards us.

“Jieun-ah, don’t be so tensed. Half an hour is enough.” Yoona assured her with her cheeky grin. I stood quietly behind Yoona, watching the petite girl sighed and Yoona grinned.

“Aigoo, unnie!” The petite girl shook her head in frustration. “You haven’t arranged everything. Not even a set of clothes! Half an hour wouldn’t be enough to arrange dozen set of clothes!”

Yoona laughed and pulled my hand. She basically dragged me next to her. “That’s why I brought him here to work with us.”

That petite girl finally looked at me with her dolly like eyes. She looked at me from head to toe—like she was examining my clothes today—and smiled in satisfaction. 

“Yah Yoona-ah! I even don’t know what we are going to do today! And what about you dragged me here to work?”  I raised my eyebrow. She just smiled all the time.

“You didn’t ask me what is happening here.” She said with a cheeky smile.

“I did!”

The petite girl looked at us in amusement. The heck, what is Yoona’s plan just now?

“Well, for your information…” She stopped and took a breath. Damn. She just made me more curious about what she would say next. “My magazine is having a photo shoot here…”

Her words made my ears perked in excitement. “Really?”

She nodded. “Hmm. And we need an extra fashion editor this time round.”

“Me?” I pointed myself. “Are you sure? Don’t you have a male fashion editor, do you?”

“We do,” the petite girl answered instead. “But he’s so damn sick and whatsoever. So, the editor in chief has to do the arrangement alone, for the man and woman models.”

I looked at Yoona. She still smiled nonetheless, and it was the bright yet cheeky smile I love. “You want me to help?”

“If I don’t, I wouldn’t make you drive me here in the first place. I have my own car and have my own driver license, you know?”

“Well then, I guess I can help?”

“Good.” The petite girl smiled in satisfaction and immediately walked away from us. We followed her while walking hand in hand.

“Yah, Oppa.” Yoona nudged my elbow with hers.


“You haven’t asked what brand we wear for this photo shoot.”

“Do I need to?”

“You do.”

“Then, what is it?”

“It’s…” Yoona moved next to my ear and wishpered slowly and seductively. “Chrome Hearts.”

She immediately walked away, left me speechless with the recent information.

And here I was, dumbfounded with the great news.

I LOVE CHROME HEARTS. NO DOUBT. And this photo shoot would be so freaking amazing with bunch of Chrome Hearts.

“OYEAAAAAAAAH!!!!!” I yelled in happiness. Made other people around me looked at me with shocked expression.

Well then, I couldn’t help it. I was too happy.


The photo shoot has been ah-ma-zing, I told ya!

I found a lot of Chrome Hearts accessories I haven’t even see in the store, and even found some cool slash awesome brands that I haven’t discovered before. If I wasn’t a music composer in the first place, I would definitely pick this job as my career!

“Have your fun?” Suddenly, Yoona showed up next to me. She had her hair tied in messy bun and she had her heels changed to oxford shoes. She also had a water bottle in her hand.

“Yeah. Thank you so much for the chance.” I grinned happily. I swear to God, I will drive her to her magazine’s photo shoot willingly if I could experience this awesomeness again. “The photo shoot has been amazing so far, and the Chrome Hearts store is waiting for me to be visited.”

She laughed and opened the water bottle. “You had your fun because this is your first time, for me, it isn't so fun anymore.” She drank her water and handed me the remaining water. “Want some?”

I quickly took the bottle and gulped it down. “Lies!” We both had our fun—from picking and match the clothes with each other’s choices, made the models try the clothes, and even pointing mistakes to one each other.


Suddenly, the door flung open and a man in his late 20s barged in. He coughed madly, but still looked so lively with his button up shirt, chino pants, and thick scarf. He had classy-preppy style, far different with my (somehow looked) experimental style.

"YAH IM YOONA! HOW DARE YOU TO KICK ME OUT FROM MY JOB?" He managed to yell between his coughs. Yoona stood up and grabbed the man's wrist.

"You are sick, Seungrat." Yoona said sternly. She made him sat at the sofa and he groaned loudly. "I know you don't want to miss any photo shoot—just because you don’t want to waste your chance to meet beautiful women, but you're definitely sick."

"I still can do my job!" He said and coughed badly. I watched them quitely in my seat. Yoona shook her head and crossed her hand on her chest.

"With that condition? Come on Seungrat, we know you're sick."

"Well then, I'm indeed sick. Then who is the person in charge for the man models' clothes? We all know that you're pretty with that."

Yoona shrugged her shoulder, while watching the man she called Seungrat earlier coughed again. Damn, he must be really sick.

"That's why I made him come," Yoona turned around and faced me. "Ji-oppa, meet Lee Seungri, the fashion editor you replaced before." She turned around again, faced Seungri. "Seungrat, meet my boyfriend, Kwon Jiyong. He was the one who replace your position as the fashion editor."

I bowed my head in politeness, and he did the same. "Lee Seungri."

"Kwon Jiyong.

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2013/1/20 : The last epilogue posted! Enjoy reading :)


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Chapter 23: OMG, idk why, but I had the need to reread this, and I'm freaking crying. This story has so many memories. Ah, I'm just being weird now. I can't believe I had been on this for hours lol. But I love it so much! Keep up the good work, and I hope to read your future updates when you have time :)
Chapter 22: gyoon couple ♥♥♥
Chapter 23: Omg, I was so excited to see this update!!!!! The scene about Seunghyun coming home drunk made me laugh because I can picture him actually doing that. And I'm so glad that Yoona and Seunghyun were able to work out their differences and look at the conflict through each other's eyes. Thank you very much for this wonderful update. I was smiling throughout the whole chapter. I hope to read more from you in the near future :)
novamp #4
Chapter 23: Omg....i cant believe this
Extra chapter of Topyoon
Woah.....i like it....like it so much
Thanks for the story and waiting for your other story
Chapter 23: Waaah extra chapter :))
They were sacrifice alot for their marriage
Thx for update
yoongieyoongie #6
Chapter 23: Love this story.. :) thx for the extra ending topyoon version. I love them better than gyoon. Please make the other story of topyoon.. Gumawo authornim :)
kaiyoonhae #7
Chapter 20: wonderful story!!! good job major android... im a yoonaddict ... and also pyro... gyoon...topyoon . taecyoon shipper... please make another yoona fanfic please.
Anzasims #8
Hahahha i subscribe coz i thought it was TOPYOON when i read the last chapter even before i readn chapter 5 that it ended up with gyoon, i unsubscribe right away. Sorry for that, my mistake.
Chapter 22: i really loved the two alternate endings, but my heart is leaning more to gyoon! hehehe

and dayum! both gtop are so sweeeeeet! ♡